Romancing the Crown: Kate & Lucas. Justine Davis

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Romancing the Crown: Kate & Lucas - Justine  Davis Mills & Boon Spotlight

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Queen Gwendolyn drew in a sharp breath. “Marcus, look.”

      The king stared at the baby. In silence, he slipped his arm around his wife’s shoulders.

      “Look at his hair, look at his eyes,” Gwendolyn went on. “And that chin. Do you see it?”

      “Yes, Gwen,” he said softly, pulling her close to his side. “I see.”

      Sam studied the child for a minute, then moved his gaze to the prince. What the queen had meant was clear. Lucas and the child shared the same dark brown hair, the same blue eyes, even the identical stubborn chin. The resemblance was so strong, it was unmistakable. A DNA test would undoubtedly have to be performed, considering the importance of proving the royal heir’s identity, but to anyone with eyes, the paternity was obvious.

      Like a man in a trance, Lucas moved forward. If he noticed that the child on the table was a younger version of himself, he gave no indication. He was holding onto the tight control he’d been exhibiting since they left the palace. “Is he all right? Is he healthy?”

      One of the doctors stepped aside, allowing Lucas to reach the table. “Yes, Your Highness. We’ve done a thorough examination, and the infant appears to be in good health. His heart is strong, his lungs are clear and his reflexes are normal, although he’s somewhat underweight for a child of three months.”

      It was clear to Sam that Lucas was no longer listening. The prince leaned over the table, his entire body brittle with tension as he regarded the baby.

      The child stopped gurgling and met Lucas’s gaze with a disconcerting solemnity. Then suddenly the baby smiled.

      Lucas closed his eyes and tipped back his head, inhaling unsteadily. He was silent for a moment, his shoulders shaking with emotions Sam couldn’t begin to imagine. Finally, Lucas blinked and touched his fingertips to the baby’s cheek. “Jess,” he whispered. His eyes gleamed with tears. “You have Jessie’s smile.”

      The doctor cleared his throat. “Apparently the child’s name is Luke, Your Highness. We’d like to transfer him to pediatrics as soon as possible. We need to run some more tests and we’d like to get his weight up….”

      “He has Jessie’s smile,” Lucas repeated, looking around as if the doctor hadn’t spoken. An expression of wonder was dawning on his face. “Jessie’s dimples. She always smiled like that. I thought I’d never see it again. I thought—” He clamped his jaw shut, his words choked off.

      Sam didn’t know all the details about the prince’s story, but he did know the man was mourning the death of the woman he loved. And now Lucas saw his lover in his child.

      Once more, Sam couldn’t imagine the emotions Lucas must be going through. What was it like to love a woman that strongly? Love wasn’t something Sam thought much about. With the demands of his career and the danger each mission entailed, he didn’t have the opportunity or the inclination for serious relationships.

      At least, that was the excuse he’d always given himself. Except for that one time five years ago…

      Without warning, an image rose in his memory. Long auburn hair, green eyes, the sound of laughter, the feel of skin sliding over sun-warmed skin. The image was so vivid, he could swear he caught her scent.

      Gardenias. Passionate and feminine.

      And fleeting.

      Sam rubbed his face, trying to concentrate on his duty.

      “I want to thank you and the hospital staff for your diligence.” King Marcus shook hands with each doctor. “My family and I are in your debt for your care of our newest member.”

      Evidently the king didn’t need to wait for the test results to confirm what he saw, either. He had publicly recognized the baby as a Sebastiani. Queen Gwendolyn was at Lucas’s side, her elegant features lit in a grandmotherly smile as she cooed over her grandson.

      “I’d also like to speak with the person who found him,” the king said. “I understand she was a Navy officer?”

      “Yes, Your Highness.”

      At the soft voice from the shadows in the corner of the room, Sam’s mouth went dry. No, it wasn’t possible. He had just been thinking of her, so he must be imagining her voice. How could she be here? Why now?

      A woman moved into the pool of light, her jogging shoes padding quietly on the tile floor. A pair of running shorts bared her long legs. A black T-shirt molded her breasts, and a gold chain with a tiny charm circled her throat. Her auburn hair was a short-cropped mass of finger-combed tufts.

      It hadn’t been his imagination, Sam thought. Somehow, she really was here.

      When had she cut her hair? When had she taken up jogging? Did she still cry over old movies? Did she ever think of him when she was alone at night and the sound of the waves were like sighs from the past?

      Kate. His Kate. In the flesh, and close enough to smell.

      And beautiful enough to make him want to forget the promise he’d made her five years ago.

      Chapter 2

      Kate couldn’t meet Sam’s gaze. Not yet. Not with this lump in her throat from the emotional scene she had just witnessed.

      But oh, God, he was more handsome than ever. She’d studied him when he hadn’t known she was in the room. There were sun streaks in his brown hair. There were new lines around his amber eyes. His cheeks were leaner, his shoulders broader. His entire bearing radiated the mature confidence of a man who knew what he wanted and had the strength to get it.

      He had once wanted her.

      That’s over, Kate told herself. Don’t think about the past. Concentrate on your duty.

      Despite her lack of uniform, Kate drew herself to attention and snapped up her hand in a salute. “Lieutenant Kate Mulvaney, Your Highness.”

      As diplomatic as he was reputed to be, King Marcus ignored her dishevelled appearance and her lack of military attire as he returned her salute. “I gather you were jogging past and witnessed what happened?”

      “Yes, sir. After I apprehended the suspect, I thought it best to guard the child until someone from the palace arrived. Admiral Howe, the base commander, agreed when I reported the situation to him. I’m at your service until you wish to relieve me.”

      “I appreciate your quick thinking, Lieutenant.”

      The baby was gurgling again, happy with the attention he was receiving from the queen and the prince. Montebellan royalty who just happened to be his grandmother and his father. Kate felt the gleeful sound grate across her nerves.

      Standing guard over the baby had been difficult. Not because there had been any danger, but because she had wanted her involvement with all of this to be over an hour ago. Had she thought the baby stirred painful memories? That was nothing compared to what she’d felt when she’d seen Sam walk in the room.

      Why couldn’t she have kept on running?

      “I was happy to help, sir,” she replied.


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