The Doctor's Family. Lenora Worth
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She intended to confront the man and ask him outright what he was doing here. Jasmine, the teenage girl who’d lived with Arabella for the past three years, had seen the stranger’s sleek silver car earlier near the park.
The newcomer was probably a private detective hired by Samuel Clayton because he stood to inherit everything if her cousins didn’t cooperate and come home. Or just as bad, the man could have been sent by her ex-husband, Harry. It’d be just like Harry to hear about her possible inheritance and try to muscle in on things, even if the man did send sporadic checks to help with his daughters’ care and well-being.
She’d fight this, not because of the money, even though money would be nice. She had to fight for her three little girls. And the first thing she’d tell the stranger she’d seen hanging around last month and again today—take a long hike up a tall mountain.
She came around the back of the white clapboard church and squinted into the golden threads of the sunset. And saw the glint of a silver car flashing on the edge of the lot near a cluster of aspen trees.
Hurrying, her boots clomping on the pavement, Arabella didn’t stop to think. With both hands she tried to open the car’s passenger-side door then looked through the dark windows.
The car was empty.
Then she heard a male voice behind her. “Looking for me?”
Arabella whirled to face the man who had caused her nightmares over the past few days. “You could say that. I don’t like the way you’ve been watching me and my family. I want it to stop.” She glared at him. “Just so you know, my cousin is the deputy sheriff. I’ve already alerted him about you. He’s probably doing a background check as we speak.”
Her cousin Zach had told her not to confront the man on her own. Too late for that now.
The man stepped forward, his dark blond hair as rich and golden as the glistening dusk. He looked good in his nice-fitting jeans, fancy boots and wool sports coat. But even the worst of criminals could dress with movie-star quality.
“You’ve got it all wrong,” he said, holding up one hand, a whiff of something spicy and woodsy drifting around him. “I can explain—”
“You’d better start talking, then,” Arabella said, her hands on her hips. “Beginning with why you’ve been lurking around my girls and me. I saw you a few weeks back and now here you are again. What do you want?”
He stepped closer, his smoky blue-gray eyes sparkling with interest and intent. “I have a good reason for … following you.”
“Yeah, and I think I know what it is.”
“No, honestly, it’s nothing sinister or criminal. It’s a bit complicated. I’m Jonathan, Jonathan Turner.”
Arabella deciphered that and the bold look in his eyes. “Turner? That’s Jasmine’s last name.”
“I know,” he said, letting out a soft breath. “Her father, Aaron, was my older brother. I’m Jasmine’s uncle.”
Arabella grabbed onto the sports car, her breath hitching in her throat. “What?”
She heard the church door banging shut, then Zach calling out her name. But she couldn’t move, couldn’t take her eyes off this man. Up close he looked like a younger, better version of Jasmine’s father, Aaron Turner. She’d only seen Aaron a couple of times around town, but the resemblance was right there, staring her in the eyes.
Taking a quick breath, she asked, “What did you say?”
He stood in front of her now. “I’m telling you the truth, Mrs. Michaels. I’m Jasmine’s uncle. I’ve been trying to locate her … and last month I asked around to make sure I had the right girl. And now I know I do.”
“I don’t believe you.” Or maybe she just didn’t want to believe him. Arabella didn’t like change and lately change had been coming her way with all the haste of the falling leaves around her.
Zach walked up, scowled his deputy sheriff’s frown at the man standing there and then took Arabella by the arm. “It’s true, Arabella. I tried to find you to tell you. I ran a background check on him this afternoon. He’s telling you the truth. Jonathan Turner is Jasmine’s uncle.”
Then Zach turned to Jonathan. “And all that aside, you’d better have a very good reason for messing with my cousin and her family, Dr. Turner.”
Arabella looked from Zach to the man he just addressed as Dr. Turner. “A doctor? I can’t believe this. We imagined all kinds of horrid things. When we first saw you, we thought you reminded us of someone, but I never dreamed—” She stopped, her hands fisting at her sides. “That was mighty mean, what you did to us. What you did to that girl, sneaking around like that.”
Jonathan lowered his head, forcing her to look at him. “I’m not trying to frighten you. Honestly. I only came here to find my niece … and maybe be a part of her life. I live in Denver and I thought Jasmine should at least know me.” He took a deep breath before continuing. “And, to be frank, I wouldn’t mind if she came back to Denver with me.”
Arabella’s stomach knotted. So this was it, then—that something terrible she’d been dreading. This man had come here to rearrange her carefully constructed life.
Or so he thought.
“Can we go somewhere and talk?”
Jonathan waited a couple of heartbeats, wondering if he’d be arrested for harassment or if Arabella Michaels would show him some sympathy and listen to him. Arabella Clayton Michaels, he reminded himself. From what he’d heard, the Clayton name sure carried a lot of weight around here. And there always seemed to be several Claytons around at any given time.
She bit at her wide, pouty lip then glanced over at the uniformed deputy sheriff—what was his name … Zach? Jonathan watched her, fascinated with the stubborn slant of her chin and the glint of dare in her catlike gold-brown eyes. When she tossed back piles of silky brown hair then focused those big eyes on him, he couldn’t take his next breath. He waited for her decision, thinking that must be the reason he couldn’t think straight. This woman stood between him and his niece.
She cut her gaze toward the sheriff. “Zach, thank you for the update. Could you excuse us, please?”
Zach held up a hand. “Arabella, I don’t think—”
“I’ve got this, Zach. Just … keep Jasmine occupied until I can figure out what to do.”
“Is she inside?” Jonathan asked, hoping to meet his niece at last.
“She is, but you don’t need to bother her right now.” The woman turned to her cousin. “Zach, please?”
Zach didn’t look convinced. He pivoted toward Jonathan, his brow furrowing. “I don’t know what kind of game you’re running here, but if you do anything to hurt Arabella or her family, you’ll have me to deal with. Understand?”
Although Jonathan respected the man for doing his job and trying to protect his cousin, he’d been more intimidated by gang members brought into the E.R. with gunshot wounds. “I read you. I only want to get to know my niece.”