The Reluctant Bride. Meg Alexander
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“Eat up, my girl!” her mother urged. “A lack of food will cause you to feel faint. Isham must not believe you to be subject to fits of the vapours and you are already much too pale. It is such a pity that we are still in mourning. I wonder if you should change again…perhaps the grey?”
India rebelled at that. “Mama, it cannot matter. What we wear is not of the least importance. Lord Isham met us yesterday, when we wore our plain round morning-gowns. He can be under no illusion as to our looks.”
“Do as I say!” came the furious retort. “Letty must change too. At present you remind me of nothing so much as washerwomen.”
There was nothing more to be said, but when they reached Letty’s room she seized India’s hand and looked at her with anguished eyes.
“India, I beg of you! Do not go through with this! You should not sacrifice yourself for me.”
“I don’t know what you mean,” India lied gallantly. “Nothing has been decided yet. You know that I hope to win more time…”
“Pray don’t try to deceive me. I know you too well…You mean to take him, don’t you?”
“I mean to talk to him. As I said, we do not know him. Possibly he is more reasonable than we imagine. I may be able to persuade him to wait, at least until Giles returns.”
“But how will that help us?”
“Giles may have heard of some position which would restore our fortunes…” Privately, India thought this unlikely, but she refused to give up hope. “Meantime, I must see Isham on my own. Mama will not hear of a delay. One of us will be handfasted to that insolent creature before we can blink an eye.”
Letty still looked troubled. She only half believed her sister, but she promised to talk their mama into allowing India a private interview with his lordship.
“But only if you will give me your word…?”
“Letty, I am not the stuff of martyrs. If all else fails I might agree to an engagement. I could break it later.”
“I suppose so.” Letty gave her a watery smile. “I feel so selfish, dearest, to have refused outright.”
“Never that.” India looked at the clock. “Help me now. Isham is sure to be on time…”
She was right. They had not long to wait. As the clock struck four Isham was announced and shown into the parlour.
As he bowed to her mother India stole a critical look at him. He had exchanged his riding garb for more formal garb, but the perfect tailoring of his plain blue coat served only to emphasise his massive, heavily muscled frame. There was nothing of the dandy about him and she guessed correctly that once dressed he gave his attire no further thought.
His manner was correct, his bow perfection, but his presence shattered the genteel atmosphere in the parlour. India had the impression that a strong wind had blown away all the conventions of polite society.
There was no obvious reason for this. An aristocrat to his fingertips, like many big men he moved with ease and grace. To her relief she was spared his penetrating stare on this occasion.
Instead, he engaged her mother in conversation. “I hope I see you much recovered, ma’am,” he murmured. “I was distressed to learn of your indisposition.”
“It was nothing, my lord.” Mrs Rushford waved aside all mention of her previous ailments. “Merely a headache brought on by this bitter weather. Sir, it is a pleasure to welcome you to Abbot’s Quincey.”
Isham bowed again. “You know this part of the country well?”
“I was born here, and so were my girls at…at the Grange.”
“Ah, yes!” Isham betrayed no trace of embarrassment at this mention of his recently acquired property. “I have just come from there. There is much to be done, I fear. Perhaps you will be good enough to advise me?”
India glanced at her sister. His lordship had found a sure way to her mother’s heart. For the next half-hour she was forced to listen to a discussion about the necessary improvements to the Grange, and the merits of the various workmen in the village.
She glanced down at her hands and found that they were trembling. She hid them at once in the folds of her gown but nothing could remedy the leaden feeling in the pit of her stomach. She had summoned all her courage for the coming interview but it was deserting her fast. Now she longed only to get it over with.
It seemed an age before her mother rose and summoned Letty to her side.
“Will you excuse us, sir?” she said. “India would like to speak to you.”
Isham merely bowed and held the door for them. As it closed he turned and leaned against it. For a panic-stricken moment India felt trapped. Once again she was forced to suffer that long, assessing stare.
“So you are to be the sacrificial lamb?” his lordship drawled at last. “What a fate, my dear!”
Chapter Three
It was an unfortunate beginning, but India kept her eyes fixed firmly on the carpet.
“You speak in riddles, sir,” she said. “Won’t you sit down?” Her shaking hands she kept well hidden. It was impossible to think with that large figure looming over her.
Isham sank into a chair. “Demure, Miss Rushford? The role does not suit you. I prefer the termagant who barred my entrance yesterday…”
India longed to tell him that his preference was not of the slightest interest to her, but she refused to be drawn. There was too much at stake. “You wished to speak to me, I believe?”
“Oh, I thought you wished to speak to me.” The lazy eyes roved over her, and she was reminded of Letty’s comment. Now she too felt naked beneath this creature’s gaze. Anger stiffened her resolve. The man was impossible. Well, he should find her a worthy adversary.
“My uncle tells me that you seek a bride,” she said in icy tones. “I understand that you have offered for me.”
“For either of you, Miss Rushford,” he corrected. It was a deliberate insult and India’s rage increased as his mocking voice continued.
“Your sister is the more conventional beauty, of course, though admittedly you have a certain something. In London I remarked it often.”
“In London?” India stared at him. “I think we have not met before…”
“I did not say that we had met. You did not frequent the gaming rooms, but your height alone attracts attention.”
India coloured, which added to her feelings of mortification. She bit her lips upon a hot retort, but he gave her no time to answer him.
“Pray do not feel embarrassed,” the maddening voice continued. “It is not a fault. Often I have observed that tall women