Irresistible Greeks: Defiance and Desire. Кэрол Мортимер
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Knowing of Gemini’s acquaintance with both men—these encounters with Drakon were far too physically volatile for her ever to think of them as friends—was surely only guaranteed to make Angela even more determined to capture one of the Lyonedes cousins. If only out of spite towards Gemini.
She shrugged ruefully. ‘As long as you and Markos stay well away from her in future there shouldn’t be a problem.’
Drakon gave a humourless smile. ‘That may be a little difficult when we are in the middle of a business transaction with her.’
Gemini stiffened at this reminder that Lyonedes Enterprises was in the process of purchasing her family home from Angela. ‘I believe you walked yourself into that particular situation,’ she said unsympathetically.
‘Indeed,’ he accepted dryly. ‘And it is a situation I am more than capable of dealing with. But I would advise that you do everything in your power to avoid any further confrontation with her.’
Gemini looked him directly in the eyes. ‘Maybe you should just give her what she wants and take her to bed?’
Drakon drew in a harsh breath at the very thought of having a sexual relationship with the avaricious widow. Not that she was unattractive—if a man did not mind knowing her interest was mainly in his bank balance!
Which, he acknowledged, was something that had never particularly bothered him before. Indeed, it was the reason he had become so cynical and jaded about ever finding a woman who might love him for himself, and whom he could love in return. Years of having women attracted to the Lyonedes name and his excessive wealth had resulted in unemotional and consequently fleeting relationships with women.
His continued attraction to Gemini—a young woman whom he now knew was neither avaricious nor experienced—was unsettling to say the least.
He eyed her dispassionately and nodded abruptly. ‘I will give your suggestion all the consideration it deserves.’ Which, as far as he was concerned, was none whatsoever.
Gemini recoiled as if Drakon had physically struck her. Which, in a way, he had.
For the past four years she had stood back and watched as dozens of men had fallen prey to the allure of Angela’s voluptuous beauty—her own father included—and to think of Drakon, a man whose attraction she seemed unable to resist herself, becoming another one of Angela’s conquests brought a return of Gemini’s earlier nausea.
She frowned. ‘Obviously you must do what you think best…’
Those almost black eyes glittered coldly. ‘I invariably do,’ he rasped harshly.
Yes, she had no doubt that he was a man who answered to no one for any of his actions. And really she had brought this current situation on herself. Out of self-defence and confusion over her attraction towards Drakon, maybe, but nevertheless she had instigated this particular conversation.
‘Thank you once again for your help earlier.’
‘You’re welcome.’ He gave a brief inclination of his head.
‘No doubt you’ll be returning to New York now?’
Drakon had decided earlier that to leave England before the issue of Angela Bartholomew was settled to his satisfaction would be an error of judgement on his part. But this time spent with Gemini, when he had once again found himself unable to resist making love to her, only to learn that she was an innocent, told him that it would perhaps be an even bigger error of judgement on his part if he were to remain. Only perhaps? It could become a catastrophic error of judgement for both of them if he were to remain in England at this present time!
‘No doubt,’ he replied noncommittally as he strolled over and opened the shop door. ‘Lock the door behind me.’
Gemini glared at his autocratic back as she followed him. ‘I have every intention of doing so.’
Drakon looked down at her wordlessly for several long seconds before sighing. ‘Don’t hesitate to call on Markos if it should become necessary.’
Call on Markos, not him, she noted heavily as she shut and secured the door after Drakon left. He couldn’t have told her any more plainly that their own brief association, whatever it might have been, was very definitely over as far as he was concerned.
Drakon waited only long enough to hear Gemini lock the door behind him before taking his mobile out of his pocket and pressing a quick-dial button as he walked the short distance to where he had parked his car earlier.
‘Have Max arrange for a twenty-four-hour watch to be kept on Gemini,’ he instructed economically when his cousin answered the call on only the second ring. ‘And first thing in the morning have him do a thorough check on Angela Bartholomew,’ he added grimly before Markos had time to respond to that first instruction. ‘I also want him to look into the possibility of Miles Bartholomew having drawn up a will dated later than the one that was presented for probate.’ He unlocked and opened the door of the Mercedes and slid into the leather seat behind the wheel. ‘A will that may have left Bartholomew House to his daughter rather than his wife.’
‘Do you think that’s a possibility?’
‘After today, I think Angela is a woman capable of doing anything that is in her own best interests.’
‘Including illegally suppressing her husband’s will?’
‘Including that, yes,’ Drakon confirmed grimly.
‘Hell!’ Markos groaned heavily. ‘That could leave Lyonedes Enterprises in one almighty legal tangle.’
It would also, if it existed, leave Gemini in a position of great vulnerability…‘Yes,’ he agreed tersely.
‘And where will you will be while I’m instructing Max to do these things?’ Markos prompted curiously.
Drakon glanced across at the closed and shuttered flower shop that Gemini owned and ran. His gaze was drawn upwards to where a light had come on in what he now knew to be the sitting room of her apartment. ‘I have decided to leave for New York this evening after all.’
‘Really?’ Markos sounded surprised.
‘Really,’ Drakon echoed dryly. There was no reason for him to return to Lyonedes Tower; he rarely carried luggage with him anyway, as he kept a full wardrobe of clothes in both his New York apartment and the one here in London.
‘But Gemini is okay?’
He frowned his irritation at his cousin’s obvious concern. ‘She appeared to be perfectly well when I left her two minutes ago,’ he snapped.
‘And her stepmother?’
‘Is a bitch from hell, and we should never have entered into a business transaction with her,’ Drakon felt no hesitation in announcing harshly.
There was a brief pause before Markos spoke again. ‘I’ll talk to Max straight away.’