Craving Her Enemy's Touch. Rachael Thomas

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Craving Her Enemy's Touch - Rachael Thomas Mills & Boon Modern

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his face, and she took it quickly, anxious to seal the deal.

      ‘We have a deal.’ Her words came out in a rush as a jolt shot up her arm, setting off sparks all over her body as if she’d become a firework. Her breathing almost stopped as his eyes locked with hers, his fingers clasped tightly around her hand, the warmth of his scorching hers.

      ‘Bene,’ he said firmly, so firmly it was obvious he didn’t feel any of the drama from touching her and she’d do well to remember that the next time he smiled at her as if she was the most beautiful woman in the world. He was flirting, just like all the men she’d known, including her father. And it was flirting which had destroyed her parents’ marriage, driving her mother into another man’s arms, tearing the family apart.

      She closed the door on those thoughts. Now was not the time to become embroiled in them, not when she had the perfect opportunity to find out the truth of Seb’s last hours.

      * * *

      Alessandro held onto her hand and looked into her eyes. Did she feel it too? Was the same sizzle of passion creating havoc in her body? She regarded him with a steady gaze, her full lips pressed into a firm line. Evidently not. Her beautiful face was a mask of stone; not a trace of emotion there.

      He should be pleased, grateful that the deal they’d just made wasn’t going to be overcomplicated by sex. His friendship with Seb and the promise he’d made when he was in hospital, hooked up to all sorts of machines, dictated this arrangement should be business only. At least with her cool demeanour it would be exactly that.

      ‘If it becomes too painful, too much, you must tell me.’ She frowned at him and pulled her hand free of his, ceasing the torment just that innocent touch had created within him.

      ‘It won’t.’ Those two words were so full of strength he didn’t doubt it for one moment.

      ‘You are very sure of that, considering you told me to leave only a short while ago.’ Was he trying to reassure himself or her?

      ‘You caught me off guard.’ She reached past him and gathered up their discarded coffee mugs and as she turned to wash them he couldn’t help but take another look at her curves, admire the womanly softness of them.


      Business. That was all it was—business. He also sensed that this was a woman who wouldn’t accept a no-strings-attached affair. He had, after all, become adept at avoiding such women since extricating himself from a marriage which should never have happened.

      He shrugged his shoulders, trying to shake off the pulse of passion. ‘Then we shall travel to Milan today.’

      ‘We?’ Her eyes flew wide with shock.

      ‘I have much to do ahead of the launch and if you seriously want to learn more about the car it would be a good idea, no?’ He wondered at the wisdom of travelling with her when he found it hard to focus on much other than her glorious body.

      ‘I’m not packed or anything. I’ll travel out later. You’d better get back to your family.’

      ‘That will not be necessary.’ His voice was firm, perhaps a little too firm if the surprise on her face was anything to go by. ‘There isn’t anyone awaiting my arrival.’ Those days were over and if he had any sense it would stay that way.

      He didn’t miss her raised brows, or the look of suppressed curiosity which crept into her eyes, and wanted to deflect any questions. ‘There are also plans for the weekend, with customers going to the test track to drive the demonstration car. Seb had been really excited about that, told me you’d be in your element there.’

      ‘But still,’ she said, her soft voice torturing his unexpected need for her, ‘I can make my own way there.’

      Was she deliberately being difficult, provoking him to the point of frustration? ‘I have a plane waiting. We can be there before nightfall.’

      She looked at him, doubt clouding her eyes, and a vice-like grip clutched at his chest. Seb had always spoken very protectively of his sister—and now he knew why. She was woman enough to bring out the protective streak in any man. For years he’d avoided any such sentiments, having had them destroyed by divorce. He was far from the right man to protect her and he wished he’d never made Seb any promises.

      He couldn’t do this, couldn’t risk it. She was sweet temptation even though he knew she was off limits. He couldn’t do anything against Seb’s memory. This was Seb’s sister, the woman his friend had always wanted to protect. If he allowed this carnal need to take over, he would be failing in his promise to Seb. He wouldn’t be protecting her at all.

      * * *

      ‘So what are you going to do while I pack?’ Charlie asked tersely, annoyed that she hadn’t even left her home yet and he was already making decisions for her. She tried for flippancy. ‘Drink more coffee?’

      ‘No,’ he said, sounding very Italian, even with just that one word. ‘I will wait here.’

      He was infuriating and she recalled what Seb had said about him once when they’d talked on the phone about his new venture. A man who knows what he wants and allows nothing to get in his way.

      Alessandro did want her at the launch. That much was clear. But why? Was she disrupting his plans by dictating her own terms? She certainly hoped so. It was probably about time he learnt he couldn’t have it all.

      ‘Very well. I will be as quick as I can.’ She made to move past him and he stepped back away from her, giving her room. So much room that anyone would think he didn’t want her near him, but the heavy hint of desire in his eyes gave an entirely different message.

      ‘I’m not going anywhere, cara.’ The silky softness of his voice stirred the throb of desire which still lingered inside her body. She clutched the door frame of the kitchen as if it was the only thing that would keep her upright.

      ‘I wouldn’t expect anything less from a man like you.’ Before he even had time to respond, she fled, dashing up the stairs to her room, enjoying the rush of anticipation that ran through her. She paused briefly. She’d always been excited by the prospect of jetting off when she’d worked for Seb’s team, but never had such a handsome man been part of the reason.

      He’s not, she scolded herself and quickly changed, before applying light make-up. Then, with practised speed and efficiency, she packed a small bag, just enough for a few days in Italy. She’d shop for anything else she needed once there.

      His expression of shock made her smile as she returned to the kitchen. He hadn’t expected that. At least it proved he didn’t know as much about her as he claimed.

      ‘Have you your passport?’ His accent was heavy as he moved towards her to take her bag.

      His fingers grazed hers as she gave him the bag and heat scorched her skin. She looked up at him and a flush crept over her face. In his eyes she thought she saw desire, the same desire she was sure must be shining from hers. Would he see it? Recognise it?

      She hoped not. From the first second her eyes had met his, the pull of attraction had been strong. With each passing minute it had strengthened, but she could not and would not act on it. To do so would be disloyal to Seb. Whatever had happened the night of the accident, this was Seb’s business partner.


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