Hired To Wear The Sheikh's Ring. Rachael Thomas

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Hired To Wear The Sheikh's Ring - Rachael Thomas Mills & Boon Modern

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her embarrassment she sat back down, wondering if Bethany could stand in for her and visit her client.

      ‘As it is just the one client, then I am happy to support that.’ There was a mischievous glint in his eyes and she wondered if he was toying with her, but now was not the time to test it out. She needed that incredible sum of money he was prepared to pay if she was going to secure Bethany’s and Kelly’s future, keep a roof over their heads. She’d even be able to set herself up once this bizarre marriage was over and three months wasn’t that long.

      ‘In that case, Mr Al-Shehri, we have a deal.’ She stood up and put her hand out to shake on the deal. He stood and looked down at her, then finally took her hand in his, but not in the way she’d expected. He held her fingertips and lifted her hand to his lips, his gaze locked on hers all the time, and then kissed the backs of her fingers.

      The spark of fire that kiss evoked rushed up her arm, making her heart flutter as if she were a teenager. Shyness crept over her and she lowered her lashes, blocking out the intensity of his eyes.

      ‘I will send my car for you next Friday.’ If she didn’t know any better she’d say that the moment had affected him too, his voice was more of a hoarse whisper, but surely not. A playboy sheikh who had the pick of all the glamorous women he wanted would never be affected by a woman like her. Did he have any idea just how inexperienced she was with such things? ‘Is that sufficient time for you to put things in order?’

      Put things in order. Could that ever really be achieved? At least the payment he’d agreed on would take away the threat of repossession for her sister.

      ‘Yes, perfectly sufficient,’ she said, keeping her voice brisk and businesslike, trying not to think of the implications of accepting his proposal. After all, it wasn’t a real proposal and certainly wouldn’t be a real marriage.

      ‘Good, then it is settled. You will accompany me to Paris, where we shall make it obvious to anyone who sees us that we are not only a couple in love, but engaged to be married.’ His bold confidence almost knocked hers, but she held her ground, kept her composure.

      ‘If arranged marriages are acceptable in your country, why do we need to do that?’

      ‘Because this is not a conventional arrangement and I do not wish to give anyone, least of all my cousin, the chance to challenge it. We will act out our engagement in Paris for one week. In private I will instruct you on all you need to know and provide you with everything necessary for your role. After that we will travel to Shamsumara and arrive in time for the feast of Shams—and our wedding ceremony.’

      ‘So soon?’ The hesitation in her voice brought his scrutiny to her once more.

      ‘I trust you are not getting cold feet?’

      ‘Absolutely not. This is a deal that will enable us both to get what we want and for my sister and her daughter I will go to Paris with you, then to your country to become your wife.’

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