From Daddy / When the Cowboy Said ''I Do''. Karen Rose Smith

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From Daddy / When the Cowboy Said ''I Do'' - Karen Rose Smith Mills & Boon Cherish

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you’d like, Mr. Nolan. I just can’t believe you said yes.

      He laughed, and said he’d be in touch again to finalize details. Then he ended the call.

      After Erika hung up, she was beside herself with excitement. Zane Gunther. He was the biggest of all the stars she had tried to contact.

      Dillon rose from his desk, his gaze questioning.

      She couldn’t keep her enthusiasm from what had just happened tied up inside her. “Guess who’s coming to Thunder Canyon?”

      Dillon’s mouth tilted up in a smile. “The governor of Montana?”

      “Even better. Zane Gunther’s coming. Can you imagine?

      Think about the crowd he’ll bring in! Just think about his music. And I get to sit in the front row.”

      “I’m glad you’re happy about it. Convincing him to come could make Frontier Days an even bigger success.”

      “Aren’t you excited? Don’t you just love his music? Don’t you wish you could shake his hand and—”

      Something about Dillon’s stillness alerted her that he already knew about this. She remembered telling him how frustrating it was not having anyone call her back … how much she needed a well-known country singer to perform … and he’d said he might be able to help.

      Why would Zane Gunther come to Thunder Canyon? It wasn’t a large venue like he was used to. Suddenly Erika knew this gig didn’t happen by sheer luck. It didn’t happen because she’d made a call.

      “Did you know about this? Did you have something to do with getting him to accept my invitation?”

      Dillon said simply, “Zane and I go way back. We went to school together.”

      “Oh, Dillon. Thank you.” Before she thought about it once, let alone twice, she threw her arms around him and gave him a huge hug.

      In response, Dillon’s arms went around her.

      Their enthusiastic embrace turned into something else when she raised her gaze to his. She could feel his muscles go taut under his suit coat. More than that, she felt his body heat, smelled his aftershave and fell into those golden-brown eyes. Whenever she was within touching distance of Dillon, her whole world changed. It became brighter, clearer, more adventurous. It was a no-holds-barred feeling that she could do anything, or be anything. It was so crazy, yet—

      “Do you want another kiss as much as I do?” he asked, his voice husky.

      “Yes,” she breathed, waiting, anticipating, knowing she shouldn’t be doing this but unable to help herself because it felt so right.

      Dillon’s mouth came down on hers quickly, possessively, passionately. His tongue breeched her lips, searched for a response which she willingly gave as he pressed her more tightly against him. As she laced her hands in his hair, the world around them fell away.

      Eventually Dillon’s hold lessened, his kiss slowed, his tongue stopped exploring and she was aware of all the changes. Yes, they both wanted this moment—but where did he think it was going to go? Where did she?

      She dropped her hands from around his neck and backed away.

      His voice seemed quite steady and he looked much less affected by the kiss than she was. “I shouldn’t have done that here. Are you okay?”

      His office was private. The scenery outside the long windows gave the illusion of being someplace other than in a lodge. But they were in the infirmary suite and could be interrupted at any time.

      Erika’s thoughts wafted through her mind. She was trembling so badly, she felt as if she wanted to fall to the floor in a puddle. But she couldn’t let Dillon see how much he tilted her world.

      After clearing her throat, she straightened her shoulders and met his gaze. “I’m fine.”

      The simmering heat in his eyes shook her all over again. He ran his hand through his hair and went to his desk, using it as a barrier between them. “You have an outside appointment this afternoon, don’t you?”

      With effort, she pulled herself together and replied, “With Mayor Brookhurst. I’ll be leaving in a few minutes. I have to sort through my notes first.”

      With an obvious effort to move the conversation away from the two of them, he remarked, “I suppose he’ll be Master of Ceremonies for Frontier Days?”

      “Yes. I want to go over his schedule. Bo Clifton and Arthur Swinton will be giving campaign speeches on Saturday afternoon of that weekend and probably glad-handing everyone they can. I’m hoping Mayor Brookhurst will look on the whole thing as one big retirement party.”

      Although they were discussing Frontier Days, Dillon was still standing there watching her. “What?” she asked.

      “You’re really beautiful when you let your guard down.”

      She wasn’t sure what to say to that until Dillon went on. “You’re beautiful all the time. But when you’re enthusiastic, your eyes light up, and your smile is something to see. I’m glad Zane’s concert will make you so happy.”

      She wanted to find out more about how this had all come about and exactly why he had asked his friend for this favor. “Did you have to twist his arm?”

      “No,” Dillon answered with a reminiscent smile. “I asked if he was free. He checked his schedule. I told him I’d be here this month and suggested we’d have time to reconnect. He seemed to like that idea.”

      “I’m hoping he’ll enjoy himself here.”

      “This will be good for you in other ways, too. The prestige of having him and his band staying here could bring in even more guests. Grant will be thrilled. I guess your biggest job now will be to publicize it as quickly as possible.”

      If she kept looking at Dillon, kept thinking about his lips on hers, she’d end up in his arms again. So she concentrated on details. “There are so many things to think about—writing press releases, putting info on the resort Web site, taking out more ads across the area. I also need to know what Zane might need to be comfortable here. What does he like? What should I put in his room? Where can I get all of his CDs so we have enough to sell?”

      “His manager won’t mind you asking him those questions. He’s a good guy.”

      “But you probably know his likes and dislikes, favorite candy bars. Unless he’s into healthy snacks. If so, I need to know that,” she said, still in awe that the country singer was actually going to perform in Thunder Canyon.

      Dillon shrugged. “He’s just a man, Erika, like any other. But if you need specifics, he likes corn chips and the hottest salsa you can find.”

      “Still—this is so big for Thunder Canyon.”

      “I’m getting a good idea of how big it is for you.”

      “Will you introduce us?” she asked impulsively.


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