Process Industries 1. Группа авторов

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Process Industries 1 - Группа авторов

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r...Figure 5.29. Practical work bench for “pressure drop” (photograph by Clément...Figure 5.30. Filter press pilot plant (photograph by Clément Haustant, 2019)...Figure 5.31. Illustration of the energy balance on an elementary section of ...Figure 5.32. Illustration of energy balance on an elementary section of the ...


      1  Cover

      2 Table of Contents

      3  Begin Reading


      1  C1

      2  ii

      3  iii

      4  iv

      5  ix

      6  x

      7  xi

      8  xii

      9  xiii

      10  xiv

      11  xv

      12  xvi

      13  xvii

      14  xviii

      15  xix

      16  xx

      17  xxi

      18  xxii

      19  xxiii

      20  1

      21  2

      22  3

      23  4

      24  5

      25  6

      26  7

      27  8

      28  9

      29 10

      30  11

      31  12

      32  13

      33  14

      34  15

      35  16

      36  17

      37  18

      38  19

      39  20

      40  21

      41  22

      42  23

      43  24

      44  25

      45  26

      46  27

      47  28

      48  29

      49  30

      50  31


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