The Price of Fame. Anne Oliver

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The Price of Fame - Anne Oliver Mills & Boon Modern

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noticed now. Mesmerising, compelling. The kind of eyes you could lose yourself in and never find your way back … She tightened her slippery grip on her belongings. ‘I—’

      He touched a long tanned finger to her lips, glanced over her shoulder and gave her a look alerting her that the media pest was still watching, then said, ‘We’d better get moving—pandemonium’s about to break out.’ Curling a hand around her upper arm, he began to guide her towards the exit.

      ‘Hang on!’ She stopped. This was suddenly moving way too fast. ‘Where are you taking me? What is going on?’

      ‘Shh.’ His warm breath tickled her ear, making her toes curl inside her shoes. ‘Didn’t you hear the announcement?’ A flicker of barely there humour crossed his gaze—as if he knew she hadn’t. ‘All flights are grounded until tomorrow morning at the earliest.’ Tightening his grip, but not so much that it felt threatening or uncomfortable, he propelled her forward. ‘So we’re going to the airport hotel.’

      Of course she hadn’t heard any announcement. She’d been otherwise occupied. Blind and deaf and mute to everything but him. His hands resting with familiar ease on her waist, his lips moving expertly and intimately over hers as if they were long-term lovers …

      She didn’t even know his name.

      She jerked to a halt as warmth flooded into her cheeks. ‘Wait. Just wait. I don’t—’

      ‘You’d rather stay here and take your chances?’ He glanced at her, one eyebrow raised, his dark eyes assessing.

      No. Definitely not. Wise or foolish, she’d take her chances with Mr Expert Kisser.

      He tugged on her hand, giving her no further time to consider her options. ‘Your stalker’s following us—don’t look back.’

      A shiver ran down her spine as she struggled to keep up. Difficult when her knees still felt like clotted cream. ‘How do you know?’

      ‘I know how the guy’s mind works.’ They were approaching the terminal’s glass doors, being swept along with the tide of noise and people. ‘He’s watching to see if our impromptu display of affection continues. Waiting for us to slip up.’

      ‘But my luggage …’

      ‘Has been checked through. You’ll have to make do with what you’ve got.’

      They walked out into a dull winter’s late afternoon. Passengers who hadn’t heard the news were still arriving, others were diving into taxis as fast as they pulled into the kerb and disgorged their load.

      She accompanied him towards the sky bridge that led to the multi-storey car park and hotel. ‘I’m sure we convinced him,’ she murmured, yanking her wheel-bag up over the kerb and onto a strip of grass. Heavens, this guy had convinced her—introverted scene-avoider, Charlotte Dumont. And in more ways than one.

      ‘Convincing, you reckon?’ He stopped, looked down at her, lips curved into that devastatingly intimate-secret grin again. His eyes were twinkling. Or maybe it was just the sun momentarily peeking out from behind the clouds. ‘I think we should give it another try,’ he said. ‘To be absolutely certain.’ Before she knew what he was about to do, he slipped the glasses off her face. ‘Ah,’ he murmured.

      She jerked her chin up, daring herself to meet his gaze. ‘You were expecting brilliant blue or moss green? Violet maybe? I appreciate your help,’ she hurried on before he could pay her some smoothly delivered yet empty compliment she didn’t want to hear. She bent to unzip the side pocket of her bag, slid her documents inside, then straightened. ‘Really. Thank you. But was all that …’ she waved a hand, trying to find the right words to express the almost orgasmic experience and failing ‘… necessary?’

      Orgasmic? One kiss? Oh, she so needed to get a life. A new life. And wasn’t that why she was taking this trip? Time away to ponder her future and decide what she wanted to do? Which could, just maybe, include spicing up her non-existent sex life?

      ‘Absolutely it was necessary.’ His eyes remained on hers as he dumped his cabin bag at his feet. ‘Subtleties are lost on guys like him.’

      ‘Okay.’ She nodded. ‘Right. But I don’t think we need to repeat the performance.’

      He glanced towards the terminal. ‘Think again, babe.’

      ‘Oh, no.’ She didn’t look, snatching at her glasses instead, but he shook his head, holding them out of her reach. He stood so close she could feel his heat all down the front of her body.

      He caressed the side of her face with his thumb. ‘He can’t be sure you’re who he thinks you are—he’s too far away to see the colour of your eyes. And that’s his loss because they’re enchanting.’

      Oh, please. Flynn had been a smooth-talking charmer too. ‘They’re grey.’ She resisted reaching for her glasses again because that was exactly what he was expecting her to do.

      ‘Is there a reason you hide them behind sunglasses?’ he asked, studying her closely. Curiously.

      No way was she spilling her family history. ‘I woke up with a headache, if you really want to know.’

      ‘Sorry to hear that. How is it now?’

      ‘Better. Shall we get this over with, then?’

      One eyebrow rose. ‘You liked it well enough a moment ago.’

      And she had. She sure had.

      He touched her face again. ‘You should make the moves this time. Persuade him you’re hopelessly besotted with me.’

      A stiff breeze ruffled his hair. Black hair too long to call tidy, dark brows and olive skin that told her he was of Mediterranean descent. He had a square masculine jaw and prominent cheekbones. Lines crinkled at the corners of his eyes, as if he enjoyed life in the outdoors. His sensuous mouth curved easily and told her he also enjoyed more than a little indoors activity.

      Hopelessly besotted? How could she be? She’d never laid eyes on him before. And yet she couldn’t have said it better herself. And that should worry her because she wasn’t going to be lured and seduced by another man’s suave talk and good looks ever again. A man who undoubtedly knew exactly what he was doing, and did it often and well. ‘I don’t even know your name …’

      Amusement touched his lips. ‘It’s Nic. Yours?’

      She shook her head, rolled her lips together, then said, ‘I should tell you he didn’t have the wrong woman and he’s probably an expert lip-reader.’

      His gaze immediately dropped to her mouth and those dreamy brown eyes darkened. ‘All the more important to head him off, then, don’t you think? Kiss me.’

      His husky demand stroked her skin and she rubbed her jacket and the goose-bumps that sprang out on her arms beneath her sleeves. ‘I …’ Don’t kiss men I don’t know. Except she already had.

      ‘Say my name first if it makes you more comfortable.’

      As if he knew her concerns. ‘Nic.’ She liked the way it sounded on her tongue. She liked the fact that he was doing his best to put her at ease. That

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