Claiming His One-Night Baby. Michelle Smart

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Claiming His One-Night Baby - Michelle Smart Mills & Boon Modern

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fixed on the screen.

      ‘There it is!’ she said in delight. ‘See, Natasha? There is your baby.’

      Natasha craned her neck forward, trying hard to see what was there. ‘Where?’

      ‘There.’ Julianna put a finger to the screen. ‘See?’

      Natasha really didn’t know what she’d been expecting to see—a fully formed miniature baby this soon into the pregnancy was too wild even for her imagination—but had hoped it would be more than a blob. But then Julianna pressed some keys on the keyboard on her desk and the blob came into sharper focus. It was still a blob but there was something more defined about it that got her already racing heart ready to burst out of her.

      ‘Do you want to hear the heartbeat?’

      A moment later the most beautiful sound she’d ever heard echoed through the room.

      She didn’t dare look at Matteo. If there was anything other than joy on his face it would taint this special moment for ever.

      So she continued to look at her little walnut now frozen on the screen and listen to its healthy heart beating while Julianna did whatever she was doing on her computer until her eyes blurred and the beats were no longer distinguishable.

      Eventually Julianna pushed her chair back and wiped Natasha’s belly clean with another, softer tissue.

      ‘I would say that so far everything is looking good and healthy.’

      ‘So far?’

      The older woman smiled. ‘I am a medical practitioner. We never talk in absolutes. What I can say with all honesty is that right now your child is developing well and you should be happy with that. As for when it’s due...’ She gave a date at the end of June.

      Natasha closed her eyes. When she had searched the internet and put in the date of conception, every site she had visited had given this same due date within its narrow parameters.

      From the way Matteo shifted in his seat, he had done the same maths.

      He knew the due date made it impossible for Pieta to be the father. The date of conception was firmly after his death.

      He knew the baby was his.

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