The Intercultural Exeter Couples Model. Reenee Singh

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The Intercultural Exeter Couples Model - Reenee Singh

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method for doing this is the cultural genogram, an illustration of which will appear in the second part of this book.

      The culturegram is an assessment tool that originates in Berlin and Cannon's (2013) work. Together the therapist and clients construct a diagram that provides a chance for intercultural couples to do some thinking about the differences in their family beliefs, values, traditions, and legacies. It charts beliefs and values that affect the couple's lives that may or may not be unconsciously directing them around particularly meaningful and often divisive areas of their lives. The themes can vary, for instance, from religious values to ideas about sex, to disciplining children to education, to gender roles, to ideas about work and home life.

      Through exploring specific themes, chosen by the couple, within the diagram, families' similarities and differences are laid bare and clarified. The diagram comprises a series of circles that depict beliefs and practices of their respective families, with linking lines to how they play out within their present relationship.

      A fuller description and illustration of the culturegram and an example of its use is in the second part of the book.

      Therapists who have worked within either the systemic or behavioral models who work with couples would be able to work within the systemic‐behavioral model. Indeed, trainees in the original model were drawn from both of these groups. For systemically trained therapists it trains in the use and rationale for validated practices of CBT within the conceptual framework of systemic practice. For CBT trained practitioners it gives a way to think and practice within the context of interactions and the larger framework of their clients' lives. For those trained in both ways of working it gives an integrated rationale for combining techniques.

      The model is manualized, as set forth in the second part of this book, and so, for therapists, working to specific interventions that are clearly defined, this means it affords clarity about the use of these largely validated and endorsed interventions and a framework for why they are deployed. This is usual practice within CBT, as is specifying what the presenting problem the work is targeting, and agreeing to this—which the IEM maintenance cycle work does. However these are not necessarily an expected part of normal practice for systemic therapists. We think that this idea of the maintenance cycle helps to guide the therapist toward clearer, more accountable and collaborative work, and, for the client, it promotes clarity in communication both with the therapist and the other member of the couple. (For example, from the beginning what they are working on has been stated and agreed upon.) Finally, the EM in both of its versions—the EM and the IEM—specifies largely validated interventions that will guide the therapy.

      The first part of this book describes and situates the development of the model in broad terms. The second part shows the interventions of the model, describing the intervention first, then showing it in action in script form. This shows the work in action with two specific, intercultural couples.

      1 1 JR was advisor to this group to ensure a systemic perspective was included.

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