Risk Everything. Janie Crouch
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Three frustrating hours later, despite working through lunch, they hadn’t found any promising suspects. The two men who seemed most qualified to have set the fire both lived out of state. Phone calls to their current places of employment had provided solid alibis. There was no way they could’ve been at work all week across the country and then made it to Risk Peak and back.
The couple of others who might have the knowledge were in prison, including Jared Ellis, Marilyn’s husband, who worked in construction.
Ronnie sat back in the chair across from Tanner’s desk, two files balancing on his leg crossed at the knee. “If our perp isn’t someone associated with New Journeys, could it be someone coming after Bree? She was the only one who had to be taken to the hospital. Granted, most of the Organization is behind bars, but after what happened in Atlanta—”
Ronnie was about to say something else when the phone on Tanner’s desk rang.
“Hold that thought.” Although there damn well better not be anyone coming after Bree again. He picked up the phone. “Tanner Dempsey speaking.”
“Captain Dempsey, this is Conrad Parnam with the Denver County Warrants and Bonding Office.” The man’s voice was sort of distant and breathy, like the phone wasn’t directly next to his mouth. Or like he was bored with the conversation before it even started.
“What can I do for you, Mr. Parnam?”
“I’m trying to reach a Mrs. Marilyn Ellis at a facility called New Journeys but I’m having difficulty. Do you have a way to get in touch with her?”
“I do.” He had a sinking suspicion he knew where this was going and wasn’t going to like it.
“Because of the restraining order against Mrs. Ellis’s husband, Jared Ellis, we wanted to let her know that he was released on bail.”
Yep, he didn’t like it. This already bad day just got worse. “Earlier today?”
He could hear Parnam shuffling through papers. “Actually, no. Mr. Ellis was released three days ago.”
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