Duty Or Desire. Brenda Jackson

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Duty Or Desire - Brenda Jackson The Westmoreland Legacy

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       Back Cover Text

       About the Author


       Title Page


      Note to Readers
















       About the Publisher


      The doorbell sounded and Bane Westmoreland wondered who the latecomer could be. All his family and friends who’d been invited to celebrate his and his wife Crystal’s housewarming party were accounted for.

      Upon opening the door he found an older couple, in their late sixties, standing there with a baby in their arms.

      Bane was certain he did not know the couple. “Yes, may I help you?”

      The man spoke. “We hate to impose but we were told Peterson Higgins was here tonight. We are the Glosters, his deceased brother’s in-laws.”

      Bane nodded. “Yes, Pete is here. Please come in.”

      The man shook his head. “We prefer not to, but we would appreciate it if you could tell Peterson we’re here. We would like to speak with him. We will wait out here.”

      Bane nodded again. “Okay, just a minute.” He circled around the room before finally finding Pete in a group in the family room.

      “Excuse me, guys, but I need to borrow Pete for a minute,” Bane said to the others. Once he got Pete aside, he told him about the older couple waiting outside. Pete placed his cup of punch aside and quickly moved toward the front door.

      When Pete returned about half an hour later, he was carrying a baby in one hand and a diaper bag in the other. Everyone’s attention was drawn to him when the baby released a huge wail.

      It seemed all the mothers in the room hurried toward him.

      “Whose baby?” Bane’s cousin Gemma was the first to ask, taking the baby from a flustered-looking Pete.

      “This is my nine-month-old niece, Ciara,” he said, noticing how quickly the baby girl quieted once Gemma held her. “As most of you know, my brother, Matthew, and his wife, Sherry, were killed in that car crash six months ago. This is their daughter. Sherry’s parents were given custody of Ciara when Matt and Sherry died. But they just gave me full custody of her, citing health issues that prevent them from taking proper care of her. That means I’m now Ciara’s legal guardian.”

      Pete looked around the room at the group he considered family and asked the one question none of them could answer.

      “I’m a bachelor, for heaven’s sake! What on earth am I going to do with a baby?”


      Five months later

      “I hate that I’m leaving you like this, Pete, but my sister needs me.”

      Sheriff Peterson Higgins stared at the older woman standing across the kitchen. He’d known something was wrong the minute he walked through the door.

      Well, he had news for Bonnie. He needed her, too.

      Pete suddenly felt like a class A bastard for thinking such a thing after she’d just tearfully explained that her sister had been diagnosed with breast cancer. Of course he understood her wanting to go be with her only sister during this time. Even if her leaving would put him in a bind, the last thing he wanted was for Bonnie to feel guilty about going to her family. Somehow, he would find the right person to live-in and keep his fourteen-month-old niece while he worked.

      Of course, that person couldn’t really replace Bonnie.

      Bonnie McCray had been his mother’s best friend. When Renee Higgins had died, Pete had been sixteen and his younger brother Matthew twelve. Renee had asked Bonnie to always be there for her sons and Bonnie had kept that promise. And when Pete’s father passed away three years later, Bonnie wouldn’t hear of Pete not fulfilling his mother’s dream of him completing college. Bonnie and her husband, Fred, agreed to look after Matt while Pete studied.

      It had been hard going to college full-time

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