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style="font-size:15px;">      ‘And serves him right,’ she muttered, wiping her fingers on her handkerchief. ‘Wake up!’ She slapped his cheeks. ‘Wake up, damn you, or I will leave you here to die.’

      A response, at last. No more than a faint groan, but Nancy exhaled with relief. She patted his face again and this time he grimaced and moved his head.

      ‘Confound it, woman, stop hitting me!’

      His voice was deep, no trace of a local accent. He was most likely a gentleman, then, and educated, thought Nancy. Someone who should know better than to indulge in a drunken spree. The fact did nothing for her temper.

      ‘I am trying to save your life, you idiot.’ She tugged insistently at his shoulder and helped him as he struggled to sit up. ‘You may be damnably drunk, but you cannot stay out much longer in this icy cold.’

      ‘I am not damnably drunk,’ he growled. ‘I am not drunk at all.’

      ‘No, of course not.’ She sat back on her heels. ‘Only a sober man would go abroad without his coat.’ He was shivering and she untied the strings of her cloak. ‘Here.’ He did not object as she wrapped the thick woollen mantle about him. ‘Now, can you stand?’

      He breathed out, clutching his ribs as he did so.

      ‘Madam, I do not know where you have come from, but I think you should go. Now.’

      Nancy gasped. ‘Well, of all the ungrateful—’

      He interrupted her. ‘Being anywhere near me puts you in danger. Someone intended to kill me tonight.’

       Chapter Two

      Nancy stared at the man.

      ‘If you are not drunk, you are clearly mad.’

      ‘I am neither, you hen-witted woman.’ He put a tentative hand to his head. ‘I was attacked as I left a tavern in Darlton—’

      ‘Darlton! But that is nearly five miles away.’

      ‘What?’ He winced as the exclamation shook him and moved his head stiffly to look about him. ‘Then where is this?’

      ‘We are just north of Little Markham.’

      ‘The devil we are.’ He flinched again. ‘I have no idea how many men attacked me, but my body feels as if it was used as a punch bag. If they took my coat and waistcoat, they clearly intended the cold to finish me off. This wood is too small to attract poachers and they would not expect anyone else to be abroad on so cold a night.’ It was as if he was talking to himself and had forgotten her presence, until he glanced up and added, ‘They certainly would not expect an eccentric female to be taking a night-time stroll.’

      Nancy curbed her temper with an effort.

      ‘This is doing no good at all,’ she told him. ‘Let us argue the point by all means, but not here. We are less than half a mile from the Black Bull. Let me take you there.’

      He struggled to his feet, using the nearest tree for support.

      ‘My good woman, I would never make it half that distance.’ He leaned against the trunk, breathing with difficulty as his eyes ran over her. ‘You may be a Long Meg, but I do not think you could carry me all the way.’

      ‘Very well, I will return to the inn and get help.’

      ‘No! That’s too dangerous.’ He added ominously, ‘For both of us.’

      ‘Then what am I do to with you?’ she cried, exasperated.

      ‘Why, nothing. I am grateful for your help, but the best thing now is for you to go away.’ He clung to the tree trunk, his face twisting with pain. ‘If you will allow me to keep your cloak, I think I shall survive the cold and hopefully in a while I shall be sufficiently recovered to make my way back to Darlton.’

      Of all the pig-headed, stubborn—Nancy sought for words to express her frustration and echoed his earlier exclamation.

      ‘The devil you will!’ He did not even blink at her unladylike response, but his brows lifted, as if he was surprised anyone should contradict him. She said, through gritted teeth, ‘You had already admitted you could not reach the Black Bull. You would collapse before you covered half the distance to Darlton. I shall take you.’

      ‘No. I have told you, it is too dangerous.’

      She continued as if he had not spoken.

      ‘My carriage is at the inn, ready to travel. You will wait here for me and I shall take you up and carry you to your house.’ He frowned at her, as if he wanted to refuse. A sudden icy breeze stirred the empty branches and she said bluntly, ‘You will not last for long out of doors in this weather so you had best accept my help. There really is no other way.’

      He scowled at her. ‘As long as you tell no one.’

      ‘If that is what you wish,’ she replied, with a touch of impatience. ‘You are clearly raving and it behoves me to humour you. Once we have deposited you at your abode we will be on our way. My servants are my own and they are engaged to carry me all the way to Yorkshire, so no one here need be any the wiser.’

      ‘By God, you are a stubborn woman.’

      ‘But a practical one,’ she retorted. ‘Now, let me go and fetch my carriage before I, too, become chilled to the bone!’

      She turned to walk away, but he called to her to wait. She glanced back, brows raised.

      ‘To whom am I indebted for this signal service?’

      ‘I do not think it necessary for you to know that, since our acquaintance will not be of long duration.’

      ‘But I should like to know.’ His teeth gleamed in the light. ‘My name is Gabriel Shaw, if that helps.’

      The smile and coaxing note in his voice caught her unawares.

      ‘I am Nancy.’ Heavens, she was behaving like a giddy girl, responding to a charming flirt! She pulled herself together and added coldly, ‘Mrs Hopwood, that is.’

      * * *

      Nancy flew back to the inn, spurred on as much by a sudden excitement as the icy cold. Within minutes of her arrival she had ordered her chaise to be brought to the door and she bundled Hester into it, refusing to answer any questions until they were on their way.

      ‘Now what mischief are you up to?’ Hester demanded as she settled herself more comfortably into one corner. ‘And for heaven’s sake put up the glass!’

      Nancy ignored her. It was snowing again, big, fat flakes that settled on everything. One or two drifted in through the open window, but she refused to close it, peering out into the gloom. As they approached the little wood she leaned out and shouted to William to stop. Even as the carriage slowed to a halt she opened the door and jumped down, ignoring her companion’s horrified grasp.


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