Pregnant At Acosta's Demand. Maya Blake

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Pregnant At Acosta's Demand - Maya Blake Mills & Boon Modern

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pulling him away, her eyes widening at the blatant act he was about to perform.

      ‘Ramon, I don’t...’ she started. Her train of thought dissolved at the firm kiss he delivered to her core, her fingers convulsing in his hair as pleasure jerked through her. ‘Oh!’

      Raising his head, he blew gently on her. ‘You want me to stop?’

      The anxious part of her that had rejected what he was about to do frantically begged for more. ‘No,’ she blurted.

      At his husky laugh, heat washed up her face.

      But laughter and all trace of embarrassment evaporated beneath the deluge of rapture his next kiss brought. He tasted her and pleasured her with bold, possessive strokes, ramping up her pleasure until her eyes rolled in bliss. Until hoarse, alien words fell from her lips and her fingers sank deep into his hair, urging him on, begging for more.

      He gave generously, his tongue and lips drawing untold delight from her. When he finally concentrated his attention on her tight, swollen nub, Suki’s back arched off the seat, a ragged scream ripping from her throat before her whole body was gripped in wave after wave of ecstasy.

      She resurfaced to the scent of sex and leather and the sight of a virile, hungry, half-naked man. He’d disposed of his jacket, his shirt hung half open and his trousers were unzipped. Black luxurious hair looked sexily dishevelled as if someone...she...had run her hands through it in mindless caresses.

      Her barely decelerated heartbeat kicked up again as she watched him slide on a condom with one hand and roughly push down her dress and free her arms with the other. Next, he unclipped and eased off her bra.

      At the sight of her exposed full breasts, he swore low and hard. ‘Santa cielo, you’re exquisite.’

      As if testing the reality of her skin, he smoothed his hand down from her neck to her stomach, bypassing the needy, screaming peaks of her breasts. On the upward caress, his other hand left his sheathed manhood. Both hands cupped her breasts, his thumbs mercilessly teasing her nipples for a mindless stretch of time before he sucked one into his mouth. Hard on the heels of her expended climax, renewed pleasure surged. High and heady and unthinkably surreal.

      Was she really here, about to—?

      ‘Oh, God,’ she moaned, her mind fracturing as he grazed his teeth over her nipple.

      Still torturing her, he wrapped one arm around her waist and dragged her lower until her buttocks hung off the seat. She was a heartbeat from tossing herself over another cliff into another mind-blowing climax when he lifted his head.

      Fervid green eyes met and trapped hers as he drew her legs over his shoulders. Then, with a grunt, he gripped her waist and thrust hard and deep inside her.

      Her strangled scream was kissed away, urgent hands holding her in place for his second thrust. ‘ tight.’ His voice was gravel-rough hoarse, the words barely coherent.

      Suki gave up trying to decipher them, her mind fracturing into useless pieces as she was fully submerged in the fiery enchantment of Ramon’s possession. He commanded her body like a masterful virtuoso, driving her to the peak and pinning her there, over and over, but not letting her fall.

      As the limo ate up the miles they writhed beneath streetlights thrown intermittently into the car.

      ‘Ramon... Ramon...’

      She wasn’t sure how many times she moaned his name to his thick encouragement. But she was fully astride his kneeling form, their bodies slick with sweat and his implacable arms around her when he raised his head one final time, looked deep into her eyes and instructed, ‘Now, Suki.’

      Glorious pleasure and pressure burst wide open. She could do nothing but hang on as it sucked her deep into a bottomless vortex.

      He caught her earlobe in a sharp bite a second before he was hurled into his own release, muttering hot, torrid words that drew out her own pleasure as he jerked inside her.

      They were still breathing hard when the car swayed round a corner and drew to a stop. He caressed her for another minute before he set her back on the seat and zipped up her dress.

      Unable to meet his eyes or stop the flames of disquiet eating her up, Suki snatched up her panties and bra and stuffed them inside her handbag.

      Beside her, having straightened his own clothes, Ramon lounged back in the seat.

      ‘Um...thanks for the lift,’ she said after a full minute when it became clear he didn’t intend to speak.

      He didn’t reply, just stared at her with hooded dark eyes. Okay... Clutching her handbag, she edged closer to the door. ‘Goodnight, Ramon. Have a safe trip back to...wherever.’

      She reached for the handle. He beat her to it, catching her hand and tugging her round to face him.

      ‘No, I’m not about to have a safe trip back to...wherever. Because we’re not done, guapa. Far from it,’ he said.

      Exiting the car with the grace of a sleek, powerful animal, he held out his hand to her.

      She had no choice but to get out. She knew that. But suddenly what awaited her outside was more daunting than the mind-bending sex she’d just enjoyed in this car. For one thing, her heart and mind hadn’t stopped racing. And the voice screeching in her head that this was over and she needed to walk away was growing weaker under the one howling harder in greedy, grabby need. The one telling her she wanted more. Needed to live a little for longer. Experience more of what had just happened. Of everything.

      ‘Come out, Suki,’ he ordered.

      She told herself that she complied because she couldn’t stay in the limo for ever. Not because the unabated hunger in his eyes called to hers.

      The moment she stepped out, he slammed the door shut and tapped twice on the roof. As the limo pulled away he yanked her close, delivered a hard, searing kiss to her mouth. That single spark was enough to ignite the erotic conflagration again. Long moments later, he raised his head, glanced up at the small Victorian terrace house she called home, then back at her. ‘Invite me in.’

      She invited him in.

      But even before he’d stepped over the threshold into her sanctuary, Suki knew that this was nowhere near the forgettable experience she had convinced herself it would be.

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