A Long Way from Home: Part 2 of 3. Cathy Glass

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A Long Way from Home: Part 2 of 3 - Cathy Glass

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about to finish her shift but when I explained our problem she stayed and had a good chat with Anastasia. Then she helped me order from room service. I’ve ordered for us too. It should be here in about twenty minutes.’

      ‘Fantastic,’ Elaine said. She picked up Anastasia’s cardigan, which she’d thrown on the floor. ‘What else did she talk to her about? You were gone ages.’

      ‘She told Anastasia we were nice people and she was lucky to have a mummy and daddy to look after her. I asked her to explain that we would be staying in the hotel for a week and then flying home, and I showed her the photos of where we lived on my phone. She also told me about a park not far from here. I thought we could try it tomorrow, although obviously it’s cold so we wouldn’t stay long.’

      ‘Great. And Anastasia didn’t scream when you tried to bring her up to the room?’

      ‘No. She was fine. So hopefully she understands more now and will settle.’

      ‘Wonderful. Thank you.’ Buoyed up and feeling more positive, Elaine took out the crayons and colouring book she’d brought with them to keep Anastasia amused until their dinner arrived.

      What she didn’t know until months later, when Anastasia had learned sufficient English to tell her, was that she’d repeatedly told the receptionist she didn’t want to stay with Mummy and Daddy, but to go back to the orphanage.

      Despite ordering what Anastasia had told the receptionist she wanted, when the food arrived she ate very little. Ian said again that if it didn’t change tomorrow they’d have to phone Dr Ciobanu for advice. He and Elaine ate and then it was time for Anastasia to go to bed. Elaine helped her change into her pyjamas without too much fuss, explaining what she was doing and why, although Anastasia didn’t understand. Then she took her to the bathroom to brush her teeth. Anastasia seemed to know how to brush her teeth but didn’t like the toothpaste, although it was one sold in England for toddlers. She pulled a face and spat it on the floor. Elaine tried her with their adult toothpaste but she didn’t like that either. Perhaps she’d never used toothpaste before, but at least she had brushed her teeth, which was important.

      Elaine and Ian knew it wasn’t ideal all sleeping in one room, but there wasn’t an alternative, and it was only for a week and then they’d be home and Anastasia would have her own room. Elaine also knew that establishing a good bedtime routine was important, so she read Anastasia a story, persuaded her into the foldaway bed, which was close to theirs, then they both kissed her goodnight and Ian dimmed the lights. As they were all in the same room Ian and Elaine lay on their bed and pretended to be asleep, with the intention that once Anastasia was in a deep sleep they could read for a while. But Anastasia had different ideas. She was in a strange room where everything was new and interesting. She certainly wasn’t ready to sleep. And unlike at the orphanage where the bars on her cot had kept her in, as well as a good telling-off if she tried to climb out, there were no bars on her bed and she was able to slip out easily. She ran around the room, not upset but more hyperactive, opening and closing drawers, picking up anything she could reach and then banging on the door. Elaine and Ian repeatedly resettled her and told her it was bedtime.

      By midnight, when she still hadn’t settled, they were exhausted and craving sleep themselves, so they tried taking her into their bed, but she clambered out. Just before 2 a.m. their bedside phone rang and Ian answered it. It was reception. Someone had complained about the noise coming from their room and they were asked to keep it down for the convenience of other guests. Ian apologized and Elaine felt acutely embarrassed. They knew they were going to have to be firmer with Anastasia, so they took her into their bed again and this time stopped her from leaving. She screamed, kicked, tried to hit them but eventually fell asleep. When Elaine woke at 7.10 Anastasia was nowhere to be seen.

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