Gender Theory in Troubled Times. Rachel Alsop

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Gender Theory in Troubled Times - Rachel Alsop

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deaths related to homophobia alongside racialized violence and increased violence against women. ‘In his post-election-victory speech, Bolsonaro said his campaign had relied on the Bible, “the toolbox to fix men and women”’ (Assis and Ogando 2018).

      These shifts to the right have sparked strong and inspiring opposition – for example, the ‘Black Protests’ in Poland against restrictions of women’s reproductive rights and the gender justice movements in Brazil. The Women’s March on Washington in January 2017, the day after Trump’s inauguration, was attended by an estimated 4.5 million women and led to ongoing demonstrations in the US and other places, the mobilization of opposition to Trump, and a drive to get more women into US politics. It paid off when, in the midterm elections in November 2018, which were shaped by gender issues, a record number of women and minority representatives were elected to Congress. ‘The 116th Congress [is] the most diverse in history, with 102 women, many more openly gay members, more blacks, more Latinos, the first two female Native Americans, a Somali immigrant and the first ever Palestinian American woman elected to the House’ (Abramson 2019).

      This link of theory and practice, a point of contention within feminism, has been seized on by opponents of gender equality worldwide. Within a larger attack on intellectual inquiry, gender theory, as a sphere of academic endeavour, has become demonized by religious leaders and alt-right political parties as corrupting of the social order and dangerous if taught in any form to children or young adults. In November 2017, while attending a conference in São Paulo, Brazil, which she had helped to organize, the philosopher and gender theorist Judith Butler was faced with a protest in which her effigy was burned as a witch and she was accused of destroying the family and encouraging paedophilia!2 It appears that far-right Christian groups organized the protests, and since then the country’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro, has initiated measures promising to combat ‘gender ideology’. Butler afterwards commented:

      the allegation is that I am the founder of ‘the ideology of gender.’ That ideology, which is called ‘diabolical’ by these opponents, is considered to be a threat to the family. There does not seem to be any evidence that those who mobilized on this occasion had any familiarity with my text Gender Trouble, published in late 1989. But they took that text to be promoting the idea that one can become any gender one wants, that there are not natural laws or natural differences, and that both the biblical and scientific basis for establishing the differences between the sexes would be, or already is, destroyed by the theory attributed to me. …

      As Butler signals, this attack was not an isolated event. Gender theory is being targeted in many other countries. Anti-feminist campaigns, demonizing so-called gender ideology, have been mobilized in various parts of the world, from Europe to the Americas to Australia (Corrêa 2017; Corrêa et al. 2018). Gender studies has been effectively banned from universities in Hungary, a member state of the European Union (Walker 2018). In Poland, another EU member state, from a

      heretofore obscure foreign concept known only to specialists, gender [is] suddenly omnipresent in the tabloids, on Facebook and in the blogosphere. It [is] … the focus of endless and heated debate … in Poland’s Roman Catholic parishes – consistently demonized in sermons as a threat to the family. Gender is presented as the heart of the ‘Civilization of death’, and as a source of perversion and degradation. Parents [are] warned that their children [are] in danger. (Graff 2014)

      The role of the Catholic Church is important here. From as far back as the 1990s, when the United Nations introduced the term ‘gender’ in its documents, its use was attacked by some Catholic groups. However, in the last few years that attack has intensified. Pope Francis complains that ‘indoctrination in gender theory’ is going around the world, undermining the natural and God-given division between the sexes and suggesting that sexual behaviour is not governed by objective moral norms (Glatz 2015).

      Feminists of all kinds are opposed to the populist movements which are seeking to reverse and halt advances made in women’s access to increased social power and reproductive rights. But fault lines have

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