The Ticket to Happiness. Faith Bleasdale

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The Ticket to Happiness - Faith Bleasdale

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couldn’t help but want to beam back at her. She was infectious. And perhaps it would be nice to have another single woman around, Pippa couldn’t help but think, although Harriet’s voice in her head told her to slow down.

      ‘Everyone does,’ Pippa replied. ‘And we’re so glad you chose to stay here,’ she added quickly. She didn’t want to sound as if she was boasting or downplaying Brooke’s comment.

      ‘I’m sure my business will be more city-based, or at least in a town eventually, but there’s always Bath, which everyone in America talks about, or Bristol, which I hear is a great city. I’ve done loads of research.’

      She was full of enthusiasm which, again, Pippa found infectious.

      ‘So, what kind of business are you setting up?’

      Pippa hoped she wasn’t coming across too intrusive. She tried to give Hector a ‘please ask more questions look’, but she was unsure if he saw it, as he seemed quite happy munching away on his dinner.

      ‘Fitness. My background’s in the fitness industry. I’m not full of details at this stage but you know, there’s a lot of innovation in and around LA, so I thought it would be a great idea to bring some of it over here. I kind of thought that if I was going to have a new start, I’d like to bring something of LA with me,’ she laughed.

      Pippa marvelled at the ease she seemed to have developed already. Brooke seemed so relaxed and happy, not what she’d expect from such a young woman who’d left her home to start a new life potentially. Pippa would have liked some of her confidence, that was certain.

      ‘That does sound good. So you exercise a lot?’ Hector asked finally.

      Pippa looked at Brooke’s figure and guessed the answer was yes. Although Pippa had always been slender, she was allergic to exercise. Harriet was always running or swimming or something, the same went for Gemma, but Pippa was more of a couch potato. Harriet always said she’d get to a certain age and then she’d have to exercise because she’d start putting on weight, but Pippa’s attitude was that she’d cross that bridge when she came to it. No need to panic yet. And running around keeping the hotel guests happy was probably a workout in itself most of the time.

      ‘Sure, I love working out. I’ll be using the gym, going for runs, you know. I’ll also be checking out other gyms in the area at some stage.’ She smiled, her perfect pearly white smile.

      ‘Harriet used to run, but she hasn’t so much since she had her baby. But Gemma – she’s Freddie’s girlfriend – runs most days. If you want company then I’m sure one of them’ll join you. Actually, probably Gemma right now. Harriet’s losing the baby weight by breastfeeding and worrying.’

      They all laughed.

      ‘That’d be great. Thanks, Pippa. What about you?’ Brooke asked.

      ‘Oh good God, no. Pippa doesn’t ever exercise,’ Hector said quickly. ‘She thinks it was invented by the Devil.’

      ‘What?’ Brooke sounded horrified.

      ‘Ignore him, Brooke, it’s his British humour. Anyway, I did yoga for a bit,’ Pippa replied defensively.

      She didn’t add that it had only been for a short time and that she’d fallen asleep when they were supposed to be meditating then woken with a start, dribbling, and had been too embarrassed to go back.

      ‘But you’re so slim,’ Brooke said. ‘Although being slim isn’t the same as being fit,’ she added.

      ‘Good genes,’ Pippa replied.

      She and Freddie took after their mother, who was very small-framed, but Harry and Gus took after their father and had to watch their weight.

      ‘I’m sure I’d love to run with Gemma at some point. And I teach yoga,’ Brooke explained. ‘I’ll probably do yoga every day in the gym, and maybe swim, as well.’

      Pippa thought her life sounded exhausting; although if fitness was her business then it made sense.

      ‘Won’t your mum miss you when you’re away? I mean, are you two close?’ Pippa asked.

      ‘Oh my! this food is delicious. I hope it wasn’t too difficult for me being vegetarian?’

      ‘No, we also have experience in vegan food, actually. We serve lots of vegetarian dishes, but Gwen does a lot of vegan baking and we can adapt to whatever you want.’

      Pippa decided to ignore the way she avoided her question. Brooke was a guest and she needed to remember that. Of course, she had hopes that as Brooke was here long-term, she’d become part of Meadowbrook. Perhaps not quite in the same way that Hector was, but at least a bit; although she’d keep reminding herself to stay professional. Otherwise, she’d have Harriet to answer to.

      ‘That’s why this place was so perfect for me. I’m going to love it here, I just know it.’

      Brooke downed her glass of wine and let Hector refill it. Pippa raised her eyebrows. For someone so small she could certainly drink. As she giggled loudly at something Hector said, Pippa wondered if she was a bit tipsy. The long journey, the fainting, jetlag and coming to a new place, it was all probably a little overwhelming for her.

      ‘Let’s raise a toast,’ Hector said. He was a bit tipsy too, his cheeks flushed, which was his tell. ‘Here’s to Meadowbrook and new friends.’

      ‘Wow, that’s so nice. To new friends and to Meadowbrook Manor.’

      Brooke clinked glasses with them and Pippa had a feeling that this was going to be a fun few months at the hotel.

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