A Clash with Cannavaro. Elizabeth Power

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A Clash with Cannavaro - Elizabeth Power Mills & Boon Modern

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time noticed the dark smudges beneath his eyes, caused, no doubt, by the recent loss of his brother. But then he gave the slightest tilt of his head, causing his hair to fall forward again in the way she remembered it doing. Somehow it seemed to emphasise the satanic darkness of his shadowed jaw.

      ‘I understand,’ he said, surprisingly compliant all of a sudden. ‘But I do not think you do, Lauren. You had, however, better know from the start what my intentions are and to be fully aware that I will be demanding much more than that.’

      A queasy feeling took root in the pit of Lauren’s stomach. ‘Wh-what do you mean?’ she asked cagily.

      ‘The boy is a Cannavaro. Therefore it is only right that he should be with his family.’

      ‘He is with his family!’ she proclaimed, her face flushed with indignation to think he could even suggest anything else.

      He was glancing around her kitchen, which she knew had seen better days with its chipped Belfast sink and genuinely distressed oak table and matching Welsh dresser that stood against the far wall, and he looked at her now with something remarkably like censure shaping the hard line of his mouth.

      ‘You think it fitting for a child of his background to be brought up in a place like this?’

      His deprecating opinion of the home she had once shared with two loving parents and her sister cut Lauren to the quick, but she was determined not to let him see.

      ‘So it isn’t the mansion that you obviously think he should be living in,’ she bit back, fearful of what he intended to do about Daniele. ‘But, with respect...’ this last word was overlaid with sarcasm ‘...he’ll learn more above love and basic human values in this shabby old house than he’ll ever get to know in the sterile palaces your sort of people call home!’

      Whether she had hit a nerve in his invincible armour, or whether it was just her audacity in speaking to him as she had that put that flush across his cheekbones and made his jaw tense as though he was clenching his teeth, Lauren wasn’t sure. But she was struck by the vivid recollection of seeing him look like that before. It was the second before he had driven into her hot and eager body and had finally succumbed to the release of his, until then, frighteningly controlled passion, taking her with him on a mind-blowing excursion to a fool’s heaven!

      ‘And what would you—or your sister—have learned about basic values?’ he challenged softly, as Lauren battled with spiralling and unwelcome sensations from remembering how it felt lying naked beneath this man’s warm and penetrating strength.

      ‘Nothing, according to you,’ she replied, with only the slightest quiver in her voice. Because, of course, he hadn’t listened to any explanation when he had labelled her and Vikki the worst kind of women, so there was no way she was going to try and convince him otherwise now, especially when he was adding child abduction to her sins as well!

      ‘And what do you imagine is my type of home?’

      Strangely, she had never been able to place him anywhere, other than in the swish resorts where the rich and famous vacationed, or in some stark, state-of-the-art high-rise office at the heart of his maritime empire.

      ‘I don’t intend wasting any unnecessary thought over it,’ she retorted, wishing she wasn’t letting him reduce her to the level of sniping.

      ‘Not even to wonder where this nephew—whom you claim to be instilling with your own questionable values—is likely to be living?’

      Lauren forced herself to bite her tongue. She was past caring over the last two years what Emiliano Cannavaro thought about her. Memories might shame, but they couldn’t hurt her. She had learned to shrug her shoulders, grit her teeth and carry on. But Emiliano Cannavaro wasn’t a memory any more. He was here—now as large as life, and he had it in his power to hurt her and would if she let him, by taking away the one thing she held most dear.

      ‘I don’t need to wonder, Emiliano,’ she said determinedly. ‘I know exactly where he’ll be living. And that’s with me. It was my sister’s wish that I should take care of Danny if anything ever happened to her before he became of age.’

      ‘Which she had no right to express or to request of you while the child’s father was still alive.’

      ‘She had every right!’ Lauren shot back, affronted by his dictatorial attitude. ‘Although she wouldn’t have needed to if Angelo hadn’t been as bad a father as he was a husband!’

      ‘You mean the husband she saw only as the key to a life of luxury? And one she had no intention of giving up?’

      I’m going to screw him for every penny I can get!

      Lauren didn’t want to remember Vikki’s venomous remark on that tragic day, eleven months ago, when her sister had gone off to see Angelo, leaving the six-month-old Danny in Lauren’s care. But it came back startlingly now with the things Vikki had told her on her wedding day, things that Lauren wished—if only for her own sake—that she had never heard.

      ‘Oh, don’t misunderstand me.’ The deep Latin voice penetrated her thoughts, bringing her back to the present. ‘I am not defending Angelo’s actions.’

      Lauren slanted a censuring look at him. ‘Aren’t you?’

      ‘My brother’s faults were glaringly obvious, but that didn’t stop him from being totally and utterly taken in.’

      Which you never would be, she thought, skimming a reluctant glance down over his magnificent physique, and shuddering as she recalled the way he had reacted when he thought he had been.

      Those dark assessing eyes of his seemed to be stripping her naked with their unsettling intensity.

      ‘No,’ he said, in a way that was lethal in its very softness, startling her into wondering if he had the power to read her thoughts

      ‘No what?’ she challenged, trying not to think about that day that had been the most humiliating of her life.

      He didn’t answer.

      He didn’t need to, Lauren thought, with colour tingeing her cheeks.

      ‘I did not come here to resurrect anything that might have transpired between us,’ he remarked coldly. ‘Though, heaven knows, if there had been a prize for driving a man crazy you would have won it hands down, would you not, mia cara?’ His tone made a mockery of the endearment. ‘You did not exactly hold back in your efforts to please me that night I took you to my bed.’

      How she could feel a throbbing deep inside just from thinking about that night, Lauren didn’t know, and shaming colour stained her cheeks almost puce.

      Somehow, though, she managed to say cuttingly, ‘Save it, Emiliano.’

      He laughed, savouring her discomfiture and embarrassment like he’d savoured the nectar of her willing body.

      ‘Of course. There are far more pressing matters in hand.’

      Like taking Daniele away from her?

      ‘If you think I’ll be handing my sister’s baby over to you just like that, you’ve got another thing coming!’

      He smiled, the type of smile that had had the power to draw

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