The Billionaire's Marriage Bargain. Кэрол Мортимер

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The Billionaire's Marriage Bargain - Кэрол Мортимер Mills & Boon Modern

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don’t want me to give Kathy away in your father’s stead?’ he taunted.

      ‘You’re being ridiculous now!’ Kenzie said, exasperated. ‘What I want, what I need from you—This isn’t easy for me, Dominick!’ She groaned, her eyes, those incredible green eyes, filled with tears now.

      He gave a shake of his head, his brown gaze guarded. ‘I’m afraid I can’t help you there,’ he rasped.

      No, he couldn’t, could he?

      During the months they had been apart Kenzie had had plenty of time to realize that it wasn’t completely Dominick’s fault that their marriage had been such a disaster.

      He had never lied to her, having always been completely honest about his feelings for her, and had never once, either before or after they were married, said that he was in love with her, or that it was ever more than her body that held him in thrall. It had only been her own deep love for him, she had come to realize, her romantic ideal of what marriage should be, that had convinced her otherwise.

      Until faced, irrevocably, with the painful truth…

      She swallowed hard. ‘The thing is—Dominick, what I do need is for you—for you to come to Kathy’s wedding with me on Saturday!’ She looked up at him now, needing to see his reaction.

      To say he was stunned was an understatement, although he quickly masked the emotion, his gaze once again narrowing, questioningly now. And all the time his razor-sharp brain was working behind his guarded appearance, evaluating, assessing.

      But this time not reaching a logical conclusion…

      Dominick gave a shake of his head. ‘Why?’ he prompted economically.

      This was so like Dominick. Blunt. To the point.

      And it would be better if Kenzie answered him in the same way. ‘Because they all expect you to be there!’

      ‘Why?’ he repeated tautly.

      ‘Because—because I’ve never told my family that we’re separated!’ The words came out in a rush, her face once again pale as she looked at Dominick.

      Dominick frowned. Kenzie’s family didn’t know their marriage was over, that it had been so for four months?

      The newspapers, thankfully, didn’t seem to have picked up on the rift in the marriage yet. The fact that both of them often travelled abroad, necessitating lengthy partings, probably accounted for that. But why hadn’t Kenzie told her family at least?

      What possible reason could she have for not telling them?

      Considering Kenzie had left him to go to another man this oversight didn’t make a lot of sense to him.

      Her father had had his heart attack a month ago, Kenzie had said, which was before or after she’d had the divorce papers sent to Dominick?

      After, he would hazard a guess, otherwise she would surely have told her family the truth by now.

      Kenzie couldn’t meet the intensity of Dominick’s gaze now, knowing that not telling her family of their estrangement was stupid, and that her hope that their separation wouldn’t last had been even sillier.

      But for weeks she had hoped. She had simply refused to believe that Dominick couldn’t return at least some of the love she felt for him, and that once they were apart he would come to realize how much he really did love her. She also hoped he would acknowledge that his accusations concerning her sexual involvement with Jerome Carlton were completely untrue.

      It was because she had longed for a reconciliation, that she had decided there was no reason to tell her family of the estrangement yet.

      It hadn’t been all that difficult to keep it from them either. She had been away in America for almost a month after she and Dominick had parted, and redirecting her mail, using her mobile whenever she called them, had been an easy way of concealing her change of address. None of her family had questioned why Dominick wasn’t with her when she’d visited, her family knowing how busy he was and how much he travelled on business. Her explanation that he was in Australia when her father had become ill had been easily accepted by all of them.

      But she had waited in vain for Dominick to realize he cared for her after all, even the serving of the divorce papers eliciting no response from him, at which point she had had no choice but to accept that he really had never loved her, and that their marriage really was over.

      Which was when she had known she had no choice but to tell her family the truth.

      But before she had been able to do so her father had had his heart attack, and for the last month she had forgotten everything but willing him to get better.

      Which he had. And the doctors were hopeful that, with time, and no undue stress, he would make a full recovery.

      In the meantime, her sister’s wedding was on Saturday, and her family still had no idea that she and Dominick were no longer together.

      No undue stress, the doctors had said her father needed.

      It was definitely not the time for him to learn that the marriage of his eldest daughter was going to end in divorce!

      Which was why she had no choice but to ask Dominick if, for one day only, he would agree to pose as her husband.

      The real question was, would he agree to do it…?


      ‘WHY didn’t you tell them, Kenzie?’ Dominick demanded. He hadn’t exactly gone around shouting about the failure of their marriage either, but he would have thought Kenzie would have at least told her own family…

      She glared at him, tears still in her eyes, precariously balanced on those long, dark lashes. ‘And admit what an idiot I had been ever to have thought—Tell them that our marriage had lasted only nine months?’ she amended with a self-derisive shake of her head. ‘I was going to tell them—I had every intention of telling them—but everyone was so wrapped up in the plans for Kathy’s wedding! And then Carly announced that she’s expecting a baby, closely followed by Suzie announcing she was too. And I couldn’t—I just couldn’t—’


      ‘Don’t!’ She glared across the table at him, her face very pale. ‘You made your feelings about “bringing children into this world” perfectly clear five months ago!’

      The question of children had never arisen when they had been just seeing each other, and when they had been newly married—a constant source of amazement to the jaded Dominick!—he had given little thought to the subject, either. So it had come as a complete surprise to him after they had been married for eight months that Kenzie had brought up the idea of them having a baby together.

      Kenzie had seemed to draw away from him after his refusal to even contemplate the thought, and soon she had been no longer the fiery lover and the laughing companion of their first months of marriage. Then she had come to him a month later and told him she had decided to take up Jerome Carlton’s offer to work exclusively for Carlton Cosmetics, and that she was leaving for America the following week.

      At which

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