Retirement Planning For Dummies. Matthew Krantz

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Retirement Planning For Dummies - Matthew Krantz

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      Retirement. The word conjures up different things for different people.

      You might picture a life of leisure, walking hand-in-hand with your significant other on a beach. Someone else, maybe even your significant other, might dream of opening a flower shop. Some people can’t wait to escape their days jobs, while others either love their careers and don’t want to stop or want to start a new career — even if they’re 70.

      You might have heard that you'll have a comfortable retirement if you save a certain amount of money by a certain age. “Just save a million bucks and you’re good,” such advice goes. Others say you need to max out your 401(k) or give up your daily cup of coffee. Perhaps you're starting to fear retirement planning because you’re not doing something that experts say you must do to retire.

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