Beyond Business. Elizabeth Harbison

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Beyond Business - Elizabeth Harbison Mills & Boon By Request

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      As Evan’s mouth moved against hers and his hands played against her skin and held her close to him, Meredith felt the ache that had sat hollow in her stomach for so long finally beginning to ease.

      The voice within her still tried to insist that this was wrong, that Evan had betrayed her heartlessly before and he might well do it again, but it didn’t matter what she thought was wrong.

      It only mattered what she felt was right.

      Whoa, what was she thinking? Since when did Meredith Waters allow herself to do something she knew was wrong?

      She pulled back abruptly. “I forgot to ask if you wanted some ibuprofen or something.”

      Evan looked surprised. “I’m good, thanks.” He reached for her again, but she stepped back.

      “Shot of whiskey?” she tried halfheartedly. “You must need something for the pain.”

      “No, really, Meredith, I’m fine.” He eyed her, and hesitated before adding with finality, “In fact, I should call a cab or something and get out of your hair.”

      “No,” she said quickly. Too quickly. “Evan, there’s no way I’m letting you go back to sleep in the office, for crying out loud. You need to stay here.”

      He did a slight double take. “Stay here? Where here?”

      “Here. Up in the guest room. In fact, you can have your pick of three guest rooms.”

      He raised an eyebrow. “Any of them?” he asked with a lascivious grin.

      She smiled lightly. “As long as it’s not already occupied.”

      He snapped his fingers in mock disappointment. “I hate to sleep alone.”

      “Yeah, and I’m guessing you haven’t had to do it that often, either.” She was joking, but something about the words stuck in her craw a little bit.

      “More than you’d think, Meredith,” he answered, his voice serious.

      Their eyes met, and a frisson of energy zapped between them.

      She could have thrown herself right back into his arms and kissed him until she forgot about every other thing in her life and in the outside world, but she knew better.

      She had to keep reminding herself, of course, but she definitely knew better.

      “Anyway,” she said pointedly. “The fact is that tonight you’ll be sleeping alone and you’ll be doing it here.”

      “That’s really not necessary.”

      “What kind of person would let someone risk life and limb to get a stupid purse back and then just send him on his way?” She shook her head. “Not me. Now get upstairs, mister. You need to rest.”

      He stood up and faltered, losing his balance ever so slightly, but enough for her to say, “See? That proves my point.”

      “Yes, ma’am.”

      “I have some big old T-shirts,” she went on. “I’ll get you one and you can sleep in that.”

      “I sleep naked,” he said, a sly grin playing on his lips. “Have you forgotten?”

      She sucked in a breath. No, she hadn’t forgotten. When she was sleeping with him, she slept nude as well.

      It saved time.

      But she wasn’t going to think about that and she wasn’t going to give Evan any indication that she’d thought about it, so she simply said, “I thought the circumstances might make you more modest.”

      “The circumstances are making me more.” He shook his head. “Well, anyway, I get the point.”

      “Good. Keep it covered. There’s a bathrobe on the door of the bathroom. You can put that on and toss me your jeans and … everything. I’ll wash them.”

      “You really don’t have to do that.”

      “Stop saying that. Just give me the clothes, would you?”

      “You’ve sure gotten bossy over the years.”


      He put his hands up in surrender. “Okay, okay, I hear you. I’ll strip for you. No problem.”

      She sighed. “You know all that stuff I said about being able to work with you?”


      “I’m starting to think I should ask for a raise.” She smiled. “They’re not paying me enough for this.”

      He laughed. “I’ll talk to the boss on your behalf.”

      “Good.” She led him to the bottom of the staircase. “Now go. Toss your stuff down to me when you’ve got it off.”

      “Fine.” He made his way up the stairs and she leaned against the wall and waited for him.

      About two minutes later he tossed his things down and said, “No starch!”

      It was going to be a long night.

      Chapter Eleven

      It was a strange feeling having Evan Hanson sleeping in her house.

      A very strange feeling.

      As Meredith sat by the washer and dryer, waiting for them to complete their cycles so she could take Evan’s clothes to his room and go to sleep, she had to keep reminding herself that this was all really happening.

      There was once a time when she would never have imagined herself forgiving him and facing him again, but that was fading now. It wasn’t Evan’s fault that her father’s business had been ruined, it was George Hanson’s. The more she dug around Hanson Media Group, and the more people she spoke with, the more obvious it was that he had been a completely ruthless businessman for whom nothing was personal and everything had been war.

      Now, instead of blaming Evan for his father’s misdeeds, she pitied him for having had that sort of man for a father. As rough as it was to compete with him in business, it had to be almost as rough to live up to his standards as a son.

      As a matter of fact, she remembered some of Evan’s struggle with George Hanson. Not that Evan had talked about it much, but he’d gone through periods of quiet introspection that had worried her sometimes, and it wasn’t until she’d drawn him out that she knew it was because of his father’s heavy hand.

      For her, it was just one more thing to hate about George Hanson.

      When she’d taken this job, she’d thought it would be easy because of the unpleasant connotations she had with the Hanson family name. She thought she’d feel no hint of conscience or betrayal because any personal warm feelings she’d had for anyone in the family had long since died and been replaced by the opposite.

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