A Laramie, Texas Christmas. Cathy Gillen Thacker
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Relieved to see the older woman looking so well, she leaned down to give her a hug.
Miss Sadie pointed to the cast that went from midthigh to instep on her left leg. “Can you believe it? All those years skiing and never one broken bone…”
“You’re lucky it wasn’t more serious.”
“So the doctors said. Hello, Mikey darling.”
Mikey grinned and waved both hands frantically. “Mah Sadie!” He lurched far enough out of Noelle’s arms for Sadie to deliver the traditional kiss on his small cheek.
“I’ve got all the things you wanted in the van outside,” Noelle said.
“Good.” Miss Sadie motioned for her to take a seat. “I’ll have Dash carry them in when he gets here. Meantime, let’s talk about the party I’m supposed to be throwing in Houston next week.”
Noelle put Mikey on the floor. She reached into her carryall for a miniature Santa sleigh and two toy reindeer and handed them to him. He sat down and began playing. “You sure you’re up to that?” In the past, Miss Sadie had divided her time equally between Laramie and Houston. But Christmas Eve and Christmas Day she’d always spent at Blackberry Hill, in the neighborhood where she and her late oilman husband had grown up.
“Oh, yes. It’s all I’ve been able to think about all day.”
Noelle plucked her notepad from her shoulder bag. “Any chance you can go back for your traditional open house in Houston?” The party was a hugely popular bash. Noelle had been helping Miss Sadie plan and execute the annual black-tie event for the last seven years.
She shook her head. “My doctors want me here where they can keep an eye on me until the cast comes off in six weeks. Although I did get them to agree to let me spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at Blackberry Hill, as usual.” She sighed. “So you and I have our work cut out for us. First, we’re going to need to notify all the guests that the party in my Houston home is canceled. I’d like to donate all the food and flowers to the Texas Children’s Home. And see if the brass quintet we had hired to play at the party would be willing to play there also.”
“No problem.” Noelle wrote rapidly on the pad in front of her. “I think I can get that done tomorrow.”
“Second, since I can’t get around on my own right now, I’m going to need your help getting ready for Christmas here.”
“I can do that, too.” Noelle smiled.
“And then…” Sadie’s lower lip trembled. She looked as if she was about to cry. “There is the identity theft to be dealt with.”
“Not to worry, dear Aunt Sadie,” a voice called warmly from the doorway. “Your nephew Dash is already on the case.”
Noelle looked up in time to see Dash Nelson saunter in. As usual, the accomplished attorney was wearing a suit and tie that perfectly suited his trim, athletic frame. Exuding every bit as much kindness as his beloved great-aunt, Dash paused to pat Noelle’s shoulder affectionately and ruffle Mikey’s hair, then continued on over to the hospital bed where Miss Sadie sat. “I just got off the phone with the sheriff’s department,” he informed her, bending to kiss her forehead. “They’re sending their fraud expert over to talk to you right away.”
Unbidden memories sifted through Noelle. Keeping the smile fixed on her face, she pushed them away. Thankfully, this mess wasn’t about her. She could help manage it without worrying about ending up in the middle of it. And in the process she could help repay Miss Sadie and Dash for all they had done for her.
Miss Sadie beamed at them both. “What would I do without you two?”
Dash settled on the end of his aunt’s bed. “That’s not something you need to worry about, since the two of us aren’t going anywhere.” He reached over and playfully squeezed Noelle’s hand. “Right, Noelle?”
She smiled. Was it her imagination or was Dash suddenly acting a little different around her?
She had no chance to dwell on it, as footsteps sounded in the hall outside Miss Sadie’s room. A rap on the door frame preceded a very handsome deputy sticking his head in.
Noelle took a calming breath as she and the interloper regarded each other in contemplative silence.
“Why, Kevin McCabe!” Miss Sadie cried in delight.
His dark eyes alive with interest, Kevin sauntered into the room. “Feel up to talking to me?” he asked without missing a beat.
Miss Sadie nodded and made introductions.
Noelle blushed as Kevin McCabe moved closer, his glance roving over her upturned face. “We’ve met,” she murmured, thrown by the lawman’s deliberate proximity to her.
“Although I daresay I wasn’t nearly this presentable at the time,” Kevin teased, scrubbing a hand across his freshly shaved jaw.
He cleaned up well; Noelle grudgingly gave him that. His tan uniform was crisply ironed, his leather boots bore a subtle glow. And he smelled great, too—like soap and woodsy cologne. She tore her eyes from the cleft in his chin that had been obscured by the beard he’d had just an hour or so earlier. He still needed a haircut, but his thick, golden-brown hair had been brushed into order, and looked just as soft, clean and touchable as ever.
“You must be the department expert on fraud,” Dash stated, standing to shake his hand.
Kevin nodded, even as Noelle refused to let him intimidate her with his I’m-in-charge-here body language. She had nothing to hide, at least as far as Miss Sadie’s case was concerned.
Mikey looked up from his toys, stared at Kevin curiously—as if trying to reconcile the clean-shaven Kevin with the bearded Kevin—then smiled and went back to playing with his Santa sleigh and reindeer. Noelle knew exactly how her son felt. There was the rough-hewn Kevin who had shown up fresh from a fishing trip, seemingly bent on giving her a hard time, and the good guy lawman standing in front of her. She didn’t know which version she found more alluring. She only knew being close to him threatened her peace of mind. And that was something she tried very hard to avoid.
She liked dull. Predictable.
Life, she was sure, would never be those things with Kevin McCabe anywhere in the vicinity.
“I specialize in computer fraud and identity theft,” he continued, oblivious to the nature of her thoughts. To her relief, he swiftly got down to business. While Kevin and Miss Sadie went over the specifics, Dash carried her belongings in from the van. Noelle worked on hanging up her clothing, setting up her vanity table and toiletries, favorite antique rocking chair and footstool, side table and reading lamp.
One minute Mikey had been playing nicely near the register beneath the windows. The next time Noelle turned around he was standing next to Kevin, running the