Million Dollar Christmas Proposal. Lucy Monroe

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Million Dollar Christmas Proposal - Lucy Monroe Mills & Boon Modern

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not look like she had an alternative description to offer.

      In fact, once again, she seemed to be struck entirely speechless.

      “I have fired four nannies since I took custody of Franca and Angilu six months ago.” And the current caretaker was not looking to last much longer. “They need a mama. Someone who will put their welfare ahead of everything else. Someone who will love them.”

      He had no personal experience with that type of parenting, but he’d spent enough time in Sicily with his family over there. He knew what it was supposed to look like.

      “You can’t buy love, sir! You just can’t.”

      “I think you will find, Gloria, that indeed I can.” Bank President and CEO, the driving force behind its expansion from a regional financial institution to a truly international one and founder of his own Tomasi Enterprises, Enzu was one of wealthiest men in the world.

      “Mr. Tomasi—”

      “She will have to be educated,” Enzu said, interrupting further ranting on his assistant’s part. “A bachelor’s degree at least, but not a PhD.”

      He didn’t want someone who was driven to excel academically at that level. Her primary focus would not be on the children but her academic pursuits.

      “No doctors?” Gloria asked faintly.

      “They hardly keep hours conducive to maintaining the role of primary caregiver for the children. Franca is four, but Angilu is less than a year old and far from being school age.”

      “I see.”

      “It goes without saying the candidates cannot have any kind of criminal record; I would prefer they be currently employed in an appropriate job. Though the woman I choose will give up her current job in order to care for the children full time.”

      “Naturally.” Sarcasm dripped from Gloria’s tone.

      That, at least, he was used to.

      “Yes, well, no candidate should be younger than twenty-five and no older than her mid-thirties.” She would have to be his wife as well.

      “That narrows down the pool significantly.”

      Enzu chose to ignore his assistant’s mocking words. “Previous experience with children would be preferred, but is not absolutely necessary.”

      He did realize it was unlikely an educated woman in a career now, unless it was one related to children, would have experience with them.

      “Oh, and while I will not immediately rule out someone who has been married previously, she cannot have her own children that would compete with Franca and Angilu for attention.”

      Franca had experienced enough of that sort of neglect and Enzu was determined she never would again.

      “The candidates should be passable in the looks department, if not pretty, but definitely no super-model types.”

      The children had already been subjected to the beautiful but vain and entirely empty-headed Johana as mother and stepmother.

      His brother Pinu’s taste in women, from his first serious affair, which had resulted in Franca and a mother who had been only too happy to walk away once Enzu met her financial demands, to the wife who had died with him in the crash, had been inarguably abysmal.

      This time around Enzu would be choosing the woman and he was confident he could make a far superior decision to the ones Pinu had made in that department.

      Gloria did not reply to Enzu’s completed list of requirements, so he went on to enumerate the compensation package he’d worked out for the successful candidate.

      “There will be both financial and social benefits for the woman taking on this new role. Once both children have reached their majority without significant critical issues,” he emphasized, “the mother will receive a stipend of ten million dollars. Each year she successfully executes her maternal duties she will receive a salary of $250,000 paid in monthly installments. She will receive an additional monthly allowance to cover all reasonable household and living expenses for her and the children.”

      “You really are prepared to buy them a mother?” Gloria was back to looking gobsmacked.

      “Sì.” Hadn’t he said so?

      “Ten million dollars? Really?”

      “As I said, the bonus is dependent on both children reaching their majority without going off the rails. It will be paid when Angilu turns eighteen. But if one of the children chooses to follow in my brother’s footsteps, she will still receive half for the successful raising of the other one.”

      He did realize there was a certain amount of self-will in the path a person chose to take in life. He and his brothers couldn’t have been more different, though they’d been raised in almost identical circumstances.

      “And she will be your wife as well?”

      “Sì. In name at least.” For the sake of Franca and Angilu’s sense of family and stability.

      Gloria stood, indicating she was ready to return to her work. “I will see what I can do.”

      “I have every confidence in your success.”

      She did not look reassured.

      * * *

      Well, that could have gone better.

      Audrey brushed impatiently at the tears that wanted to fall. When had crying ever made a difference?

      Neither her tears nor those of her then twelve-year-old brother had made a difference to Carol and Randall Miller. Pleading had only been met with disgusted impatience and implacable resolve unhindered by any emotion, much less love.

      Maybe she should have waited a few weeks until Christmas and asked then. Weren’t people supposed to be filled with charity during the Christmas season? Somehow she didn’t think it would make any difference to her parents.

      Audrey should have known they weren’t going to change their minds now. She’d been an idiot to think that Toby being accepted into the prestigious Engineering School’s Bachelor of Science program at MIT would make a difference.

      But she hadn’t even asked for any financial assistance, just a place for Toby to live while he attended school. If her parents didn’t want him commuting to the MIT campus in Cambridge from their Boston home they could have provided living accommodation in one of their many real estate holdings throughout the city.

      They’d categorically refused. No money. No help in any way.

      Wealthy and emotionally distant, Carol and Randall Miller used the carrot and stick approach to parenting, with an unwavering conviction in the rightness of their opinions and beliefs. When that didn’t work, they washed their hands of what they considered failure.

      Like they had with her and Toby.

      It had nearly broken her brother to be rejected so completely by his parents, but he’d come back from the abyss

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