His Baby!. Sharon Kendrick

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His Baby! - Sharon Kendrick Mills & Boon Modern

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while I was waiting.’

      He didn’t even give her a chance to say no, although afterwards she wished he had. Because one moment in Matt’s arms was enough to give her a taste of a forbidden paradise, and she knew that she would never be quite the same again.

      Just for that one dance, Daisy closed her eyes and let herself go, drifting with him in time to the music and letting her feelings guide her rather than her judgement. She melted into his embrace, entwined her arms around his neck as though it was the most natural thing in the world. And she found that her body was drawn so sinuously close to his that it was difficult for her to breathe.

      She could feel him stiffen with a sudden tension, and she was tightening her arms ecstatically around his neck when she heard him say, very abruptly, ‘Easy, Daisy. Easy,’ he repeated, frowning, a glimmer of surprise and remonstration in his voice as he loosened his hands, which had been holding her waist. And then the spell was broken.

      ‘Matt?’ It was a drawled, sexy American accent, and Matt and Daisy drew apart to find the green goddess standing next to them, scrutinising them with those magnificent avocado eyes. ‘My, my, Matt,’ came her acidly amused comment. ‘What’s this—cradle-snatching? She’s just a little young for you, isn’t she, honey?’

      Matt laughed easily and let Daisy go, taking hold of the American woman’s strong, slim hand and lifting it briefly to his mouth. The gesture stabbed at Daisy’s heart like a stiletto. ‘This is Daisy,’ he smiled, ‘whom I’ve known since she was a little girl—she’s my honorary sister, aren’t you, Daisy?’

      Daisy tried not to grit her teeth with frustrated rage as she nodded obediently.

      ‘And I’d like you to meet Patti Page,’ said Matt.

      ‘H-hello,’ stammered Daisy, feeling as flat as she always did the day after her birthday.

      ‘Hi,’ said Patti, her superb lips twisting with barely feigned amusement as she took in Daisy’s very obviously home-made dress. ‘Honey,’ she purred into Matt’s ear, ‘I’m absolutely starving. Something or someone’s given me the biggest appetite.’ And here she winked suggestively at Daisy. ‘So can we please go eat something?’

      ‘Of course we can,’ he answered, and Daisy saw the American woman’s hand slide possessively underneath his jacket, could see it moving sensuously beneath the soft, dark cloth in a gesture which just shrieked of sexual possessiveness, and Daisy knew a very real desire to scream out loud.

      ‘I’ll see you later, Daisy,’ Matt told her.

      But she didn’t see him later, not to talk to, though she found him watching her across the ballroom from time to time, that curiously intense look on his face again. All Daisy saw was Patti creeping out of his room at dawn, and the following morning they both drove off very early, and at great speed.

      And within weeks came the news that Matt and Patti were married and were expecting a baby . . .

      Slowly and reluctantly, Daisy came back to the present to find Matt watching her, his elegant dark brows quizzically raised.

      ‘Such pensive daydreams, Daisy,’ he mocked softly, in a knowing voice. ‘Care to share them?’

      Had he guessed? Could he tell by her face that she’d been thinking about him? Was she really so transparent—or was it just that Matt was uncannily perceptive where she was concerned?

      Daisy pushed a wayward strand of hair out of her eyes and rose to her feet. She had to get out of here. Matt’s presence had awakened too many confused feelings within her. ‘Please excuse me,’ she said politely. ‘I want to go and wash my hair.’

      ‘Oh?’ came the arrogant query. ‘It looks fine to me.’

      ‘Not fine enough,’ she corrected him stiffly, and then, as if to prove to him that she was no longer a child, she added, ‘I’m going to a dance tonight.’

      ‘A dance?’ Daisy might have been suggesting a solo space mission, from the look on his face.

      ‘Yes, a dance!’ she retorted. ‘Don’t sound so surprised, Matt. This may not be New York, but we have quite an active social life here in Cheriton.’

      ‘Do you really?’ he murmured, and Daisy got the distinctly annoying feeling that he was laughing at her.

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