How to Write Really Badly. Anne Fine

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How to Write Really Badly - Anne  Fine

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I’ve just remembered I promised Miss Tate I’d help her cut the covers for our new How-to books.’

      And just at that moment, the lady herself appeared on the steps.

      ‘Jo-ey!’ she warbled. ‘Jo-ey Gardener!’

      ‘Coming, Miss Tate!’ he trilled.

      And he was off.

      I slid my back down against the nearest wall and sank my head in my arms. Oh, just my luck. I’ve made my way in schools where the uniform is so itchy it brings you out in hives, and schools where you have to stand and pray five times a day, and schools where they make you do your work over and over again, until it’s right.

      But never had I fetched up somewhere like this. Already I could hear the scuffling of anxious little feet. Nervously I looked up, and found myself encircled by worried faces.


      ‘Are you all right?’

      ‘It’s difficult for anyone on their first day.’

      ‘You’ll soon get used to us, honestly.’

      ‘Do you want to come and skip?’

      I opened my mouth. I was about to speak. The first words were just rising to my lips when the bell rang.

      Just as well . . .


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