Modern Romance December 2015 Books 5-8. Kate Walker

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Modern Romance December 2015 Books 5-8 - Kate Walker Mills & Boon Series Collections

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must have read the question in her expression. ‘I am an expert at reading between lines,’ he said enigmatically, before twisting her round to face him. He ran his thumb over her bottom lip. ‘Why don’t we even things up and you undress me?’

      With hands that trembled, she reached for the top button of his shirt, fumbled with it, then found some dexterity and undid it, then the next. Working quickly, aware of the heaviness of his breathing, she undid them all, then spread the shirt open. Not even conscious of what she was about to do, she pressed her lips to his chest and breathed him in, inhaling the muskiness that evoked thoughts of dark forests and adrenaline-filled danger.

      His chest rose and swelled, his hand reaching into her hair and gathering it in his fingers.

      Her fingers trailed down the thickening black hair to his abdomen and found the hook fastening his hand-stitched trousers. She swallowed as the palm of her hand felt the heat beneath. She unhooked it, but then her nerve deserted her. Suddenly a burst of sanity crashed through the lustful haze she’d been entranced in.

      She’d never touched a man intimately before.

      She wanted to touch Talos with a need bordering on desperation, but for the first time her virginity was something she was wholly aware of.

      How could she be anything but a disappointment to him? A man as rampantly masculine as Talos would have had scores of lovers, all confident in their bodies and sexuality.

      Talos felt Amalie’s hesitation, felt the fear creep through her.

      His suspicions about her being a virgin had been right. He would have been more surprised to learn she’d had any lovers.

      He didn’t care about her reasons for never having had a lover; cared only that at this moment she was here, with him, and that the crazy chemistry between them could be acted upon. Amalie wasn’t on the hunt for a relationship any more than he was; her comment about marriage only being a piece of paper had concurred with his own thoughts entirely.

      But confirmation of her virginity did force him to take a deep breath and try to cool his ardour. All prior thoughts of simply discarding their clothes and falling into bed were gone. He needed to take it slow. He didn’t want to hurt her. By the time he made her his he wanted her so turned on but also relaxed, he could enter her without causing any pain.

      Gently he twisted her back to face the mirror, placing an arm around her belly. Her eyes closed and her head rolled back to rest on his shoulder, her breath coming in tiny hitches. He could feel her heartbeat hammering with an identical rhythm to his own.

      Moving quickly, he unzipped his trousers with his free hand and worked them off, deliberately keeping his boxers on so the temptation to plunge himself straight into her could be more easily denied.

      Done, he pressed himself into the small of her back, felt her tremble, saw her lips part in a silent moan.

      ‘Open your eyes,’ he commanded quietly into her ear.

      They fluttered open and met his gaze in the reflection of the mirror.

      His fingers played on the lace of her knickers and then tugged them down, delighting to find the dark silky hair below. He dipped a finger into her heat and groaned when he found her moist and swollen.

      Keeping the pressure there light and rhythmical, he splayed his other hand upwards and captured a raised breast. It fitted perfectly into his hand. He could hardly wait to taste it, to taste every part of her but before he could take her into his arms and carry her to his bed her back arched, her groin pressed hard against his finger and she stiffened. He watched in awe at their reflection. Her eyes were tightly closed, her lips parted, her cheeks flushed. Then she shuddered and became limp in his arms. If she hadn’t been secure against him, he had no doubt she would have fallen to the floor.

      He’d never seen or felt anything like it—such a primal, animalistic response. It filled him with something he couldn’t name...could only feel, gripping his chest.

      Keeping her pressed tight against him, he turned her enough to lift her into his arms.

      There was no resistance; her eyes gazed into his, dazed bewilderment ringing out. When she reached a hand to press a palm to his cheek he swallowed, his heart beating so fast it had become a painful thrum.

      He laid her down on the bed and shrugged his open shirt off, discarding it on the floor.

      She’d covered her breasts. He took hold of her hands and carefully parted them, exposing her full nakedness to him.

      To his eyes, Amalie was perfect—her arms and legs toned and smooth, her skin soft, her breasts high, ripe peaches, begging to be tasted.

      Bringing his head down to hers, he captured her lips. She returned his kiss with passion, her tongue sweeping into his mouth, her hot, sweet breath flowing into his senses. Her hands reached for his head and razed through his hair.

      As he deepened the kiss he stroked his fingers down her body, exploring the soft skin, delighting in the mews escaping her throat.

      Breaking the kiss, he ran his lips down her throat and lower, to her breasts, capturing one in his mouth...


      For the first time since his teenage years he was on the verge of losing control already. He had never felt so constricted by his boxer shorts, the tight cotton material as tight a barrier as steel.

      But she tasted so good, of a sweet, feminine essence his senses reacted to. Not just his senses. Every part of him reacted to it.

      ‘Is something wrong?’ she whispered, uncertainty in her voice.

      ‘No,’ he promised, dragging his mouth back up to her lips and kissing her again. ‘Everything is perfect.’

      Her hands grabbed at his face, her fingers kneading his cheeks before sweeping over his neck and chest and down to his abdomen. This time she didn’t hesitate, pushing under the cotton to lightly touch the head of his erection.

      Her kisses stopped and she sucked in a breath.

      ‘It doesn’t bite,’ he teased, smoothing her hair off her forehead.

      Her lips twitched into a shy smile and she burrowed her face into his neck before her tongue darted out to lick his skin. She rubbed her leg against him, all the while slowly trailing her fingers down his length, which throbbed madly under her gentle ministrations. She made no attempt to take hold of it, seemingly content simply to stroke and explore. That this only made him harder than ever—something he had not thought possible—only added to his painful ardour. If he didn’t find some release soon he feared he might actually combust.

      ‘I don’t use birth control,’ she whispered into his neck.

      ‘I didn’t think you did,’ he assured her, moving her hand away so he could lean over to his bedside table, where he dimly remembered throwing a packet of condoms into a drawer. They were still there. He pulled one out and ripped the foil off, all the time keeping his focus on Amalie, who had sat up and was now exploring his chest with her fingers, the expression on her face something close to rapture.

      Kissing her first, he got off the bed and tugged his boxers down.


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