Gut Instinct. Barb Han

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Gut Instinct - Barb Han The Campbells of Creek Bend

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to Alice.

      The short blonde nodded and gave Julie another hug.

      “This will all be over soon and we’ll have lunch at Mi Cocina again. Like normal people,” she said. She pulled back and saw big tears filling her friend’s eyes.

      “Are you kidding?” Alice asked. “After this ordeal, we’re going out for margaritas. Or maybe I’ll skip the mixer and go straight to tequila shots.”

      Julie glanced up at Luke. He’d finished his conversation with the officers but kept his distance. He looked impatient for her to wrap things up.

      “Take care of yourself. I’ll be in touch,” she said to Alice.

      Her friend started down the sidewalk.

      Luke was by Julie’s side in a heartbeat. He must’ve noticed her shivering, not from cold but from the shock wearing off, because he put his arm around her shoulders. She fit perfectly, just exactly as she remembered. Body to body, the air thinned and then thrummed. Julie ignored the familiar rush of warmth traveling over her skin and making her legs rubbery.

      “Where’s your friend parked?” he asked.

      Julie scanned the vehicles lining the street. “I don’t see her car.”

      “Call her back.”

      Last thing Julie wanted was to witness a confrontation. “Why?”

      “He’s around here somewhere.” He skimmed the street.


      Her friend stopped and turned.

      Luke had already flagged an officer. “Do me a favor?”

      “Sure thing,” the cop said.

      “See to it the blonde gets into her car, locks the doors, and then wait until she pulls away.” He motioned toward Alice.

      The officer nodded. “Sure thing.”

      Luke turned to Julie and said, “You okay with staying over at my place tonight until we find a suitable safe house?”

      The thought of being alone with Luke at his place for an entire night sent a very different kind of shiver down her body. She downplayed it as her being cold. Looking him straight in the eyes, she asked, “Do you really think that’s best?”

      He didn’t answer her. He had already started walking her toward the house. “Want to grab an overnight bag?”

      She nodded. He escorted her inside, washed the blood off his hands and waited while she threw together a few items to get her through the next couple of days.

      “Rob’s one step ahead of me, if it’s him. I don’t want to let you out of my sight until I’m certain you’re protected,” he said low, in practically a whisper, as he walked her toward his truck.

      His reasoning made sense. After the way he’d been looking at her all night, she suspected he also probably felt some sense of guilt about how he’d left things before. Maybe he could catch a killer and ease his conscience at the same time.

      Maybe she’d get the closure she so desperately needed.

      Too many nights Luke Campbell had shown up in her dreams, charming her. If she spent the night with him, fixed the past, then maybe she’d be able to walk away clean, too. And possibly be ready to start a life with Herb. Or someone new. She doubted Herb would want to see her again after she’d told him she needed time to think.

      Luke helped her into the truck and scanned the street again before he climbed into the driver’s seat.

      She glanced back at her once-quiet neighborhood.

      People were on their porches or standing at their front windows watching the circus of lights. Police were urging them to go back inside and lock their doors. Knowing a cold-blooded killer stalked her, and seemed intent on never letting up, made blood run cold in her veins.

      “Wanna scoot a little closer? You’re shivering again.”

      “I’m fine. It’s just been a long day.”

      He turned the heater up. “Shock’s wearing off. I’m sorry this happened. If we saw each other again, I’d hoped it would be under different circumstances.”

      If. He’d clearly had no plans to seek her out. Why did that make her heart sink?

      Because Luke was her only failure in life.

      “Breathe in and out slowly,” Luke said.

      She did a few times. It helped calm her fried nerves. “Where’d you learn to do that?”

      He shrugged, kept his gaze focused out the front window. “I took the military up on its offer to see a shrink. She was big on breathing.”

      Luke Campbell went to counseling? If he hadn’t told her himself, she never would’ve believed it. “I’m shocked. You seemed so adamant about not involving doctors or having someone poke around in your head.”

      “I made a lot of mistakes when I came home from duty.” A beat passed. “Some I could fix.”

      The power of that last sentence hit her like a tsunami. Perhaps he’d worked on the things he thought worth saving. Their marriage clearly didn’t fall into that category. Anger burned through her. “When did you start therapy?”

      “Not long before you... Doesn’t matter. Point being, it helped.” His tone was sharp, his words cutting.

      “Before I what?” She couldn’t let it go.

      “Never mind.” He flipped on the turn signal and then turned on the radio.

      It was just like Luke to get all quiet as soon as they started talking about something personal. Hadn’t that been the true failure in their marriage? He didn’t trust her enough to open up.

      Julie glanced in the side mirror. A white sedan turned a little too quickly at the same time they did. “Has that car been following us?”

      Luke’s gaze narrowed as he checked the rearview mirror. “I’ve been keeping an eye on him.”

      “Good. I thought my paranoia was in high gear after the day I’ve had.”

      “Most people wouldn’t be able to hold it together as well as you have today. I’m really proud of you.” His voice was low and masculine, and it sent unwelcome sensual shivers racing through her.

      She rubbed her arms to stave off the goose bumps.

      “Hold on tight.” He cut a hard right without signaling.

      The white sedan didn’t follow.

      “Looks like I was imagining things. Sorry,” Julie said, ignoring the electric current pulsing through her at being this near Luke again. Damn body.

      “No need to apologize. He landed on

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