The Courage To Dream and The Power Of Love. Margaret Daley
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Her son shuffled back a few steps and looked at his feet. “I needed some fresh air.” He lifted his head and fixed his gaze on her.
Rebecca wanted to shake some sense into him but knew anger wouldn’t bring about the peace she so desperately needed. She balled her hands at her sides and counted to ten. When she still wasn’t calm, she started for one hundred. “We’ll talk about this in the morning.”
Peter’s chin went up a notch. “Why not now? You’re just gonna ground me.”
Her fingernails dug into her palms. “I don’t know what I’m going to do. I do know that I need to calm down first or I might regret what I say.”
“Tell him—” Peter nodded toward Gabriel “—that I’m grounded and won’t be able to help with the baseball team after school.”
“Why, that’s a great idea, Peter. You should become involved with a sport.”
“Oh, good grief.” Her son tramped across the entrance hall.
“Peter, I’ll see you Monday right after school at the field. Wear your tennis shoes,” Gabriel called as the boy fled up the stairs.
At the top her son stopped. “I might be busy. Mrs. Harris wants to see me.”
“Then come as soon as you can.”
Peter frowned, started to say something else, then stalked toward his bedroom.
“Mrs. Harris wants to see him?” Rebecca stared at the place her son had been standing. “That’s the first I heard of it. Of course, that doesn’t surprise me. Lately, there’s a lot I don’t know about my son. We used to be so close.” She massaged the muscles in her neck and shoulders to ease the tightness. “I can’t believe you talked Peter into going out for the baseball team.”
“I didn’t, exactly. He’s going to be my assistant.”
“Assistant? That’s even more of a surprise.”
Gabriel chuckled. “I sort of backed him into a corner.”
Rebecca slanted another look up the stairs, her heart beating normally again. Her vivid imagination had conjured up all kinds of trouble for Peter. “Did he say anything to you about why he left the house?”
“No, not exactly. For a second I thought he was going to tell me about someone letting him down.”
“No doubt me for moving here.”
“I think it’s someone else. Talk to him tomorrow. Maybe he will be ready to tell you.”
“Maybe,” she murmured, knowing in her heart that her eldest wouldn’t talk to her about what was troubling him. In the past year their relationship had unraveled, and she didn’t know how to stop it from coming completely apart. “Thanks again for all your help.”
“It’s part of my job. I’m just glad it ended okay.”
“Yeah, but you’ve lost several nights of sleep because of my family.”
“I wasn’t in bed yet. I was trying to read a book and not getting very far.” He started to turn away and stopped. “I was going to call you anyway tomorrow.”
“You were?”
“Jenny, our file clerk at the station, decided to elope last night. I got a call from her late this afternoon. She and her new husband are going to live in Oklahoma City. We could use a new file clerk, sometimes a dispatcher. It doesn’t pay much, but I hope you’ll apply.”
“File clerk? I think I can handle that.”
“There’s some computer work involved, too.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem. If I don’t know your programs, I should be able to pick it up quickly.”
A smile flashed across his face. “Then call the station and set up an interview with my secretary, Mabel.”
Rebecca watched Gabriel stroll away, both elated and apprehensive. With a job on the horizon, she had to work out child care for Josh. She didn’t want to leave him, and yet she had to earn some money to support her family, to pay the bills. Craig wasn’t reliable, and Josh’s care was expensive. If she got the job at the police station, at least she would be staying in Oakview. As she closed the front door, she pushed her doubts to the background and made a promise to herself. Gabriel Stone would not regret giving her this chance.
Chapter Four
Rebecca heard the back door slam. Peering into the kitchen, she saw Peter go to the refrigerator. He took a jug of ice water out and poured himself a tall glass.
“How was practice today?” Rebecca came into the room, hoping that her son would finally say more than two words to her. She’d never had the talk with Peter because he’d avoided her, and she knew the uselessness of having a conversation with him when he was in a rotten mood.
“Just great,” he mumbled. “One of my favorite things is to run laps around a baseball diamond.” The frown carved into his features belied his words.
“I thought you were the assistant.”
“Yeah, well, it seems the assistant runs along with everyone else, even the coaches. Something that Coach Stone forgot to tell me the other night.”
“I guess you couldn’t very well stand there watching everyone run.”
“Right, and he knew that I’d feel awkward.” Peter’s frown deepened as he trudged to the sink and put his glass in it.
Rebecca looked at her son’s dress shoes. “Where are your sneakers? You didn’t run in those, did you?”
“Yes.” Peter stared at the sink as though he had never seen it before. “I forgot them, but he didn’t believe me. He made me run anyway.”
“Did you really forget them?”
Peter whirled. “Yes, of course!”
“But you never wear your dress shoes to school.”
“Well, I wanted to today.” He glared at her, daring her to disagree.
“Let’s talk, Peter.”
“Now? I’m beat.”
“Then have a seat at the table.” Rebecca gestured toward it. “We’ve put this off too long. We need to talk about Saturday night.” She made her voice firm, no-nonsense sounding.
Peter loudly sighed but walked to the table and plopped into a chair, slouching against its caned back.
“Chief Stone thinks that you’re upset because you feel someone has let you down.”