The Rancher's Rules. Lucy Monroe

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The Rancher's Rules - Lucy Monroe Mills & Boon Modern

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was an old argument and Grant knew he’d lose. Zoe dated who she wanted, driving him crazy in the process.

      She grabbed her coat. After she’d put it on, she yanked on her gloves and hat. The bobble bounced wildly from her harsh tugging. “I’m really not in the mood to argue about this. I’ve got forty little yellow bells to cut out for tomorrow’s craft project. I’d better be getting home.”

      Grant grabbed his car keys from the drawer by the sink. “Take my truck. You don’t want Bud to freeze.”

      She considered his suggestion silently. He could tell she was warring with her desire for independence and her concern for the hamster. “What about my landlady’s car?”

      “I’ll follow you and drive my truck back.”

      She chewed on her lower lip. “It’s a cold ride. Mrs. Givens doesn’t need the car right now. It belongs to her son and he’s away at college. Just bring it by when you get back from your trip. I assume you are flying out in the morning?”


      “You could have one of your hands make the transfer tomorrow, if you like.”

      “We’ll see,” he said noncommittally, knowing he would not do so. He would rather she kept his truck until his return, when hopefully her own vehicle would be repaired. He was careful not to let the satisfaction he felt show in his face, however.

      If she thought he was getting away with being “overly protective”, as she called it, she was stubborn enough to insist.

      That Sunday, Zoe rushed around her apartment before Mrs. Givens arrived for tea. She had invited her landlady the previous week and didn’t want to cancel at the last minute. It would make the older woman suspicious. Zoe didn’t want Mrs. Givens to realize that she had taken in another stray. Even this close to Christmas, she had the feeling that one more pet would prompt an eviction notice.

      She led her German Shepherd, Snoopy, into the back bedroom and shut the door, and then tucked Bud’s cage into the cubbyhole above the sink in her tiny bathroom. That should do it. With luck Zoe would find a new owner for Bud before Mrs. Givens was any the wiser. The hamster’s exercise wheel squeaked as Bud’s short rodent legs trod a constant rotation on the plastic device. Princess, one of Zoe’s cats, watched with a hungry look. Zoe tapped the acrylic cage and smiled. Even Princess could not get into the hamster’s haven.

      Just to be safe, she shooed the cat out of the bathroom and shut the door. The doorbell rang and Snoopy let out a shattering series of barks. She hushed the dog before opening the front door, and almost fell backward as she came face-to-face with Grant’s imposing six-foot-two-inch frame.

      He reached out to steady her. “You okay?”

      “Sure.” She’d just been expecting a rather short, rather round older lady rather than his well-muscled, ultra masculine person. She’d done a pretty good job of sublimating her body’s response to Grant since that awful night when she’d been nineteen, but every so often feelings she’d rather not acknowledge leapt past her defenses. Like now.

      “What are you doing here?” Her breathless voice gave her away, but if Grant followed past patterns he wouldn’t notice.

      Sometimes she wondered if he thought she was as sexless as he wanted her to be. Not that she wasn’t, but she shouldn’t be, darn it. And that wasn’t going to change any time soon. Not as long as her body still thought Grant was the one, even if her mind and her heart now knew better.

      “I have come for my truck.”

      “I thought one of your hands would come for it.” She frowned in consternation. She hadn’t been mentally prepared for a confrontation with Grant right now, even a pleasant one. Not when she needed all her wits to make nice with her increasingly annoyed landlady.

      “Still mad I called your boyfriend a clown?”

      “I’m not mad, just busy.” She forced a smile.

      She hadn’t been angry the other night either. Not really. Grant couldn’t help being overprotective. Besides, she wasn’t really dating Tyler, just trying to fix him up with a friend of hers from school. They were both skittish. “Mrs. Givens is coming for tea.”

      Grant leaned down and scratched the silver fur on her cat’s neck. His lean, tan fingers moved in a mesmerizing rhythm, a rhythm Zoe had an overwhelming desire to experience herself. She tamped down the feeling, just like she’d been doing with similar desires for the past four years—longer if you counted how long she’d wanted Grant before The Night.

      He straightened and dropped a set of keys in Zoe’s hand. “She’ll be happy I brought back her son’s car.”

      His fingers brushed her palm and she jerked her hand back at the contact. Darn. She needed to get some perspective here. She turned around too quickly and nearly went sailing when her feet got tangled with Alexander, Princess’s brother. She yelled. Grant gripped her shoulders and pulled her toward him. She landed against his chest. Still standing, but barely.

      Snoopy’s barking, the parrot’s screeching and Grant’s laughter faded as Zoe became aware of the feel of Grant’s hard chest against her back. What would he do if she turned around and kissed him?

      Would he open his lips over hers and let her taste his tongue like he had that one time when she’d discovered passion included a whole lot more than the rather innocent dreams she’d been weaving around Grant since she was sixteen? More likely he’d think she’d gone nuts. And she had if she was contemplating giving Grant another run at her heart.

      She trusted him with her life, and always would, but her emotions were a different matter entirely.

      The sound of another voice alerted Zoe to her landlady’s arrival; she jumped away from Grant. This time she watched where her feet landed and managed to stay upright. “Mrs. Givens. Grant was just returning your son’s car.”

      The elderly woman smiled and patted Grant’s cheek with her fleshy pink fingers. “Dear boy. You are so very thoughtful. I’m sure we would not have missed the car if you had waited until the weather improved before returning it.”

      Grant turned his smile on Mrs. Givens and Zoe was able to collect herself enough to find his truck keys. “Here.” She handed him the keys. “We won’t keep you. I know you have better things to do than stay and have tea with us.”

      For whatever reason, her hormones were in overdrive today, and no way could she handle Grant’s presence at her tiny dinette table. Mrs. Givens frowned at Zoe.

      Grant just winked. He really wasn’t fond of Zoe’s landlady. “As always, my schedule is full.”

      She knew it was true, and didn’t understand why he had come to bring the car back himself. “Then I guess you had better go.” Zoe pushed him out the door. “I’ll talk to you later.”

      She closed the door on his rather astonished expression and turned to Mrs. Givens, who was trying to avoid stepping on one of the cats and frankly doing a better job of it than Zoe had earlier.

      She smiled at Zoe. “That Grant Cortez is such a nice boy. I remember we all worried when his daddy put him in charge of the ranch at such a young age, but he’s certainly made a success of it.”


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