Paper Marriages. Jacqueline Baird

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Paper Marriages - Jacqueline Baird Mills & Boon By Request

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are you marrying me?’ she demanded, her smooth brow creased in a confused, angry frown. The deal he had offered her was marriage, and she got to keep the house. But that meant she had been wrong four years ago when she’d thought he was only after her for her home!

      For a moment she wondered if she had made the most horrendous mistake of her life at eighteen. Then she remembered the other woman Patricia had told her about and the sound of Solo’s laughter and his, ‘I’ll always love you,’ to Tina Jenson, and she knew she had been right to walk out on him.

      She searched his hard, handsome face seeking an answer. He was strikingly attractive, he could have any woman he wanted, so why her?

      ‘Let’s be blunt,’ she said quickly before she lost her nerve. ‘I am marrying you for money, but your reason escapes me. I’m sure you have never had to pay for a woman in your life.’

      ‘A compliment, I’m flattered.’ Solo said with a wry grin.

      ‘It’s not funny.’ Penny replied. ‘This is my life we are talking about. Is it because I dented your ego once when I said I preferred Simon to you? A touch of old-fashioned revenge?’ Not giving him time to respond, she continued, ‘I find that hard to believe—we both know you were not that bothered. It certainly isn’t because you feel anything for me, and I cannot believe it is just for sex—you are notorious for your women.’

      ‘Stop.’ Solo’s eyes locked onto hers. ‘The past is not up for discussion.’ He pushed the half-eaten plate of food away and rose to his feet. ‘Suffice it to say I have my reasons, and all you need to know is that the wedding is arranged for three days’ time in Italy.’

      ‘Three days, just like that?’ Penny shook her head in amazement at his arrogance. ‘You say jump, and I say how high?’ she said sarcastically.

      His hands closed over her shoulders and he drew her to her feet, his dark head bending towards her. ‘You’re getting the idea.’

      ‘Am I?’ She could feel the warmth of his breath against her cheek, and her throat constricting at his nearness. His lips brushed against her mouth and she trembled.

      Solo felt her reaction and smiled. ‘Oh, yes.’ he drawled, lifting his head, grey eyes gazing intently on her slightly pink face. ‘Now, if you haven’t packed yet, I suggest you do it now, because in an hour poor Brownie will be standing in the rain waiting for you.’

      ‘Oh, hell! The car.’ She chewed her bottom lip in angry frustration. She’d left it out, and the old vehicle had a nasty habit of stalling in the rain. ‘It is all your fault I forgot.’ She jabbed a finger in his chest. ‘If it doesn’t start you can fix it. After all, you’re supposedly the best at everything.’ She knew she was being childish, but it was the only defence against him she had left.

      ‘You’ve lost me.’ Solo let his hands drop from her shoulders and stepped back. His own wide shoulders elevated in a shrug. ‘I have not touched your car.’ He had never met a woman who could switch so instantly from one subject to the next.

      But he was grateful because if he’d had to explain why he was marrying her, he no longer knew the answer. He had told himself she and her family owed him big time, and no one got away with cheating Solo Maffeiano. But it wasn’t strictly true. Julian Haversham had contacted him and offered to repay half of the money, and the rest when he could afford it. Solo had refused his offer, and told him he was quite willing to wait. The money wasn’t really important, the amount was small change to a man of his wealth.

      All he knew was every time he looked at Penny he felt a fierce stirring of lust coupled with the old hatred and contempt he had felt when he had found her in the arms of a young man.

      ‘I know that,’ Penny said after a long pause. ‘But the car does not like the rain and because you were late I had to rush down and drop Brownie off, in case you arrived while I was gone, and I left it outside. It’s not the most reliable—’

      ‘What?’ Solo exclaimed, back to the present with a jolt as he remembered the car parked outside. ‘You’re not still driving your father’s old car?’ His brows rose in astonishment, when he realised what she was talking about. ‘It was ready for the scrap heap years ago.’

      ‘Not all of us are blessed with millions,’ Penny replied bitterly. ‘And the car is perfectly all right.’

      ‘So long as it does not rain,’ Solo said dryly.

      She looked up, and saw the amusement in his eyes, and a smile quirked the corners of her full lips. ‘Yes.’

      ‘No problem, we will take my car.’

      To say Brownie was surprised when a gleaming black car drew to a halt outside the bingo hall and Solo Maffeiano stepped out was an understatement. Penny sat huddled in the front passenger seat on Solo’s orders as he said there was no need for both of them to get wet, and watched as he took Brownie’s arm and led her to the car.

      ‘This is wonderful news, Penny,’ Brownie said, settling comfortably in the back as Solo started the car. ‘I could hardly believe my eyes when I saw Mr Maffeiano, but I always thought he would come back.’

      What news? Penny was about to ask when Solo cut in. ‘How could I possibly stay away from you any longer, Brownie? I really missed your cooking.’

      ‘Oh, Mr Maffeiano.’ Penny looked on in astonishment as Brownie moved forward and patted Solo on the back. ‘You are such a one.’

      It got no better when they were safely back indoors.

      ‘I better explain to Brownie…’ Penny started to say, but Solo ignored her.

      ‘You will find a bottle of champagne in the fridge, Brownie. Will you join us in a little celebration?’

      Brownie smiled—well, more of a simper, Penny thought nastily.

      ‘Well, I don’t usually drink, but for you, yes, I will.’

      ‘For us, Brownie.’ Solo moved to Penny’s side.

      ‘Wait a minute,’ Penny demanded, turning stormy eyes up to him. ‘Where did the champagne come from?’

      Dark and with a devilish grin, Solo curved an arm around her shoulders. ‘I brought it with me, darling, and put it in the fridge while you showered after—’

      ‘Yes, okay,’ she cut him off, horrified he was going to tell Brownie how they had spent the afternoon.

      He squeezed her shoulder, his smile mocking the blushing confusion she could not hide from him. ‘Darling, Brownie must be the first to know we are getting married.’


      ‘HOW do you feel?’ Solo asked, his brow furrowed in concern. ‘It never entered my head you might be afraid of flying.’

      Strapped into a flight seat, one hand gripping the armrest as if her life depended on it, Penny managed to turn her head and glance up at Solo leaning over her.

      Trust him to look incredibly attractive and disgustingly fit, while she felt like death. He was wearing a pale linen suit and a white shirt open at the neck. The suit had appeared from the back of his car yesterday along with the champagne and an overnight bag. Penny didn’t believe for one moment

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