Foundations of Space Dynamics. Ashish Tewari

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Foundations of Space Dynamics - Ashish  Tewari

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is possible to further simplify the gravitational potential before carrying out the complete integration. The integral arising out of images in Eq. (2.94) yields the mass, M, of the planet, thereby resulting in


       2.7.2 Spherical Coordinates



      where images and images are the co‐latitude and longitude, respectively, of the elemental mass.

      The coordinate transformation between the spherical and Cartesian coordinates for the elemental mass is the following:


      differentiating which produces


      or the following in the matrix form:

      An inversion of the square matrix on the right‐hand side (called the Jacobian of the coordinate transformation) yields the following result:


      If the mass density at the location of the elemental mass is given by images, then the elemental mass is the following:


      The angle images between images, and images (Fig. 2.4) is related to the spherical coordinates by the following cosine law of the scalar product of two vectors:

equation Geometry of spherical coordinates for the gravitational potential of a body, where an elemental mass, dM, on the body be located by r using the spherical coordinates (r, b, l).

      where images is the Legendre polynomial of degree images. Some of the commonly used associated Legendre functions

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