Untraceable. Janie Crouch
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They had both totally forgotten about the stranger taking their picture, who evidently at some point had just left the camera on a nearby step and walked away, giving the “newlyweds” their privacy. When Evan and Juliet had finally broken apart, they’d both been breathing heavily. And had been confused as hell about what had just happened between them—so unexpected, but so perfectly right at the same time.
They’d been about to go undercover on a critical operation, however, so both of them had pushed whatever had just happened between them aside. Something to deal with later.
Of course, if Evan had known what would happen later, he would’ve made very different choices that day. He would have driven to the nearest hotel and made love with Juliet until neither of them could walk.
Evan took the credit cards and pictures and put them back into the wallet. Maybe it would’ve changed everything, maybe it would’ve changed nothing. He’d never know.
He took Bob Sinclair’s wedding ring and slipped it on his finger. He might as well start getting used to its weight. He picked up the Saint Christopher necklace—Bob and Lisa had matching ones—and placed the chain around his neck. He kissed the medallion as Bob Sinclair had always done.
Evan stood and began packing everything away, straightening up his desk a little. If everything went the way they hoped, he wouldn’t be here in Omega HQ very often over the next few days, for it would be too dangerous. He had done all he could do here at the office. He grabbed the keys to the SUV he’d be driving until the case was over.
It was time to slip on the Bob Sinclair persona. To think like him, walk like him, become him.
Juliet found herself back at Omega Headquarters the next morning, early again. But for once her early arrival wasn’t due to unreasonable fears and memories driving her from her home. Today she was in because she wanted to be, in order to provide Evan with any support he would need while meeting with Vince Cady.
She didn’t expect there would be a whole lot she could do. Evan wouldn’t be wearing a wire or transmitting device. No agent would take something like that to a first meeting with a perpetrator when he or she was sure to be searched; it would be a quick way to get killed. But if Evan needed any info, or advice Juliet could provide, she wanted to be there for his call.
She felt guilty enough for sending him in alone, but determined not to rehash all that again today. She would just do what she could from this end.
She stopped at the coffee shop down the block from Omega, ordered a cup of her favorite brew and made her way to the nondescript front doors of Sector Headquarters. The lobby of Omega could be mistaken for any financial or business building on the outskirts of Washington, DC. A security desk sat in front of the elevators. Everyone had to show their badges to get by. Nothing unusual.
But it was inside the elevators where the true security started. A retinal and fingerprint scan, as well as an individualized code, were required before a passenger was taken to any secure floor. Nobody just walked off the streets and got into Omega.
It was the reason Juliet felt safe here, when she didn’t anywhere else.
The morning ended up being as uneventful as she had hoped. She sat at her desk, monitoring all calls and electronic submissions that might be coming from Evan. But except for a brief text stating the meeting was confirmed for 11:00 a.m. near the Baltimore Pier, they hadn’t heard anything from him. No news wasn’t necessarily good news in this business, but it wasn’t necessarily bad news, either.
Juliet forced herself to relax. She’d feel better once Evan’s initial meeting with Vince Cady was complete. So much rode on this one event.
Her brother Sawyer stuck his head in the door. “Heard from Karcz?”
“A couple of hours ago. Everything seemed good. Meeting scheduled for eleven.” Juliet looked down at the clock on one of the computer screens she had open. Five minutes to eleven. Moment of truth.
“Cam and I are headed into DC proper. Bomb threat issue and the Bureau needs some extra hands. All available agents are headed in.”
Juliet nodded. “Okay. Well, I’ve definitely got it covered here. Just waiting for Evan to check in after the meeting. Nothing I can really do except wait. But in case he needs any emergency info I want to be standing by.”
“Okay, sis. We’ll be on cell phone silence because of the bomb threat. FBI on the scene is concerned that the perps might be using a cell to detonate, so they’re jamming all frequencies.”
“I’ll figure something out if I need you. I’m expecting a boring day.”
Sawyer left and Juliet went back to her work. One computer actively monitored the Baltimore Police Department. They had no idea what was going on with this case, so could actually stumble in and do harm if she wasn’t careful. She’d give them info on a need-to-know basis, if it looked as if they might interfere with the case somehow. She’d also been reading through the files of Vince Cady’s known associates all morning. Nothing terribly interesting there, either, but Juliet wanted to make sure she was up to speed on all the names and faces.
She almost missed it. Amid the chaos of the monitors and files, hypervigilant in her effort to make sure she could provide any support Evan might need—overcompensating for guilt much?—Juliet almost missed the single communiqué that could bring the entire operation crashing down.
It was an automated email from the Omega system. It had filtered through the Virginia courts and correction system, and provided a list of three people who had been released from a Richmond jail on bond this morning at eight o’clock. Omega’s system only red-flagged info concerning criminals or suspects in their database—people Omega had caught, were currently trying to catch, or planned to catch in the future.
The system listed one of the releases, a low-level hired thug named Mark Bolick, because of the agent who had apprehended the suspect: Evan Karcz. At first Juliet didn’t pay the communiqué any attention. As an analyst, she had multiple lists like this come across her computer screen every day.
Mark Bolick had been arrested last month during an altercation between the crime group DS-13 and some Omega agents, a situation that had almost left her brother Sawyer dead. Most of the members of DS-13, including the dirty ex-FBI agent running the crime ring, had been killed. But some had been arrested, including Bolick. Evan had been undercover, not directly involved in the case. But because Sawyer, the agent in charge, had been in critical condition, Evan had arrested the remaining bad guys. Not common practice in undercover work.
Mark Bolick in and of himself wasn’t much of a problem. Juliet didn’t know why he was getting out on bail so early and didn’t really care. The problem was Bolick had ties to Vince Cady, based on information she’d read in the files this morning. Although he didn’t seem to be a big part of Cady’s organization, he was dating Cady’s niece.
It didn’t take a genius to figure out that Bolick, after sitting in jail for over a month, would be heading up to Baltimore as soon as possible, probably to see his girlfriend. But it wasn’t a stretch to think he might check in with Cady immediately.