Enemy Infiltration. Carol Ericson

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Enemy Infiltration - Carol Ericson Mills & Boon Heroes

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shed that they weren’t allowed to enter.”

      “Who exactly was coming and going there?”

      She lifted one shoulder. “Some Americans, some foreigners. The guards weren’t briefed, and he didn’t recognize any of them—except one.”

      “Who was that?” Logan’s heart thumped so hard, Lana could probably hear it over the music playing in the background.

      “A Major Rex Denver. The guards all knew him. They’d heard all about his exploits in Delta Force…” She snapped and aimed her index finger at him. “Delta Force, like you.”

      This was not one of the things Logan planned to lie to Lana about. “That’s right. I know Major Denver. He was my squad leader before…”

      “Before he turned traitor and went AWOL.”

      “That never happened.” Logan slapped a palm on the table and a chip slid from the basket.

      “You’re trying to exonerate him. That’s why you’re interested in the attack on the embassy.” She settled back in her chair and stirred her tea with the straw, the ice clinking against the glass. “Not sure the fact that Major Denver showed up at the outpost is going to do that. In fact, it makes him look guiltier if there was any hanky-panky going on at that compound.”

      “Not if he knew about the…hanky-panky and was there to investigate it himself.”

      Gabby brought their food. “Watch the plates. They’re hot.”

      “Thanks, Gabby.” Logan pointed his fork at the salsa dish. “Can you bring more salsa, please?”

      “Of course.” She swept the nearly depleted bowl from their table.

      Lana smirked. “You don’t have anything to prove, Logan.”

      “I know.” He plunged his fork into his burrito and sliced off a corner. “It’s growing on me.”

      She picked up one of her tacos and held it over her plate while the busboy delivered another bowl of salsa. “Maybe Denver’s presence at the outpost triggered the attack, or maybe it was the questions he asked after his visit.”

      “How do you know he asked questions?”

      “I know he asked Gil and the other marines a ton of questions while he was there. The guys were kind of in awe of him, but they couldn’t give him any answers.”

      “Did Gil tell you what kinds of questions Denver was asking?”

      “Mostly about that shed.”

      “I suppose you didn’t record your sessions with your brother?”

      “I didn’t, but I’m sure he wrote down everything in his journal.”

      “He kept a journal?”

      “Gil was always a good writer and I think he believed he had the makings of a book.”

      “Where’s his journal, Lana?”

      “On its way to me.” She patted her chest. “The military is sending me his personal effects.”

      “You’ve already—” Logan swallowed “—buried him?”

      Lana dropped her taco and crumpled her napkin in her hand. “Yes, they returned his body and we buried him with full military honors—a military that refuses to honor him now by telling the truth.”

      “I don’t know if you can blame the military, Lana. There’s something going on, something secretive, something so deep cover I don’t think even the top brass knows what’s happening.”

      “And you believe it has something to do with Major Denver.”

      “I know it does.”

      “Why did he take off? Why not stay and fight the charges against him?”

      “Sometimes it’s easier to wage a war on your own terms. Does that make sense?”

      “Yes.” She jabbed her straw into her glass so hard, a chip of ice flew onto the table and skittered toward him.

      Logan dabbed at the ice with the tip of his finger. “I think he could see the net closing in on him and he understood that it was a trap—especially for him. I’m sure wherever he is, he’s fighting. He’s doing it his own way.”

      “I can understand that.”

      She gazed over his shoulder as if at something in the distance, and he wondered what battles Lana had undertaken on her own.

      Several minutes later, Gabby slipped the check out of her pocket and waved it over the table. “Anything else?”

      “Not for me. Logan?”

      “Anything more than that burrito?” He plucked the check from Gabby’s fingers. “No way.”

      She picked up their plates and spun away, calling over her shoulder. “See you next time, Lana.”

      Lana stretched out her arm to him and wiggled her fingers. “How much do I owe?”

      “I’ll take care of it on one condition.”

      “What’s that?”

      “You keep me updated on Gil’s journal and anything else you find.”

      “And you do the same.”


      “It seems like we’ll be helping each other, so we can split the check, too.”

      “I’m the one who suggested lunch. You can get the next one.”

      She plunged her hand into her purse and pulled out a wallet. “Let me get the tip.”

      “Don’t worry. I’ll be generous with the tip.” He added a few more bills to the pile and held it out to her. “Is this okay?”

      “More than generous.”

      “You’re kind of a control freak, aren’t you?”

      “You could say that.” She stood up and pulled her jacket from the back of her chair. “Where are you staying?”

      “The Greenvale Inn and Suites back by the congressman’s office, but I’m not going there right now.” He reached the front door of the restaurant before she did and held it open for her.

      “Where are you going?”

      “I’m following you back to your place. You said you were expecting a delivery of your brother’s possessions any day, and I’m going to hold you to your word.”

      “All right.” She flicked up the collar of her jacket. “I want to show you something in that report, anyway. Have you read it?”


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