Christmas Gifts. Trish Morey

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Christmas Gifts - Trish Morey Mills & Boon By Request

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      Jack didn’t see any need for sympathy. “Face it, Kim. You stole fifty thousand dollars that didn’t belong to you. Because of Elizabeth’s generosity and sympathy, she’s letting you keep the car. But the rest of it is hers.”

      “I have more checks!”

      “It doesn’t matter. If you try to pass another check on that account, you’ll be arrested and put in jail.”

      She stared at him, obviously overwhelmed. “But what should I do? I have to have a man to support me! Reggie promised to take care of me!”

      “You’re going to have to find someone else to take care of you. Reggie can’t anymore.”

      Jack sounded so stern that Elizabeth felt like crying herself.

      Kim, on the other hand, got meaner. “You can’t tell me what to do! I’ll find a way to get that money! It certainly doesn’t go to her just because she had a couple of kids!” Then she paused long enough to take a breath and turn to Elizabeth. “I think I’m pregnant, too!”

      Chapter Six

      EVERYONE froze, staring at her.

      Brady looked at his mother. “What did she say?”

      Realizing her young son shouldn’t hear this conversation, Elizabeth hunkered down to his level. “Sweetheart, would you go check on your sister for me? And then you can play in your room till Mommy comes up.”

      A good boy, Brady did as he was asked.

      Tom wasted no time. As soon as Brady turned away he asked Kim, “When were you last with my son?”

      “About six weeks ago.”

      “Have you been to a doctor?”

      “No! I mean, I didn’t see the reason to—No, I haven’t been to the doctor.”

      “You aren’t pregnant,” Jack said in disgust.

      “I could be!”

      “Come on, I’ll take you to the doctor,” Jack said gruffly.

      “No! I’ll go to my doctor at home.”

      Before anyone could waver, Jack held their ground. “I don’t think we should let her go until we get her checked out by Doc.”

      Kim remained adamant. “I don’t want to go to a strange doctor.”

      Elizabeth could understand that. She led Kim to a chair at the table. “I think we all need to sit down and discuss this quietly.”

      She remembered Reggie’s reaction to her pregnancy with Jenny. He’d blown up at her, accusing her of lying, of tricking him. He’d vowed not to be trapped again, as he said he’d been with Brady. His callous reaction had hurt her immeasurably and she’d never forget how she cried.

      Still, she knew one thing for sure: Reggie would never risk pregnancy again.

      And she didn’t think he had this time.

      “Look, Kim, Jack is just trying to help. I’m sure he didn’t mean to sound so gruff.”

      Jack glared at Elizabeth. She ignored him and kept her gaze on Kim. “I know you must be uncomfortable talking about this, but we need to know. Did you have unprotected sex?”

      “Not usually. Reggie was careful, but…but he forgot sometimes.”

      “And you forgot, too?”

      “Yes. I wanted to—I mean, I’m sure it was an accident, but—”

      “I think we can settle this with a simple home pregnancy test.” She looked up at Jack. “Jack, could you go buy one?”

      “Yeah,” he muttered.

      He stalked out of the house, leaving everyone silent.

      Elizabeth asked Carol to put on some water for hot tea.

      Kim protested. “I’ll just have coffee.”

      “You really shouldn’t have coffee if you’re pregnant.” Elizabeth smiled. “I know. I hated giving up my coffee.”

      “And you did? Did your doctor insist? For the entire pregnancy?”

      “Yes, I’m afraid so.”

      “I didn’t know that.” Kim sat quietly for a moment, then she looked up at Elizabeth with frightened eyes. “I don’t think I want to be pregnant.”

      “We’ll keep our fingers crossed,” Elizabeth said as she patted the woman’s hand.

      Jack felt like a fish out of water.

      He stood in the middle aisle of the town pharmacy scratching his head as he gazed out on an array of choices. There had to be fifteen different home pregnancy kits.

      He knew about cattle, about horses, tack and grain. But what did a cowboy know about pregnancy tests?

      “Can I help you, Jack?”

      Mrs. Johnson’s voice echoed through his thoughts.

      Just what he needed. Old Mrs. Johnson had been working in the pharmacy since Jack came to town ten years ago. She’d helped him through flu and colds, broken fingers and sore shoulders.

      How was he going to ask her for this?

      “Hello, Mrs. Johnson. I—I was looking for some more liniment.”

      “You’re sure, Jack? You’re standing in front of pregnancy kits.” She paused to give him time to answer. Then, with a once-over that burned him through his clothes, she put on her half-glasses and perused the shelf.

      She chose a box and handed it to him.

      “This one’s the best, I’m told. Just in case you need it.”

      Jack prayed for an early death.

      Elizabeth took the sack from him as soon as Jack came into the kitchen. “If you’ll come with me, Kim, we’ll have an answer.”

      She led the blonde upstairs to a more private bathroom, went over the instructions and left her to do her thing.

      Leaning against the opposite wall in the hallway, Elizabeth kept looking at her watch as her mind raced. As kind as she could be, she had to admit she didn’t want the woman to be pregnant. Not because of the money, but because her children would forever be tied to Kim. They’d have a half sibling who lived with her. And Kim Hall was not the kind of woman she wanted her children associating with.

      She checked her watch again. The box said it took only two minutes. What was taking so long?

      Just then the bathroom door opened and Kim stood there, her face void of emotion.


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