A Scandalous Midnight In Madrid. Susan Stephens

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A Scandalous Midnight In Madrid - Susan Stephens Mills & Boon Modern

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you mean, by calling me a spoilsport, that I love you and care for you, you’re right, he mused as the door to El Gato Feroz swung wide and the maître d’ rushed to greet him. He stated his wishes and the man hurried off. Dangerous seconds ticked away, during which his imagination ran riot as to what Annalisa was getting up to. Just when he thought the wait couldn’t get any worse, a woman he recognised from a brief encounter years back entered the restaurant with her elderly, wealthy husband. ‘Alejandro,’ she purred, pausing to place a jewelled hand on his arm. ‘When are you and I going to get together again?’

      ‘Never,’ he murmured discreetly as a pretty young hostess distracted the woman’s husband. ‘You’re married now.’


      The woman blushed guiltily as her elderly husband turned back to introduce himself to Alejandro. ‘Your Excellency,’ the older man exclaimed, dipping his head with respect. ‘What an honour...’

      ‘The honour is all mine,’ Alejandro assured him as he returned the courtesy.

      Gossip suggesting that his prowess in the bedroom was unparalleled had done him no favours at all, he reflected with amusement as the would-be siren cast a lingering glance over her shoulder when her husband ushered her away.

      When the maître d’ returned, his downcast expression suggested the young chef was as diligent as Alejandro had first thought her. His sympathies were with the maître d’, who couldn’t have looked more miserable if he’d tried. Throwing his arms wide, he exclaimed, ‘I’m so sorry, Don Alejandro, but Chef Sadie is in the middle of service, and asks me to tell you that she cannot possibly be disturbed.’

      ‘Not your fault,’ he reassured the man, ‘but mine for succumbing to impatience.’

      Sadie. Her name was Sadie. He played the name over in his head. Well done, Sadie, he mused as he left the restaurant. This little skirmish might be over, but the battle was not lost. A smile played around his lips as he crossed the street. It pleased him to discover a woman who refused to obey his smallest whim.

      * * *

      Why had Don Alejandro, Duque de Alegon, asked to see her? Sadie peered out of the window as the athletic shape of one of the most famous, or should that be infamous, men in Spain strode across the narrow street. The Don was infamous, thanks to rumours suggesting that his expertise in business was only exceeded by his skill in bed. A quiver of awareness ran through her at the thought of all that raw, sexual energy contained in one immensely powerful individual. That was the huge difference between them right there. She had no sexual experience to speak of, and no time for it. Having seen her mother degraded by her father throughout Sadie’s childhood, she was in no hurry to change the status quo. Her father had been enough to put her off men for ever, with the exception of her boss, Chef Sorollo, who was an exceptional human being, and who had always kept her safe.

      It wasn’t long before Sadie’s thoughts strayed back to Don Alegon. No one had ever asked to speak to her personally in the middle of service, unless it was to request a special dish from the kitchen. Perhaps he’d wanted some last-minute advice on the menu for his sister’s party tomorrow night. A rush of hot embarrassment swept over her, because if that were the case, she should have agreed to see him. There again, if that was what he wanted, wouldn’t he deal directly with Chef Sorollo?

      She glanced through the window in time to see him disappear inside Club Magia, where high society liked to congregate and check each other out. Some men with powerful physiques looked uncomfortable in a sharply cut suit, but the dark, exquisitely cut garment clung lovingly to what was undeniably a brutally masculine form.

      Sadie’s heart was threatening to leap out of her chest by the time she turned back to her cooking. Why did she have to raise her head from the sauce in the first place, to see a man with the Duke’s reputation staring at her? Animal instinct, she supposed; the hunter and the hunted. The feeling of being a quarry was new to her and made this brief encounter with danger all the more exciting. There was something undeniably animal about him that made her mouth dry and her body yearn for things it had never experienced, but she had more sense than to encourage a man like Don Alegon, who moved in extremely exalted circles, while this kitchen was her home.

      Nothing made Sadie happier than nurturing and feeding people. Perhaps as a result of her socialite parents finding her a nuisance, she had sought out the friendship and company of their servants, and it hadn’t taken long to discover the pleasure that came with making people happy by providing good food. When her father had died of one drink too many, and her mother had rejected her completely, Sadie had known exactly what she wanted to do.

      * * *

      The following evening Sadie and the team were making final preparations for Annalisa Alegon’s engagement party when Chef Sorollo was called to the phone.

      ‘A disaster!’ the great chef wailed on his return.

      Everyone in the kitchen fell silent, and everyone, Sadie was sure, was filled with the same horror-struck thought: Not tonight!

      Even the calmest chef could lose his cool sometimes, and Chef Sorollo was not the calmest of chefs, but this outburst fell outside the range of his usual tirade and he looked genuinely shaken up. Gentle probing by Sadie revealed that a close member of his family had been taken ill. Nothing came before cooking for Chef Sorollo, apart from his immediate and extended family, which included his staff. Fortunate enough to be included in the heart of that extended family, Sadie knew she had to step up to the plate.

      ‘Don’t worry. You go. I’ll take over,’ she said.

      ‘I knew I could rely on you,’ her friend and mentor exclaimed with relief as he called a cab.

      It was the least she could do. The great chef had been like a father to her ever since the day she’d arrived in Madrid looking for a job. Having left home and blagged her way on board a super-yacht, Sadie had soon realised that a life at sea wasn’t for her, though her cooking had earned a glowing reference from the head chef in the ship’s galley. When the mega-yacht had docked in Barcelona, she’d headed inland to Madrid with the dream of pursuing a career in catering, specifically at the world-renowned El Gato Feroz. Sadie had read about the famous restaurant at school and could only imagine how wonderful it would be to work alongside the famous chef. Landing the lowly position of dishwasher was like a dream come true.

      ‘Start at the bottom and work your way up,’ had been Chef Sorollo’s advice. Unflinching loyalty and long hours of dedicated work in the professional kitchen was Sadie’s way of paying him back.

      ‘You’ve come a long way,’ Chef Sorollo commented as he grabbed his coat and prepared to leave her in charge of his kitchen. ‘Do you remember your first day here?’ he asked, glancing outside to see if his cab had arrived.

      She would never forget it. ‘Vividly,’ she said, remembering how, with determination etched into every fibre of her being, she had followed a member of his staff through the back door. The best part of that first day at El Gato Feroz had been meeting the world-famous chef. She could hardly believe it when he’d insisted on personally conducting her interview. Having the great man show such interest in someone who was only going to be at best a very lowly member of staff had really impressed her, and she’d never forgotten it. Dishwashing was just the start, Chef Sorollo had promised, and if she agreed to stay on late each night, he would teach her to chop vegetables. If she mastered that skill, who knew how far she could travel?

      ‘That first day was the best day of my life,’ she told him now.


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