Sex and Lies. Donna Hill
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Savannah moaned, a sound that was filled with urgency, but Blake took his time—the scenic route as he called it—and continued to chart new territory. He slipped his hand between her parted thighs and flicked his finger back and forth across her swollen bud until her entire body trembled.
Blake reluctantly left the tenderness of her breasts and eased down toward her fluttering stomach, letting his tongue dance around her navel.
Savannah’s hips instinctively moved in a slow undulating fashion. Please escaped from her lips on a rush of hot breath.
“This what you want?” he uttered just as his tongue slid across the pulse of her bud.
Savannah cried out and gripped the sheets in tight fists. Her pelvis jutted upward and Blake grabbed her behind and pulled her fully toward his eager mouth. He suckled and teased until he knew from her tortured mewls and the shuddering of her body that she was ready to explode into a million tiny pieces. He pushed her thighs farther apart then up and over his shoulders.
Hot tears squeezed out of her eyes as she was suddenly filled with the rock hardness of her husband. He moved into her by degrees giving them both a chance to savor those first moments of unity.
“Oh,” he groaned deep in his throat. “You’re so hot…so wet.” He pushed in farther and she squeezed around him while rotating her hips.
Savannah reached down between them and found his heavy, seed-filled sac and gently massaged it. Blake plunged deep inside her until there was nowhere else to go but in and out on a maddening quest to reach heaven.
Their paced picked up in unison. Savannah swore she heard ringing in her ears, every nerve ending in her body was charged. Her head swam. And then Blake did that thing he always did. He moved inside her in a circle and hit that spot.
Lights erupted. Her entire body stiffened for several seconds as if electrified. Then her insides, with a mind of their own, violently contracted and released around his stiff member. It felt as if he were growing inside her as he approached his own climax which set off another wave of contractions that spread up her belly and out to her limbs to explode in her brain.
She opened her mouth to scream out her pleasure, but all sound was trapped in her throat as her climax spun out of control. Blake rode her faster and faster, the words coming from his lips incomprehensible. He pulled her so close to his wet body that not even air separated them as he pushed and pushed and pushed. He buried his head into the valley of her neck barely muffling the growl of release that jettisoned from him into her.
Maybe this time, Savannah silently prayed as she clung to her husband, concentration on draining him of every ounce of his fertile seed, keeping her hips high in the air. Maybe this time. She felt him pulse and jerk inside her. She wrapped her legs tightly around him and used her hand to press him against her opening, not allowing even a drop to escape.
“I love you so much,” Blake whispered, his voice cracking with emotion. His body convulsed one last time before all his weight eased down on her, pinning her to the damp sheets.
“And I love you, my darling man. I love you.”
They closed their eyes, holding on to to each other, locked as one.
Chapter 5
“W e didn’t get a chance to talk much last night,” Blake said with a wicked grin on his face as he emerged from the shower with a towel wrapped around his waist.
Savannah had her knees drawn up to her chest, watching her handsome husband approach and wondered how she’d gotten so lucky. She angled her head to the side. “I think we did a lot of talking, just not the verbal kind.”
He pointed a finger in her direction. “Touché.”
Savannah patted an empty spot next to her. “So tell me about the deal.”
Blake came to sit beside her. He fluffed up a pillow and leaned back against it, folding his hands across his sculpted belly.
“Well, as I was hinting at…”
He explained the details of the deal which entailed his company being the sole architect for the project, as well as handling the contract for finding the right construction crew.
“How long will the entire project last from start to finish?”
“If we get all the clearances on time and I can seal a deal with the contractors…Hmm, from start to finish, at least a year. And that’s barring all of the unforeseen obstacles that come up with any job this size.”
Savannah nodded. “Did I tell you how proud I am of you?”
Blake snuggled close. “Probably so, but tell me again.”
She cupped his chin in her palm. “I’m so proud of you.” She pecked him on the lips then winked.
“And how did your meeting go with the ladies last night?” He yawned loudly and threw his arm across his eyes. “What I wouldn’t give to be a fly on the wall.”
Savannah’s heart thumped then settled. She still had not read the details of her assignment. But she had a very strong feeling that it wasn’t going to be easy. “It went fine as usual. Girl stuff. Uh, honey…”
“What is the name of the finance people for the development again? Did you say Montgomery?”
“Yeah, The Montgomery Enterprises. Run by Miss Conglomerate herself, Tristan Montgomery.”
Lord, please don’t let it be her.
“By the way, she invited us to a get together at her home next week.”
“Really? Then she can’t be all that bad.”
“I don’t know what it is about the woman that rubs me the wrong way.”
“But you don’t work with her directly. So it shouldn’t be too much of a problem.”
“That’s just it—I don’t. But she’s what you call a ‘hands on’ person. She’s up on every detail, no matter how small.”
“Don’t let it bother you. She probably thinks she has to try harder because she’s a woman.”
“Hmm, maybe. Anyway, I don’t want to talk business today. It’s our day off. So what do you want to do today?”
“I was reading in the Village Voice that there’s a boat ride up the Hudson from nine to one. Wanna go?”
“Sounds great.” He turned on his side to face her. “That leaves us with quite a few hours to kill. Got any ideas on what we could do?” he asked as he trailed a finger down the center of her chest.
“We could try again to make a miracle happen.” Her eyes looked at him from the depths of her soul.