Park Avenue Secrets. Barbara Dunlop

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Park Avenue Secrets - Barbara Dunlop Mills & Boon M&B

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      Gage nodded as Selina breezed into the room.

      She reached into her briefcase, pulled out a plastic bag, and tweezered the letter safely inside. Then she sealed it, sat down and turned it so that she could read.

      “I’ll take this to a private lab. I doubt we’ll get fingerprints. The operation has been too sophisticated so far to make a mistake like that.”

      “What about the police?” Reed asked her.

      “I’m not putting this into the bowels of their backed-up crime lab. I’ll get to them later.”

      “Any more clues? Anything else at all to go on?”

      “I’m still following up on Hammond and Pysanski. In my opinion, we have a better chance of clearing up the SEC thing than finding the blackmailer. It we cut the SEC investigation off at the knees …” She snapped her fingers in the air. “Poof, the blackmail problem is gone.”

      “For me, anyway,” said Reed. The blackmailer undoubtedly had other victims in mind.

      “And, since you’re the one paying my salary, you’re the one I care most about.”

      “And me?” Gage put in, in a voice tinged with mock offense.

      “You’ll be a collateral victory,” said Selina.

      “You heard me say that?” asked Gage.

      “I hear everything.” She gave her attention back to Reed. “Something triggered this second letter. We’re going to have to go over the details of your past few days.”

      Reed nodded in resignation, desperately worried about Elizabeth, and hoping Collin was taking good care of the will issue. Lately, it seemed as if Reed were being dragged simultaneously in a dozen different, yet crucial directions.

      Elizabeth sat in the wingback chair opposite Collin.

      “On my preliminary read,” he was saying, the legal documents in his hands, “I’m feeling very optimistic. But I have a friend who’s a member of the bar in California. I can get him to fly out tomorrow so that we can start on a proper plan of defense.”

      Elizabeth nodded, grateful to Collin. He was cool and controlled, and his expertise shone through at every turn in the conversation. But she couldn’t help thinking that Reed should be here instead. It should be her husband who was offering comfort and advice, not his lawyer.

      Then she berated herself for that train of thought. Hanna was right. Elizabeth needed to stand on her own two feet.

      “I’d like to meet with your friend,” she told Collin, squaring her shoulders. “I’m available anytime.”

      “I’ll set it up.”

      The penthouse door opened, and they both turned to see Reed stride in. “What did I miss?” he asked.

      Elizabeth glanced at her watch. It was nearly nine.

      “I read the package,” said Collin, coming to his feet. “I’m going to ask Ned Landers to fly in tomorrow.”

      Elizabeth stood to face Reed. “It’s all under control. You don’t need to worry.”

      Reed drew back sharply. “That’s—”

      “I know you’re busy,” she put in. Then she turned and reached out to shake Collin’s hand. “Thank you very much for your advice, Collin. I appreciate your taking the time.”

      “Not a problem,” he answered. “I’m always available for you, Elizabeth.”

      At the other side of the room, Reed stayed silent.

      “Good night,” Collin said to them both.

      As soon as the door shut behind Collin, Reed turned on Elizabeth. “What the hell was that all about?”

      She blinked at him in surprise. “What?”

      “‘I don’t need your help, Reed,’“ he simpered. “‘It’s all under control.’”

      “It is all under control. Collin says we’re in a very strong position. He says the Vances would essentially have to prove we’re unfit parents to win in court.”

      “It’s nice to know what Collin had to say, but what about what I have to say?”

      “You weren’t here.”

      “I had a meeting.”

      “You always have a meeting.” She cringed at the sarcasm in her voice.

      Reed’s tone grew stronger. “I would have been here if I could.”

      “Keep your voice down.”

      He drew an exasperated breath. “I want the details.”

      She pointed to the papers on the round table. “Help yourself.”

      “I also want to know exactly what Collin said,” he warned, scooping up the paperwork.

      “I’ll tell you everything I remember.”

      His eyes narrowed, and he peered at her.

      “What on earth is the matter?” she demanded.

      He was acting as though he were jealous of Collin.

      Reed was stonily silent for a long beat. “I don’t like being replaced by my lawyer. This is our problem, not your problem alone.”

      “I can take care of it, Reed. I’ll have professional help.”

      His complexion turned ruddy. “So, you don’t need me? Is that what you’re saying?”

      “Isn’t that exactly what you said to me?” Even as she lobbed the volley, Elizabeth silently acknowledged that she didn’t want to have this fight. Lucas was what mattered. All of her energy and emotional resources needed to be directed at him for the time being.

      Reed turned sharply, and marched down the hall into his office.

      Now she’d done it. The closeness they’d shared in France was officially a distant memory, and the cool formality from before their trip had turned to hurt and anger. And it was her fault. Fawning over Collin’s presence had been a passive-aggressive slam at Reed’s absence.

      She screwed up her courage and followed him down the hall, carefully sliding open the door.

      “Reed?” she ventured.

      Without looking up, he grunted an acknowledgment.

      “I’m sorry.”

      That got his attention.

      “We should work on this together,” she said calmly. “And I do appreciate your perspective.”

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