A Regency Baron's Bride. Sarah Mallory
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Daniel found himself locked in a fierce, passionate embrace. Being alone in the candlelight with a beguiling young woman was certainly a temptation, and he had given in to it, but he had intended nothing more than a light kiss. However, when he had pulled her into his arms all conscious thought disappeared and a violent, uncontrollable desire ripped through him. That had surprised him, but what had completely thrown him off balance was that when he had tried to apologise for frightening her, Kitty had pulled him back and shown herself eager for his kisses. He found her inexpert but ardent response more arousing than the practised arts of any courtesan. She was so damned alluring. Dangerously so. He summoned every ounce of his will-power to break away. Gripping her arms, he pushed her gently but firmly back into the chair.
‘Did, did I do something wrong?’ She looked up at him, her eyes troubled.
‘No, sweetheart.’ He dropped to his knees in front of her and gave her what he hoped was a reassuring smile. ‘I am at fault for taking advantage of you.’ His hands slid down and he caught her fingers. ‘I should never have allowed you to sup alone with me.’ Shouts and the clatter of hooves in the yard made him look up at the unshuttered window. ‘I only hope the stable lads were too busy with their work to notice what was going on in here. Thankfully it is brighter in the yard than in this parlour.’ He glanced back at Kitty, his heart turning over when he saw the anxious look on her face. He said bluntly, ‘I am afraid I may have damaged your reputation, Miss Wythenshawe.’
‘Because you kissed me?’
He squeezed her fingers.
‘Just being alone here with me is enough to compromise you.’
She considered this for a moment. He was pleased to see the bemused look had gone and she was more in control of herself.
‘I am sure Lord Leaconham and my godmother will not wish to talk about this evening.’
‘But there is the landlord, and the servants.’
She shrugged.
‘I am not known here, sir, neither are you. Who are they likely to tell?’
‘A few judicious coins in the right hands might secure their silence. Are you willing to trust that no one will find out about our being here together?’
She gave him a little smile.
‘What is the alternative, Mr Blackwood?’
He shrugged.
‘That we marry, I suppose.’
Daniel cursed silently even as the words left his lips. Devil take it, what was he saying? He had surely imbibed more than he had intended tonight! He saw her eyes widen, felt the little hands tremble and a moment later she gently withdrew them from his grasp.
‘Out of the question, sir,’ she said crisply, leaving her chair and walking away from him. ‘Why, we hardly know each other. And I am sure your family has no idea of your marrying a penniless bride.’
Daniel rose to his feet, not knowing if he was more relieved or disappointed at her response. Did she think so little of him that he was not even to be considered as a husband?
‘No, of course not, but neither would they have me compromise a young lady.’
She was standing with her back to him but at this she turned. The lighted candles behind her framed her dark head with a golden halo, but the shadows concealed her expression.
‘Then we must hope word does not get abroad,’ she said quietly. ‘Perhaps you would be good enough to—what is the term?—grease a few palms to ensure it does not. I shall retire now, and in the morning we may behave as if this evening never occurred.’
‘If that is what you want.’
‘It is.’ She added lightly, ‘Have I not told you that I intend to marry a lord?’
She gave him a little curtsy and went out, leaving Daniel staring at the empty space.
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