Engaged With The Boss. Elle James

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Engaged With The Boss - Elle James Mills & Boon Intrigue

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Natalie said, we can take care of ourselves.” Ash draped an arm over his uncle’s shoulder. “You and Aunt Angela have done so much for this family. I’m more worried about you than the rest of us.”

      Craig and Angela had taken on the responsibility of raising the Kendall children upon the death of their parents.

      “I beefed up the security at the estate,” Craig said. “I’m considering hiring a bodyguard, but Angela is dead set against it.”

      Natalie paused in the doorway. “Can’t blame her.” She shuddered. “I’d hate having someone following me around, anticipating my every move. It would drive me nuts.” She glanced at Jolie. “Six o’clock, then. Bye.”

      Jolie smiled and closed the door behind Natalie. She had her wavy red hair pulled back in a neat bun, exposing the long length and porcelain skin of her neck.

      For a moment, Devin studied the way an errant curl bounced against her earlobe and wondered what she looked like with her hair down. She was somewhat plain in her soft gray suit with a proper slim-line skirt cut to the knee. Everything about Jolie was proper except her wicked sense of humor and her ability to tell him like it was. She didn’t pull her punches.

      He liked that about her. Jolie Carson didn’t take any guff from him or anyone else.

      “I’m out of here. Duty calls.” Ash, always assuming his role as the cop, headed for the door. “I’m still digging through the case file hoping I find something they missed. I’ll start interviewing witnesses again soon.”

      “Can you keep us up-to-date on how it goes?” Devin asked.

      “You bet.” Ash crossed the room and just as he reached for the door handle, Natalie crashed back in.

      “You aren’t going to believe this.” She walked to the large television screen mounted on the wall, flicked it on and fumbled with the remote until she had a picture of the local district attorney at what appeared to be a press conference in front of the St. Louis courthouse.

      A reporter pushed a mike in his face. “We understand the Christmas Eve Murders case has been reopened. What are you and the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department doing to solve this case?”

      The D.A. stood straight and looked directly into the camera. “As you all have heard, with the latest forensic evidence, the state crime lab was able to rule out Rick Campbell as the murderer. The St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department has reopened and is actively investigating the case again. We’ll get our murderer.”

      “Any guesses as to who might have done it?” another reporter asked.

      “It’s too early to say at this time. Let the detectives do their work.” The D.A.’s eyebrows lowered, his eyes darkening. “But we’ll look at everyone involved with the Kendall family. As in the majority of murder cases, many times it’s someone close to the family, usually a family member who commits the crime.”

      Natalie and Jolie gasped.

      Devin, Ash and Craig all swore.

      “That SOB. How dare he cast suspicion on the Kendalls.” Natalie’s cheeks flamed and her hands fisted. “I’d like to have a word with that man.”

      Jolie shook her head. “Perhaps he’s after the publicity. Bashing the Kendalls is a sure way to get the cameras turned your way.”

      “But why?” Natalie stared at the man on the screen. “He’s not up for reelection this year.”

      “No, and he wouldn’t get my vote even if he was.” Devin flicked the television off. “Don’t let it worry you. They don’t have anything on any one of us.”

      “Yeah, but the media will be following us, just in case they find some dirt somewhere,” Uncle Craig said. “If they don’t find dirt, they might just make something up to sensationalize a slow-news night.”

      “Be extra vigilant with your safety and keep your nose clean.” Devin shot a stern look at his siblings. “Don’t get caught in a situation where you’re cornered by the paparazzi.”

      Ash snorted. “Easier said than done. Later, brother.” He grabbed Devin’s hand and shook it, then pulled him close. “Get some rest. You look like hell.”

      “Thanks, you don’t look so good yourself. Keep an eye on that fiancée of yours. She could be in as much danger as the rest of us. Especially since she found the DNA evidence that freed Rick Campbell.”

      “Rachel can hold her own. But I’ll gladly keep a very close eye on her.” Ash waggled his eyebrows.

      Devin shook his head. “How she puts up with you, I’ll never know.”

      Ash smiled at Jolie. “My big brother hasn’t learned that a good woman makes a man want to be a better person. That woman could be right under his nose and he hasn’t pulled his head out of the sand long enough to notice.” He winked at Devin. “Am I right?”

      “Shut up and get out.” Devin shook his head, a hint of a smile pulling at his lips. Ash was a ladies’ man who’d met his match in Rachel. That didn’t mean Devin was headed down the matrimonial path. He had too much on his plate to even think of a relationship.

      His gaze landed on Jolie. She was the ideal woman, the one he found himself measuring all others by. If he decided to settle down and think about a wife and two-point-one children, he’d like to find someone as strong and stable as Jolie. But that was a big if, one he didn’t intend to explore anytime in the near future.

      And she was his executive assistant. Completely off-limits in the corporate world. He shuddered inwardly at the media nightmare such a relationship would generate.

      JOLIE SAT ACROSS THE restaurant table from Natalie, laughing and chatting. Yet her thoughts were of Devin, whom she’d left in his office thirty minutes earlier. She really should have stayed to see if he needed anything.

      “He’ll be fine. You know, you aren’t married to him or the job.” Natalie smiled at Jolie’s attempt to eat Chinese the traditional way.

      “I understand why the Chinese are so thin,” Jolie grumbled, fumbling with the chopsticks. She almost managed to get four grains of rice to her lips before the chopsticks slipped and the rice fell into her lap. What was the use? “I give up. I’m hopeless at this. I can’t even pretend to be sophisticated and a world traveler.”

      “Not to worry. That’s what they make forks for.” Natalie handed her the fork beside her plate.

      Jolie held her hand up. “No. I’m going to eat with the chopsticks or go hungry.” She put the sticks together and used them as a shovel, this time getting a line of rice and vegetables into her mouth without too much spillage.

      “So what did you think about my brother’s family meeting?”

      Jolie shrugged. “I don’t know what to think about the whole situation.”

      “Oh, come on. Are you telling me Jolie Carson doesn’t have an opinion? That’s a change.”

      Jolie grinned. “Okay, I do, but I didn’t want to speak out against Devin. He’s been taking

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