Meet Mr. Prince / Once a Cowboy.... Patricia Kay
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“And I love that sea-green dress,” Kit said. “On you, at any rate.” She drank another healthy slug of wine.
Cornelia told herself she was not Kit’s mother, nor was it her job to monitor how much Kit drank. But sometimes Kit’s tendency to over-imbibe bothered Cornelia.
They didn’t talk while Cornelia looked over the menu, then gave their orders to their waiter, an older man who had been working at the club almost as long as Cornelia had been a member. He greeted Cornelia with a big smile. “Nice to see you again, Ms. Fairchild,” he said.
“Thank you, Fred.”
After he left to place their orders, Kit said, “So what’s new? I feel like I haven’t seen you in weeks.”
“That’s because you haven’t,” Cornelia said, laughing. “Well, let’s see. My Seattle-based girls are all busy and happily in love.”
“What about Georgie? She still roaming around the world?”
Cornelia was in the middle of telling Kit about Georgie’s new job in New York when Kit suddenly sat up straighter, looked beyond Cornelia and said, “Well, hello, Greg.”
Cornelia’s heart gave a little hop, and she turned around. She hadn’t seen the golf pro for a while; he’d been participating in a tournament in Hawaii and had also taken some personal time, but now he was obviously back.
“Hello, Kit, Cornelia.” Greg’s smile encompassed them both, but his blue eyes focused on Cornelia and remained there.
“We missed you,” Kit said. “How’d you do in Hawaii?”
“Not bad. Came in sixth.”
“When did you get back?” Cornelia asked.
“Last night.”
Cornelia knew she wasn’t in love with Greg, but she had to admit that he always got her blood stirring. It was very flattering to know that he found her attractive and wanted to be with her. At forty-nine, he could have had his pick of younger women, yet he seemed to prefer her company.
“Well, we’re glad you’re home,” Kit said. Her gaze lasered in on Cornelia. “Aren’t we, Corny?”
Cornelia could feel herself flushing, and she wanted to kick Kit. “Yes, we are. And I’m delighted you did so well in the tournament.”
“Thank you.” Greg looked at the table. “Are you two just starting lunch or just finishing up?”
“Just starting,” Kit said before Cornelia could answer. “Would you like to join us?”
Greg looked at Cornelia. “Do you mind?”
“No, no, of course not.” But Cornelia did mind. She’d been looking forward to a relaxing meal. Now she’d have to be on her toes, because with Kit there, avidly listening to every word, conversation would be a minefield she’d have to carefully navigate.
Their waiter noticed the addition at the table almost immediately and came over to take Greg’s order.
Once he’d left them alone again, Greg turned to Cornelia, “I’m glad I ran into you today, because I have some news. In fact, I planned to call you later.”
Cornelia knew Kit would be storing up every morsel of gossip. “Good news, I hope.”
Greg shrugged. “It is good news, but there’s bad news that comes along with it.”
“Well, come on. Don’t keep us in suspense,” Kit said.
Still looking at Cornelia, he said, “I’ve been offered a terrific job in Hawaii.”
Cornelia couldn’t hide her surprise. He had taken her completely off guard. “That’s wonderful, Greg,” she finally managed to say.
“Greg!” Kit said. “But that means you’ll be leaving us.”
“Yes,” he said, finally turning to Kit, “that’s the bad news.”
Cornelia used the few seconds his attention was directed elsewhere to pull herself together again. She wasn’t sure why Greg’s news had affected her so strongly. After all, she had never viewed their relationship as anything but pleasant and temporary. “You’ve accepted, then.”
His eyes met hers again. “I haven’t officially, but I plan to. It’s just too good an opportunity to pass up.” This last was said more softly, almost apologetically.
“I’m glad for you, Greg,” she said, meaning it. But she would miss him. Funny that she hadn’t realized how much she had begun to count on him as a good friend. And, if she were being completely honest with herself, as someone who made her feel important … and almost young again.
They continued to discuss the new job and what it would entail until their food arrived. Once again, they fell silent for a few minutes. But after Fred was gone and they’d begun to eat—Cornelia her chicken salad, Kit her tuna tartare and Greg his ribeye special—Greg said, “You know, I’m still wondering why this opportunity came my way. I asked how they’d decided on me, but I never really got an answer.”
“Well,” Kit said, “obviously your reputation preceded you.” She took a bite of her tuna. “Yum. No one does tuna like Paulo.”
“One of the other golfers mentioned that a Seattle company was heavily invested in the resort where I’ll be working,” Greg said. “Maybe that had a bearing on their decision to offer me the job.”
Cornelia put her fork down. “A Seattle company? Which one?”
Greg speared a fry. Smiled at her. “HuntCom.”
“HuntCom,” Cornelia repeated.
Perhaps her tone sounded odd, because Greg frowned a little and said, “Yes. You know the company, don’t you?”
“Know it?” Kit squealed. “Why, Cornelia’s husband was one of the founders of HuntCom.”
“Really?” he said. “I had no idea.”
“Yes, well,” Cornelia said, keeping her tone light even though her insides were churning. “It’s old news. Very old news.”
“But you’re still very good friends with Harry Hunt,” Kit persisted.
Cornelia now wanted to strangle Kit, even though she was sure Kit had no idea how uncomfortable Cornelia felt, because Cornelia had never even hinted at her feelings for Harry. In fact, she’d kept the subject of Harry Hunt out of all her conversations with Kit … and just about everyone else. She’d always been too afraid of giving herself away. “Yes,” she admitted, because she really had no choice, “Harry and I are old friends.”
“Maybe you could ask him why they picked me,” Greg