My Friend Walter. Michael Morpurgo

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My Friend Walter - Michael Morpurgo

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said the Beefeater. ‘Well, things was different then, in them days, wasn’t they? I mean if you was a king, you could change your mind when you felt like it, couldn’t you? And old James the First, he just kept changing his mind. In the end he let old Sir Walter out sort of on bail. Sir Walter told the King he knew where there was this gold mine in South America, Guiana it was, and so King James sent him off to find it, but he never found it, see? And so he came back empty-handed. ’Course the King was none too pleased at that so he chopped off his head.’

      ‘But that isn’t fair,’ said the little boy’s father. ‘Not cricket, as you British say.’

      ‘That’s true ’nough sir,’ said the Beefeater. ‘I suppose if you think about it, and to be honest I haven’t much, but if you did think about it nothing much that happened in this place in them days was very fair. They was hard times, sir, hard times.’

      ‘Daddy, I can still smell that smoke,’ said the little boy, looking around in alarm. ‘Can we go now?’ And so they went, the little boy sucking his hand and looking round over his shoulder directly at me, it seemed, as he went out of the door. At last we were left alone.

      Walter Raleigh left me wrapped in his black velvet cloak and limped across the room to the door. ‘They’ve gone,’ he said and he closed the door again.

      ‘But why didn’t they see us?’ I asked. ‘That little boy, he was looking right at me.’

      ‘Cousin Bess, though I yearn often to be once more amongst the living, there are some advantages to be had in my present more spiritual state. Since I am but a spirit, and a spirit has no body, I may go where I will unseen. My cloak is part of me and I may hide what I will under it. I may pass through walls and doors as if they were not there, and I may eavesdrop invisibly on the living world as much as I wish – indeed there is little else to do in this wretched damp place. Oh, do not think cousin, that I do not still feel the damp in my bones. To be a ghost is to live with all the pain of the living but with little of the pleasure.’

      ‘But I still don’t understand: how can I see you and they can’t?’ I asked.

      Sir Walter smiled. ‘You can only see me because I wish you to see me. I do not wish them to see me, so they cannot. Seek to know no more, good cousin, for I know but how things are and not how they come to be so. I may tell you that I am often sorely tempted to use this ghostly talent and howl around the towers like a proper ghost, for it would certainly alarm those ignorant wretches such as the one we have just seen who have so cruelly wronged my name in history. For what is Walter Raleigh known? For laying his cloak in a puddle and for ending his days a condemned traitor. They spoke false. I was wronged, cousin; wronged, I tell you. I mind not for myself, not any more. What harm can it do me now? But I mind for my name and for my family’s honour. For I never in my life betrayed my country. Indeed, I spent all my life in the loyal service of my queen and her realm. They wronged me by my death, cousin; and such a wrong should be righted – is that not so, Bess?’ I nodded. ‘I tell you, I cannot rest for this hurt inside me. It lingers in me like the ague that racks my bones. I would be free of it. I will have again what was rightly mine and what was taken so cruelly from me and my family. I will have back what is mine – mark my words, cousin.’

      I shrank back from his anger and he saw that he had frightened me. He came towards me, arms outstretched to comfort me. He was dressed, I noticed, in black silk, or perhaps it was satin, I could not tell which; but it glistened even in the gloom of the room. He wore a doublet, a waistcoat and breeches, and all were black. ‘I would not hurt you dear cousin, not for all the gold in the world,’ he said, and he reached out his gloved hand, lifted my chin and looked into my eyes. ‘I promise you, chick, Walter Raleigh is your friend and your humble servant.’ And he took my hand and kissed it.

      It was a little difficult to know quite what to do. I mean, no one had ever kissed my hand before. I felt suddenly like a queen or a princess and, to be honest, I liked it. He took my hand and helped me down from the bed.

      ‘I think I’d better be going now,’ I said. He looked a bit upset at this and I hated myself for my clumsiness. ‘It’s my Aunty Ellie,’ I tried to explain. ‘She’ll be waiting for me down on Tower Green. She’ll be wondering where I’ve got to and if I don’t go soon she’ll come looking for me. We’ve got to go all the way back to Devon tonight. It’s a long way.’

      ‘Devon?’ said Sir Walter Raleigh, his eyes suddenly lighting up. ‘Did you say Devon?’

      ‘Yes,’ I said. ‘We’ve got a farm down in Devon, Exeter way it is, not far from Honiton. That’s where I live.’ He took his cloak off my shoulders and folded it over his arm. As we walked together towards the door he said nothing. He seemed deep in thought. ‘I know Devon well. In truth I am, or I was, a Devon man,’ he said. ‘When I was a boy – and that was indeed hundreds of years ago – when I was a boy I too lived on a farm in Devon. I have dreamed of that place ever since. Perchance you know it, cousin. They call it Hayes, Hayes Barton. It lies within the parish of East Budleigh, not many miles from the sea. There never was a place more beautiful in all the world. And I should know, cousin, for I have travelled far and wide on this earth and never have I found a more pleasant place. Had I but lived out my life at Hayes, I might have kept my head on my shoulders and I might now be at peace with my soul. But what’s done cannot be undone.’ He stopped and put his hand on my shoulder. When I turned round and looked up, his eyes were pleading. ‘Dear cousin Bess, I would I could see those green fields once again and the cows and the sheep in the meadows. I would fish once more in the silver streams and ride over the hills with the wind in my face salty from the sea. Prithee, good cousin, take me with you back to Devon. I would not trouble you for long, for a few days perhaps.’ He looked around him. ‘Dear God, how I tire of these grim grey walls. They were a prison for me in my life and they have been my prison ever since. There is no comfort here for my troubled spirit.’

      ‘Bess! Bess Throckmorton!’ Aunty Ellie’s voice was calling from below. She was angry. She always used my surname when she was angry.

      ‘I’ve really got to go,’ I said and reached out to open the door. But when I turned and saw him standing alone in that cold bleak room I knew I could not leave him behind.

      ‘Bess Throckmorton!’ – Aunty Ellie again.

      I opened the door. ‘I’m coming!’ I called out. ‘All right,’ I said, ‘but I don’t think anyone at home would like the idea of a ghost in the house. They wouldn’t understand, and my Gran’s got a bad heart. If she gets upset she has one of her turns, so you’ve got to promise you won’t ever show yourself. It’ll be a secret, just you and me, no one else.’

      ‘I would not have it any other way, dear cousin,’ said Walter Raleigh, his face beaming with joy. ‘We shall bind ourselves now in a solemn promise. I shall not reveal myself to anyone except to you and in return you shall tell no one of this meeting or of your cousin Walter. They would only think you mad – and I would not have anyone believe that of you. I will be your true and secret friend, dear Bess, for as long as you have need of me. You have my word on it.’

      ‘Bess Throckmorton!’

      ‘I shall follow you, cousin. You will not always see me, for I find it tires me to show myself for too long, but rest assured that I shall be at your side.’

      As I came down the steps I noticed that Aunty Ellie and Miss Soper were talking to the same Beefeater I had seen showing the tourists round the Bloody Tower. I called out to Aunty Ellie because I had a sudden terrible sinking feeling that she might not be able to see me, that no one would ever see me again. I was quite relieved when she looked up and saw me. ‘Bess!’ she cried, rushing towards me. ‘Bess Throckmorton!

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