Scandalous. Lori Foster
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“You’re embarrassing me, is what you’re doing.” She said it with a severe frown, but he only chuckled.
“Why? Because I’m feeling like the most accomplished lover around? You screamed, Olivia.” He cupped her cheek and turned her face toward him. “Look at me, honey.”
There was that endearment again. She opened her eyes and stared at him. The tenderness in his gaze nearly undid her.
“I’m glad I could give you something you’d never had before. It makes this all seem very…special.”
“Tony.” She rolled toward him, wanting him again, right now, unwilling to wait another instant.
And then the doorbell rang, and she knew she might not have any choice.
Tony seemed inclined to ignore it at first, but the insistent pounding that came next had him cursing and rising from the bed. As he pulled on jeans, he surveyed her sprawled form, then cursed again. “Don’t move. I’ll be right back.”
Olivia waited until he’d stomped out of the room before scrambling off the bed and wrapping the sheet around herself. She went to the door and opened it to peek, then crept down the hall enough to see who had come calling so early. Tony’s brother, John, stood in the entryway, the baby in his arms, and a very worried expression on his face.
Though they spoke in hushed tones, Olivia was able to hear every word.
“I know this is the worst possible time, Tony…”
“You have no idea.”
“Yes I do. I saw the car. I assume Olivia is here?”
Tony crossed his arms over his bare chest and said, “What do you want, John?”
“I’m sorry, I really am. And I swear I wouldn’t be here if there was anyone else. But Mom and Kate went on a shopping spree this morning and won’t be back for hours, and I have to take Lisa to the hospital. You know she wasn’t feeling great yesterday is why we left early. And she’s always so busy with the three kids, she stays exhausted. But she started running a high fever early last night, coughing and having a hard time breathing, and she’s gotten sicker by the hour. I’ve never seen her like this.” There was an edge of desperation in John’s tone when he added, “I can’t watch my three hellions in a hospital and be with her, too.”
Tony immediately straightened, then took the baby from his arms. “Is Lisa going to be okay?”
John looked almost sick himself. “I don’t know what’s wrong with her, hopefully just the flu, but…”
“Don’t give it another thought. Of course I’ll take the kids. Where are the other two?”
“Waiting in the car with their mother. I didn’t want to leave Lisa alone, and I wasn’t certain if you were home.” He leaned out the door and waved his hand to get the kids to come in. “I really appreciate this, Tony. I know you probably wish we’d all go…”
“Don’t be stupid, John. Just take care of Lisa and keep me informed, okay?”
As John stepped out to gather up a packed diaper bag and some essentials for the other kids, Tony rushed around the corner into the hallway and almost ran into Olivia. He had the overnight bag she’d brought in his left hand while he held the baby in the crook of his right arm. He didn’t question her snooping, only led the way into the bedroom. “You heard?”
Olivia could sense the worry in his tone and expression, and was reminded once again how close he was to his family. “Yes. What can I do to help?”
He shook his head. “I’m sorry, babe. Here, can you get dressed real quick?” He no sooner handed her the bag than he was rushing to the living room again to relieve John of the children and send him on his way. Olivia closed the door and sighed. It seemed Tony was going to throw her out, which made sense considering he didn’t want her around his family. But it still hurt. While they’d been making love, she’d entirely forgotten everything else in the world, including their twice-damned deal and all the reasons she couldn’t feel what she was presently feeling.
Despite all her reasons for needing to stay detached from him, she wanted to stay and help; she wanted to stay, period. Very much.
Her body was still tingling, her heart still racing from Tony’s sensual torment, but she managed to get her slacks and sweater on before he reopened the door. The baby was still nestled in his bare muscled arm, but that didn’t stop him from coming toward her, then pulling her close with his free arm. “Damn, I can’t believe my luck.”
“Things do seem to be conspiring against us.”
He brushed a kiss over her lips, then surprised her by asking, “Can you stay?”
Olivia blinked, not certain what to say.
“I know our plans have changed, hell, we might even have the kids all night. But…I don’t feel right about all this. It worries me, Lisa coming down sick like that.”
Olivia cupped his cheek, touched by his concern, and warmed by the way he’d included her. “You don’t want to be alone?”
His jaw tightened and his eyes searched her face. He seemed reluctant to admit it even to himself, but then he nodded. “I guess that’s about it.”
“We’re friends, Tony. Despite any other agreements, I’d like to believe that. And friends help friends. You don’t have to worry that I’ll read more into this than exists.”
He stubbornly ignored her references to their situation, and asked, “Does that mean you’ll stay, Olivia? Please?”
At that moment, she would have done anything for him, but of course, she couldn’t tell him that. She looked up at him and smiled. “Yes, I’ll stay. For as long as you need me.”
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