A Merger...or Marriage?. RaeAnne Thayne

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A Merger...or Marriage? - RaeAnne Thayne The Wilder Family

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in the situation somehow didn’t make it any easier to endure.

      She sighed. “I need a good ride to clear my head. What do you say, Lilli-girl?”

      The dog gave a yip of approval and Anna smiled and set her down, then hurried into her temporary bedroom. The dog followed on her heels, then danced around the room impatiently as Anna changed from her business suit to lycra bike shorts and a matching shirt. The transformation only took a few moments, with a few more needed to change her work chignon to a more practical ponytail.

      A short time later, they set off with Lilli in her safety harness, watching the world pass from her perch inside a custom-made basket on the front of Anna’s racing bike.

      Almost instantly, Anna felt some of the tension leave her shoulders. Even in the city, this was her escape, riding along her favorite trails in Central Park, exploring new neighborhoods, darting around taxis and buses.

      Rediscovering the streets of her hometown had been a particular pleasure these past few days, and she could feel herself relax as the bike’s tires hummed along the asphalt.

      Early summer had to be her favorite time of year, she decided, when the world was green and lovely. As she rode down one street and then another, she savored the smells and sights, so different from her life the past eight years in Manhattan.

      The evening air was thick with the sweet smell of flowers, of meat grilling on a barbecue somewhere, of freshly mowed lawns.

      She pushed herself hard, making a wide circuit around the edge of town before circling back. By the time she cut through the park near her duplex, she felt much more centered and better equipped to tackle the mounds of paperwork still awaiting her attention that evening.

      The trail through the park took her past a baseball diamond where a game was underway. Because it seemed like such a perfect ending to her ride, a great way to celebrate a June evening, she paused to watch for a moment in the dying rays of the sun.

      The players were young. She had never been very good at gauging children’s ages but since many of them still had their baby fat and seemed more interested in jabbering to each other than paying attention to the game, she would have guessed them at five or so.

      She smiled, watching one eager batter swing at the ball on the tee a half-dozen times before he finally connected. The ball sailed into right field, just past a player who ran after it on stubby little legs.

      “Run for it, bud. You can catch it. That’s the way.”

      Anna jerked her head around at the voice ringing from the stands and stood frozen with dismay.

      When Richard claimed another commitment, she had assumed he meant a date. Instead, he sat in the bleachers looking gorgeous and casual in jeans and a golf shirt, cheering on the towheaded little outfielder she assumed was his son.

      For just an instant, she was tempted to ride away quickly so he didn’t think she was stalking him or something, but Lilli chose that inopportune moment to yip from her perch in the basket.

      Drawn to the sound, Richard turned his head and she saw his eyes widen with surprise as he recognized her.

      For one breathless instant, she thought she saw something else flicker there, something hot. But it was gone so quickly she was certain she must have imagined it.

      She raised a hand in greeting and then—mostly because she didn’t know what else to do amid the awkwardness of the chance encounter—she climbed from her bicycle, propped it against the metal bleachers then scooped Lilli out of the basket before joining him in the stands.

      “That must be Ethan out there,” she said.

      “It is. We’re up one run with one out and just need to hold them through this inning and it will be all over.”

      He turned his attention back to the game in time to cheer as the next player at bat hit the ball straight at the shortstop, who tossed it to first base. The fielder on first base looked astonished that he actually caught the ball in time to pick off the runner.

      “I have to admit, I’m a little surprised to see you here,” Richard said after a moment when the crowd’s wild cheers subsided. “I wouldn’t have expected a T-ball game to be quite up your alley.”

      Anna gave a rueful smile. “I only stopped on a whim. We live just a block away from here and have ridden through the park several times. This is the first game I’ve stopped at.”


      She held up Lilli and Richard raised one of his elegant eyebrows. “Is that a dog or a rat with a bad case of indigestion?”

      She made a face. “Hey, watch it. This is the queen of my heart. Lilli, this is Richard Green. Say hi.”

      The dog deigned to lift her paw but Richard only blinked.

      “You’re kidding.”

      Anna shook her head, hiding a smile. “I’m afraid not. She’ll be offended if you don’t shake.”

      With a sigh, he reached out a hand to take the dog’s tiny paw in his, which was all the encouragement Lilli needed to decide he was her new best friend. She wriggled with delight and gazed at him out of adoring eyes.

      This wasn’t the first time Anna had noticed her dog had a weakness for handsome men.

      “So you said the center fielder is your son?”

      Richard nodded. “He’s the one picking dandelions,” he said wryly.

      Anna laughed. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but I see three kids picking dandelions out there.”

      He smiled and she wondered how she could possibly have forgotten the devastating impact of his smile. “Mine’s the one in the middle.”

      As if on cue, the center fielder began to wave vigorously. “Hi, Daddy! Can you see me?”

      Richard nodded. “I see you, buddy,” he called out. “Watch the ball, okay?”

      Ethan beamed at his father and obeyed, turning his attention back to the game just in time as a pop fly headed straight for him.

      “Right there!” Richard exclaimed. “You can do it!”

      Ethan held his glove out so far from his face it seemed to dangle from his wrist but the ball somehow miraculously landed right in the sweet spot with a solid thud.

      Caught up in the moment, Anna jumped to her feet cheering with delight, along with Richard and the rest of the onlookers on their side of the bleachers.

      “That’s the game,” the umpire called. “Final score, sixteen to fifteen.”

      Anna held tight to Lilli as the little dog picked up on the excitement of the crowd, yipped with glee and vibrated in her arms, desperate to be part of the action.

      “Great game,” she said after a moment. “Be sure to tell Ethan congratulations for me.”

      “I’ll do that. Or it looks like you can tell him that yourself. Here he comes.”


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