Ice Adhesion. Группа авторов

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Ice Adhesion - Группа авторов

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the icing delay time offered by a surface. Pruppacher and Klett (1980) extended the CNT to estimate the nucleation rate, J(T), via Equation 1.15 [81]

Schematic illustration of rendering of the hypothetically best surface morphology to delay the nucleation of ice according to the heterogeneous classical nucleation theory and this surface is decorated with nano-scale concavities, with no nanoconvexities.

      Figure 1.6 Rendering of the hypothetically best surface morphology to delay the nucleation of ice according to the heterogeneous classical nucleation theory. This surface is decorated with nano-scale concavities, with no nanoconvexities.

      where E and TR are empirical fitting parameters with values for liquid water of E = 892 K and Tr = 118 K in the temperature range of 150-273 K [83].

      Thus, the probability density function of the lifetime of a liquid droplet in contact with a surface can be found by setting x = 1 (i.e. ice embryos are not reaching the critical radius) and λ = J(T).

      c01_Inline_20_11.jpg (1.19)

      1.2.4 Predicting Ice Nucleation Temperatures

      In addition to determining the delay time for ice nucleation at a constant temperature, one can also determine experimentally and statistically the temperature at which the rate of critically-sized ice embryo formation becomes appreciable - the median nucleation temperature, TN.

      where a and β are substrate-specific constants at temperature T0.

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