Cowboy All Night. Vicki Lewis Thompson
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“I don’t mind. I like staying busy.” Especially when going back to her apartment meant dealing with her brother. She’d optimistically encouraged him to move into a first-floor apartment in her complex so she’d be available for anything he needed during his recovery.
But instead of helping him get better, she was forced to watch him giving up. He’d found an IT job that allowed him to work from home and set his own hours, so theoretically he didn’t need to learn to walk again.
“There’s such a thing as being too busy,” Rosie said. “Why not let us fix you dinner while you relax on the porch with a glass of something refreshing?”
“That’s very sweet, but cooking is fun for me, and doing it for people I care about is even more fun. Your kitchen is one of my favorite places in the world, especially when everybody hangs out while I’m fixing the meal.”
Herb looked at Rosie. “Then it looks like we’ll be feasting on coq au vin tonight.”
Aria saw a subtle message pass between them. “Is that a problem? I didn’t think to ask if you hated it. I can make something else with the chicken. I don’t have to—”
“We both love it,” Rosie said. “We had it on our honeymoon in Jackson Hole at the fanciest restaurant we’ve been in before or since. I briefly considered trying to make it, but one look at the complicated recipe took care of that.”
Aria began having misgivings. “Was it a five-star restaurant?”
“Probably.” Herb chuckled. “There were no prices on the menu, so the bill was a bit of a shocker, but...” He shrugged and gave Rosie a fond glance. “It was worth it.”
“Hey, slowpokes!” Brant opened the front door and came out holding two frosty champagne bottles with vapor coming from the uncorked necks. “We fed the cat and then I found these hiding in the rec room fridge with a bunch of their buddies. Looks like we’re all champagned up for this occasion.”
“I knew we’d be celebrating,” Rosie said, “so I stocked in plenty.”
“Excellent.” Brant nodded in satisfaction. “So are we going to toast Linus or stand around gabbing all night?”
“I’m ready to toast.” Lexi walked out on the porch, clutching four champagne flutes by the stems. Cade followed with two more.
Aria was charmed by their enthusiasm. Although she wished Josh had come with her, she couldn’t predict his moods anymore and he might have been a sourpuss. Maybe it was just as well he’d stayed home. She took the flute Lexi handed her.
After everyone had glasses, Lexi turned to Brant. “Okay, do your thing.” She moved over next to Aria. “Hold your flute next to mine and be amazed by the two-fisted pourer.”
“Aw, shucks, Lexi.” Brant ducked his head. “You’ll make me blush.”
Lexi snorted. “As if. You’re too cool to blush.”
“When you’re right, you’re right.” Grinning, Brant lifted both bottles and filled their glasses without spilling a drop.
Cade rolled his eyes. “You are such a show-off, Ellison.”
“Just honoring the lady’s request for a demonstration of my unique skill.” He turned the bottles upright with a flourish and glanced at Aria. “You’re in charge of the toast, so make it good.”
Aha. A challenge. Anticipation fizzed within her like the champagne bubbles in her glass. “Oh, I see. No pressure.”
“None at all.” He used the same dramatic pouring routine for Rosie and Herb. “Just be aware that some excellent toasts have been made on this porch, so the bar’s pretty high.” He winked at her before continuing over to Cade.
“Way to go, Ellison,” Cade said. “Intimidate our special guest.”
“I’m not intimidated.” A task she could handle got her blood pumping, but Cade and Brant might not know that. She waited until everyone had champagne before raising her glass. “To everyone who’s a part of Thunder Mountain Academy. Today a handsome colt named Linus became linked with its history and I thank you all for giving him that honor.”
Cheers and whistles of approval followed. Before taking a sip, Aria looked over and caught Brant’s smile. She was ridiculously pleased that he seemed to like her toast.
“Now that we all have champagne,” Rosie said, “we should move this party into the kitchen. Aria’s going to make coq au vin.”
Brant’s eyebrows lifted. “That sounds sexy and possibly illegal. I’m in.”
“Down boy.” Lexi patted his chest. “It’s chicken cooked in wine.”
“It’s way more than that.” Herb moved to the door and held it open as they all trouped inside. “It’s a dish fit for the gods.”
Although Aria had faith in her cooking skills, she’d never put her work up against that of a highly paid chef. “I can’t promise a dish fit for the gods. Your chef in Jackson Hole probably studied in Paris.”
“What chef are we talking about?” Once they were in the kitchen Brant emptied the rest of the champagne into Rosie’s and Lexi’s glasses.
“The one who cooked their most memorable honeymoon dinner, which happened to be coq au vin,” Aria said.
“No kidding? This is new information.” Dropping the empty bottles into a recycling bin, Brant turned to Cade. “Do you remember hearing anything about this?”
“No, but they got married, so it stands to reason they’d have a honeymoon.”
“Of course we had a honeymoon.” Herb leaned against the kitchen counter. “Three days in Jackson Hole.”
Cade nodded. “There you go. So, logically, you had honeymoon food, and it stands to reason it would be fancy and pricey.”
“Huh.” Brant polished off the last of his champagne. “I always figured honeymoon food would be booze and munchies.”
Aria spoke without thinking. “Remind me never to go on a honeymoon with you.” Then she realized what she’d said and felt her cheeks warm. When Cade grinned at her, she braced herself for some teasing.
But then he surprised her by turning to Brant. “I would never go on a honeymoon with you, either, Ellison.”
Brant’s deep laughter filled the kitchen. “And here I was all set to propose, bro. Way to shoot a guy down.”
“Seriously, Aria.” Cade gestured toward Brant with his champagne flute. “This guy may be able to double-fist a couple of champagne bottles, but after that, it’s nothing but chips and peanuts. Maybe some cheese. He has no concept of honeymoon-worthy dining. Keep that in mind.”
“I will.”
Brant shrugged. “I like things to be simple and straightforward. Nothing wrong with that.”