Seduction On His Terms. Sarah M. Anderson

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Seduction On His Terms - Sarah M. Anderson Mills & Boon Desire

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force Robert to do this—be this...this lie. He was going to make Robert stand next to him before crowds and cameras. He was going to expect Robert to give speeches of his own, no doubt full of bold-faced lies about Landon’s character and compassion. And if Robert didn’t...

      Would he ever see his mother again?

      Landon would do whatever he wanted, if Robert didn’t stop him. There had to be a way.

      You can do anything you want because you’re Dr. Robert freaking Wyatt, he heard Jeannie say.

      Maybe she was right.

      Now more than ever, he needed a drink.

      “Well?” he said in that silky voice of his.

      Once, Cybil had thought Landon Wyatt’s voice was the most seductive voice she’d ever heard.

      That had been a long time ago. So long ago that all she could remember was the pain of realizing she’d been seduced, all right. She could barely remember the time when she’d been a naive coed right out of college, swept away by the charming billionaire fifteen years her senior.

      She’d been paying for that mistake ever since. “He’s coming.”

      Landon notched an eyebrow—a warning.

      Cybil smiled graciously. “He’ll try to get there early, but he has rounds,” she went on, hoping Landon would dismiss her. Hearing Bobby’s voice again, the anger when he’d promised he could get her away from her husband of thirty-five years...

      God, she’d missed her son. Maybe this time would be different. Bobby had grown into a fine man, a brilliant surgeon. Landon hated that both because Bobby worked for a living and, Cybil suspected, because Landon knew Bobby was far smarter.

      If anyone could outthink Landon Wyatt, it’d be his own son.

      Something warm and light bloomed in her chest. With a start, she realized it was hope.

      What if there really was a way?

      But Landon would never let her go.

      A fact he reinforced when he stood and stroked a hand over her hair. Years of practice kept her from flinching at his touch. “I know you’ve missed him,” he murmured as if he hadn’t been the one keeping her from her son. His hand settled on the back of her neck and he began to squeeze. “So I know you’ll make sure he does what’s expected. Otherwise...”

      “Of course,” Cybil agreed, struggling as his grip tightened.

      Like she did every day, she thanked God Bobby had gotten away. If he were still trapped in this hell with her, she didn’t know how she’d bear it. But the knowledge that he was out there, saving children and living far from this—that kept her going. As long as her son was safe, she could endure.

      She looked up at the man she’d married and smiled because he expected her to act as if she enjoyed being with him. Maybe... Maybe she wouldn’t have to endure much longer.

      “Mr. Wyatt?” The sound of Alexander’s reedy voice cut through the office. “My apologies, but the campaign chairman is on line one.”

      “Now what?” he growled, abruptly letting her go.

      Cybil did not exhale in relief because he’d already forgotten she was here. She merely escaped while she could.

      She didn’t want Bobby to be drawn back into his father’s world, and the fact that Landon was using her to get their son to fall into line sickened her. But Bobby’s anger, his willingness to stand up to his father...

      No, maybe she wouldn’t have to endure this marriage much longer at all.

      She needed to be ready.

      Would Robert convince his mother to leave Landon?

      The last time, it’d gone...poorly.

      He needed a better plan this time.

      More than just hiding Cybil Wyatt, Robert needed to make sure Landon wouldn’t ever be in a position to track her down.

      His heart beat at a highly irregular pace. Last time he’d merely tried to hide his mother, in his own home, no less. He hadn’t had a contingency plan in place and without that plan, the whole rescue had been doomed to fail.

      This time would be different.

      Wyatts didn’t fail. They succeeded.

      He entered Trenton’s at five past eight. Thank God Jeannie was back tonight. She might not be able to offer assistance but she could at least tell him if New Zealand was a good idea or not. She might be the only person he knew who’d tell him the truth. Now all he had to do was find a way to ask.

      A soft, feminine voice purred, “Good evening, Dr. Wyatt. What can I get you?”

      His head snapped up at the unfamiliar voice, the hair on the back of his neck standing up. The bar at Trenton’s was dimly lit, so it took a few moments for Robert to identify the speaker.

      The woman behind the bar was not Jeannie. This woman was shorter, with long light-colored hair piled on top of her head. Jeannie was almost tall enough that she could look Robert in the eye, with dark hair cropped close.

      “Where’s Jeannie?” he growled.

      It was Monday. She was supposed to be here.

      The woman behind the bar batted her eyes. “I’m Miranda. Jeannie’s on vacation. I’m more than happy to take care of you while she’s gone...”

      Robert glared at her. Dammit, Jeannie had said one week. She’d promised. And now he needed her and she wasn’t here.

      The pressure in his head was almost blinding. If he didn’t see Jeannie tonight—right now—he might do something they’d all regret.

      “Dr. Wyatt?”

      The world began to lose color at the edges, a numb gray washing everything flat.

      He needed to leave before he lost control.

      But he couldn’t because his mother had called him and there had to be a way to save her and he needed to see Jeannie.

      She was the only one who could bring color back to his world.

      “She’s not on vacation. Tell me where she is.” He leaned forward, struggling to keep his voice level. “Or else.”

      Miranda’s teasing pout fell away as she straightened and stepped back. “She’s not here,” she said, the purr gone from her voice.

      He wasn’t going to lash out. A Wyatt never lost control.

      So instead of giving in to the gray numbness and doing what Landon would do, Robert forced himself to adjust the cuffs on his bespoke suit, which gave him enough time to breathe and attempt to speak calmly.

      He studied Miranda. She held his gaze, but

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