The Doctor's Baby Dare. Michelle Celmer
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“Are you seriously suggesting that Clare is only pretending not to like you?”
Parker shrugged. “It’s not impossible.”
“You clearly have your pick of female companions. Why this infatuation with Clare?”
Because she fascinated him, and not just because she was the only woman he’d ever met who was seemingly immune to his charms. Weird as it sounded, he just felt drawn to her. He wanted to crack her open, peek inside and see what made her tick. Metaphorically speaking of course.
Clare had been on the hospital staff for almost a decade, but Parker had yet to find a single person who knew her on a deeply personal level. Which he thought was weird. He spent far more time with his coworkers than anyone. He liked to think of them as extended family. But then, he had always been a very social person. Clare was not. She always sat alone in the cafeteria, and kept to herself on the ward. He’d heard that she had never been married or had kids, and had lived with her old-maid aunt since college. But like the librarian who wore sexy lingerie under a conservative and drab suit, Clare had layers, and boy would he love to be the one to peel them back. He was sure he would find sexy underthings in there somewhere. He was betting that if she wanted to, Clare could teach him a thing or two about having fun.
“I’d just like to get to know her.”
“I’ve never known you to fixate on a woman this way,” Luc said. “I have to say it’s a little disconcerting. It’s like you’re obsessed.”
He had no explanation for why he felt such a deep connection to Clare. In the past he’d avoided deep connections like the plague. Why this time did it feel so...natural?
He knew her work routine like the back of his hand. Knew exactly when she started her rounds, when she ate her lunch, when she worked on charts. He knew her smile, and the melody of her voice, though when she used it to address him it was always filled with irritation. But he was getting close, he could feel it.
Okay, maybe he was a little obsessed.
“Even if you’re right,” Luc said, “and she doesn’t hate you as much as she lets on, everyone knows that Clare doesn’t date coworkers.”
“There’s a first time for everything,” Parker told him. “And I never say never.”
“I think that’s your biggest problem.”
Luc could poke fun all he wanted—Parker was confident he would wear her down. “I give it a month, probably less.”
With a sly grin that said he was up to something, Luc asked, “Are you willing to bet on that?”
“You’ll lose,” Parker told him.
“If you’re so sure, put your money where your mouth is.”
It wouldn’t be the first time they had entered into a friendly wager. “The usual amount?”
“You’ve got a deal,” Luc said and they fist-bumped on it.
Parker’s phone rumbled and he pulled it from the pocket of his lab coat. It was Vanessa, a nursing assistant from the NICU.
“I’m sorry to bother you, Doctor, but we need you up here. Janey’s vitals are erratic again.”
He cursed under his breath. Born premature and abandoned on the floor of a truck stop, Baby Janey Doe had been brought into Emergency last month and had instantly captured the heart of everyone on the ward. And though she was getting the best medical care available, her little body just wasn’t ready to heal.
“Be right there,” he told her, then rose, telling Luc, “Gotta go.”
“Janey?” Luc asked, and when Parker nodded Luc shook his head grimly. “No improvement?”
“It doesn’t make sense,” he said, gathering up what was left of his lunch. “I’ve run every test I could think of, scoured the internet and medical journals for similar cases, but nothing fits. I’m at a loss. In the meantime her little body is shutting down. I’m worried we might lose her.”
“It sucks, but you can’t save them all.”
He knew that, and he’d lost patients before. “Maybe I can’t save them all,” he told Luc, “but I’ll never stop trying.”
* * *
Clare Connelly sat in the hospital cafeteria, headphones in, wishing this day would hurry up and be over. This morning when she’d gotten into her car, it had stalled several times before she finally got it running. Then it had stalled again at a red light when she was halfway there, and she’d wound up with a line of angry drivers behind her. As she’d pulled into the hospital lot the skies had opened up and dumped a deluge of rain on her as she walked to the building.
Yesterday had been their monthly family dinner at her parents’ horse farm an hour away, and though she had warned them that she might have to work, apparently Clare’s absence had caused a stir again. Her phone had been blowing up all morning with calls from her seven siblings. When her brothers or sisters missed dinner no one freaked out. Of course, they all saw each other on a regular basis.
Her three brothers and two of her sisters worked on the farm, and her other two sisters were stay-at-home mothers with four children each. In total Clare had twenty-two nieces and nephews ranging in age from newborn to twenty-six. It seemed as if every time she turned around one of her siblings was expecting another child, and her oldest niece and nephew were both newly married with first children on the way. An entirely new generation to remind Clare how much of a black sheep she really was.
Being single and childless in such a traditional family made her a target for well-meaning and sometimes not-so-well-meaning relatives. No one could grasp the concept that she actually enjoyed being single, and that she wasn’t deliberately going against the grain. She was just trying to be happy on her own terms. Refusing to join the family business after high school had sent relations into a tizzy; they’d tagged her as the rebel. If they had bothered to pay attention they would have known she had always dreamed of being a nurse. But from the day she graduated from nursing school they had teased her relentlessly, saying that she’d only entered the profession to snag a rich doctor and live in a mansion.
Her gaze automatically sought out her new boss.
An attractive, smooth-talking multimillionaire well-known for his philanthropy, Parker was every woman’s dream. With his GQ model physique, rich brown hair always in need of a trim and eyes that looked green one minute and brown the next, he was way above average on the looks scale. Way, way above. At the sight of him on his first day at the hospital, her female staff had been reduced to giggling, blushing, hormonally driven adolescent girls.
He was hands down one of the finest physicians she’d ever worked for. He was trustworthy, honest, reliable, and she had never once seen him in a foul mood. He was as charming as he was funny, and his often rumpled, shabby-chic appearance only added to his appeal. And despite being an East Coaster, he had exceptionally good manners. But most important, his rapport with children made him an outstanding pediatrician.