Billionaire's Baby Of Redemption. Michelle Smart

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Billionaire's Baby Of Redemption - Michelle Smart Mills & Boon Modern

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his word.

      ‘Not an actual promise,’ Luis conceded. ‘But look me in the eye and tell me it wasn’t a deliberate act on your part.’

      Luis had asked him to give Benjamin a heads-up about the changes in terms when Javier emailed the contract. At no point had Javier agreed to this request and Luis should be thankful for it. Benjamin’s failure to read the contract before signing it had made the Casillas brothers richer to the tune of two hundred and twenty-five million euros. Benjamin had still made an excellent profit—profit—of seventy-five million and all he’d had to do for that substantial sum was transfer some funds. That he’d had the nerve to sue them over it was beyond the pale. That Benjamin had refused to accept the court’s judgement when the judge had thrown the case out, and then stolen Javier’s fiancée from him, was despicable.

      And the world thought he was the bad man in all this?

      Blind, prejudiced fools, the lot of them. He knew what they all thought. The world looked at his face and saw his murderer father.

      ‘For what reason would it have been deliberate?’ he asked coldly.

      ‘That is for your conscience to decide. All I know for sure is that Benjamin was our friend. I have defended you and I have fought your corner—’

      ‘Our corner,’ Javier corrected, his limited patience right at the point of snapping.

      Now his own twin was questioning his motives?

      What happened to the loyalty that had always bound them together?

      ‘I assume this burst of conscience from you is connected to that damned woman.’

      He’d had a sense of foreboding in the pit of his stomach since spotting Chloe Guillem, Benjamin’s sister, in the audience that night.

      Chloe had betrayed them as greatly as her brother had; had aided and abetted his plot to steal Freya and was, unquestionably, the cause of all the tension that had hung between Javier and Luis since Luis’s return from the Caribbean.

      A darkness rarely seen on his brother’s face suddenly appeared, and before Javier had time to blink, Luis had grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. ‘If you ever speak about Chloe in that way again then you and I are finished. Do you hear me? Finished.’

      ‘If you’re still defending her to me then I would say we’re already finished, brother.’ He spat the last word directly into Luis’s face.

      Javier knew in his bones that something had happened between Luis and Chloe. Luis had always had a roving eye for the ladies but never had Javier had cause to suspect a shift in his brother’s loyalty from it.

      If Luis wanted to be with that bitch after what she had done to him then Luis could get the hell out of his life. Loyalty counted for everything and if Luis had lost sight of that then he was no brother to him.

      Eyeball to eyeball, they glowered at each other, the venom seeping between them thick enough to taste.

      Then Luis released his hold and stepped back.

      Javier stared at the man he had shared a womb with, had shared a bedroom with, had fought with, had protected, had been protected by, had grieved with, the other side of the coin that was the Casillas twins, and watched him take backwards strides until he turned his back on him.

      Breathing heavily, his hands clenched into fists, his hardening heart thumping, Javier watched Luis collide with a petite blonde woman in his haste to get away from him.

      In all their thirty-five years neither of them had ever turned their back on the other.

      It would be the first and last time Luis walked away from him.

      In the periphery of his vision he saw the woman his treacherous brother had bumped into come towards him, but with his gaze on Luis’s retreating back, it was only when she stood a few feet from him that her features came into focus.

      Javier stared at the face he had last seen two months before when he had shown her to the door of his house.

      Big pale blue eyes stared back, apprehension shining out of them.

      The rage inside him ratcheted up another notch. Any higher and there was real danger he would combust.

      This was a face he had never wanted to see close-up again.

      ‘You should be at the aftershow party,’ he snapped.

      Sophie Johnson was part of Compania de Ballet de Casillas’s corps de ballet and had a contractual obligation to attend the aftershow party.

      Colour flamed the pretty heart-shaped face, a pained crease forming in her brow. ‘I quit the company two months ago.’

      His heart thumped to hear that surprisingly sultry voice again.

      Sophie had the sweet looks of an innocent but a voice that evoked thoughts of dark red satin sheets and dim lighting.

      She had quit the company...?

      He had hardly looked at the stage during the performance.

      ‘Then what the hell are you doing here?’

      But he knew. The pressing weight in his already tightly crushed chest told him the answer. He did not want to listen to it.

      Her throat moved.

      He’d kissed that throat...

      ‘I need to talk to you.’

      ‘Now is the worst time to speak to me.’ And she was the last person he wished to see or speak to. Not now, when he could feel the fabric of his life dissolving around him.

      He stepped past her and nodded a dismissal. ‘Excuse me.’

      He’d taken no more than two paces when she said, ‘It’s important.’

      His heart began to thrum wildly, every nerve ending standing on edge. Memories of their brief interlude surfaced in a wave, memories he’d not allowed himself to think of since showing her out of his home.

      Pinching the bridge of his nose, he half turned to her and inhaled deeply.

      ‘No,’ he told her harshly. ‘This is not a conversation we are going to have now. Go home.’


      ‘I said no.’

      The vehemence in Javier’s gravelly tone made Sophie recoil.

      She watched him stride down the long corridor, clenching her jaw so tightly it stopped the threatening tears from splashing over her cheeks.

      She had shed enough tears these past two months.

      She staggered on shaking legs to the nearest chair and sank down into it.

      Covering her mouth, she forced deep breaths into her choking airway and drew on all the ballet training that had been instilled in her since early childhood to

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