Mendoza's Return. Susan Crosby

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Mendoza's Return - Susan Crosby Mills & Boon Cherish

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told him about Elliot,” Angie said, her voice overly casual.

      “Angie! Why would you do that? He’s our patient. You can’t—”

      “I didn’t give Rafe specifics. He knows you’re an occupational therapist, and he gets the whole privacy thing. I didn’t tell him Elliot’s name or the names of any other pertinent people involved. I asked hypothetical questions because he’s a lawyer, and I thought he could help.”

      Hope battled irritation at her sister for overstepping her position as Melina’s administrative assistant. “What did he say?”

      “That it’s not his field of expertise.”

      Melina felt her jaw drop. “That’s it? He had no opinion as a human being? As a former ballplayer? As a former little boy with big dreams?” Her voice rose with each question so that Tommy and his brother Jay turned and stared.

      “I’m only telling you what happened, Melina. Geez, calm down. I didn’t ask him for his opinion or advice except as a lawyer. Don’t get mad at him. Again.”

      She’d been over being mad at him—or so she thought until she’d seen him yesterday. Then a tidal wave of emotion had swamped her. She wasn’t drowning now, but she sure was being beaten up by the waves.

      “Anyway, you didn’t let me finish. He said if you want to talk to him about it, you should call him.”

      “When did this happen?”

      “As he was telling me goodbye at the wedding. He said he’d been thinking about it.”

      Could she get him involved? Melina wondered. Given their history, could she ask it of him?

      “And don’t be mad at me, either, okay?” Angie said, grabbing Melina’s hands. “I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my honeymoon if I knew you were upset with me.” She batted her eyes playfully.

      Melina laughed. “Right. Like that’s going to happen.”

      She grinned. “I told Steph not to change one thing in the office while I’m gone. I’m the one who’s been working for you for four years, but I know our little sister. She’ll think she has a better way to organize things.”

      “I won’t let her. I promise.”

      “The plane will leave without us, Mrs. Buchanan,” Tommy said. “And I’m anxious to get lei’d, you know.” He winked and pretended to drop a lei around her neck, Angie’s laughter joining his to make music together. With a last hug goodbye for everyone, they ran into the terminal without a look back.

      Tears stung Melina’s eyes as she watched them, madly in love and happy to show the world.

      “How about we go somewhere for lunch?” Jay asked as they headed out the airport.

      “No, thanks. I’m still full from breakfast.”

      “How ‘bout we go to your place and have ourselves a little fun?”

      Tommy’s twin was twenty-two years old. He’d been coming on to Melina since they’d first been paired up for wedding events. “No, thanks.”

      He eyed her. “You know, I’ve been hearing for a long time how the best man hooks up with the maid of honor at these things. You’re real pretty, Melina. I think I’m okay looking myself. So, why not go for it? Your age doesn’t matter to me, if that’s what you’re worrying about.”

      She couldn’t help but laugh. “Well, I’m honored, Jay, truly I am. But the answer’s the same.” Between his comments and Stephanie’s at the wedding, Melina felt ancient. “It’s sweet of you to ask, though.”

      “No harm in it,” he said, appeased.

      They didn’t have much to say after that. He dropped her off at her townhouse, and she was grateful to plop onto her sofa and close her eyes, relishing the peace and quiet now that her duties were over. But soon the pull began—the memories of days gone by, the should’ves and could’ves.

      She dragged out two cartons from the back of her storage closet, untouched for years. She had thrown away a lot of the things Rafe had given her—a stuffed armadillo, dried corsages and a half-used bottle of perfume she couldn’t bear to wear again—but she hadn’t been able to part with the yearbooks and scrapbooks.

      Or the gold locket he’d given her after they’d made love for the first time.

      Melina ignored the tiny jewel box lodged in the corner of the carton until after she’d skimmed through the books, afraid to take a deeper look. Almost every personal note in her yearbooks was a comment on her and Rafe as a couple and their future together. She’d almost forgotten how much like one they’d been. Their mutual plan to become lawyers working for the greater good had been shattered before the end of their freshman year at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor.

      Michigan had been a long way from home for a couple of born-and-raised Texans, but they’d had each other—until her Grandma Rose had a stroke and Melina’s world had spun on its axis….

      All her life Melina had adored her grandma. Being clear up in Michigan while Rose had been hospitalized had been hard, but when Rose had been sent home barely able to walk or talk, it had been excruciating for Melina. She couldn’t focus on college when her beloved Rose was struggling, so when the Christmas break came, Melina used the weeks to help her grandparents, then made the decision not to return to Ann Arbor for the time being.

      Rafe hadn’t understood. Melina stood her ground. And their relationship began to unravel slowly, steadily. While Melina was immersed in caring for her grandmother and comforting her suddenly vulnerable grandfather, Rafe was experiencing the new freedom of college. She’d gone the opposite direction, locking herself into the role of caregiver, giving up her freedom, not regretting it at all.

      Except that she’d resented Rafe’s freedom, even though it had been her choice to help her grandparents.

      And then came the letter from him, ending the relationship, securing her new role in life. She hadn’t known how to fix it, so she hadn’t tried….

      She blinked away the memory. Finally she pushed up the lid of the small gray velvet box. The locket inside didn’t contain photographs but was inscribed with the words, “We’ve only just begun.”

      He’d given it to her in such a tender way, made her close her eyes and lift up her hair. She’d felt the brush of his fingertips against her neck, then his lips. Finally a kiss on her mouth, so soft, so loving, she’d cried. She’d buried the indelible moment deep, had built an impenetrable wall around it—until she’d seen him, looking handsome and successful and so very sexy.

      Melina snapped the lid shut, and with it, the memories. She tossed the box into the carton and stacked the rest of the items inside. Then right before she shoved the cartons into the closet, she pulled out their senior yearbook and tucked it under her arm.

      The only way she could move forward was to look back first.

      The next morning Melina looked up Rafe’s business address on the internet, mapped directions, then made the drive to downtown San Antonio. His office was on the fifth floor of a building overlooking the River Walk. She

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